A New Life Sober Living runs recovery-oriented houses. Our Philosophy is deeply rooted in the 12 steps
of recovery. Residents are free to attend the fellowship of their choice that deals with alcoholism/drug
addiction, and furthermore must participate in the program of that fellowship. This traditionally means
getting a Home Group, a sponsor, commitments, and actively taking the 12 steps. Our purpose is to
help you through this life saving, life enriching process. Additionally, it is our responsibility to hold you
accountable to the following rules and guidelines that were established to serve as a strong foundation
for your recovery.
Please bear in mind, violation of any of the following rules may be grounds for immediate discharge
from A New Life Sober Living. Please note that if you are mandated by parole, probation, or court and
you are discharged for any reason the incident will be reported immediately to the supervising officer.
Also, Parole/Probation officers are granted access to house and info on all residents at ANY time.
1. No use of any mind-altering and/or mood-changing drugs will be tolerated at all! This includes
alcohol, and non-approved over the counter drugs. Residents may not use mouthwash unless it
is alcohol free. Residents must check with management before taking any medication
2. Residents must submit to urine drug screens and/or alcohol swabs upon management’s request.
Refusal to submit to a drug screen or alcohol swab will be considered an admission of using, and
will be dealt with as such. Once asked for a urine sample, it MUST be produced within 1 (one)
hour from the time asked. Residents may NOT leave the common area until results of test have
been determined by management. A relapse will result in immediate discharge.
*** If management suspects you of drinking or using, a positive test is NOT required for your
3. If a resident relapses, he/she will only be allowed back to A New Life with a clean urine screen
and/or alcohol swab and careful consideration by management. The blackout period for reentry may be lengthened for up to 30 days, and it is recommended that another treatment has
been completed.
4. Non-residents are only allowed in common areas of the house. This includes residents of A New
Life Sober Living who currently live in another house. The only non-residents permitted in a
bedroom would be a sponsor, for the purpose of step-work only.
5. No resident is allowed in another resident’s bedroom alone without express permission.
6. No stealing, fighting, or threats of physical violence will be tolerated.
7. No derogatory slurs of any kind will be tolerated.
8. No paraphernalia, weapons, toy weapons, or replica weapons will be allowed on A New Life
Sober Living property at any time. No exceptions will be granted.
9. No participation or involvement in any illegal activities will be tolerated while a resident at A
New Life Sober Living.
10. AA/NA meetings are an important part of recovery and are an absolute requirement while living
at A New Life Sober Living. A MINIMUM of 5 meetings per week is required, including the house
11. All residents are required to work 32-40 hours per week.
12. No resident is allowed to work more than 55 hours per week.
13. If a resident should obtain part-time employment (PT is defined as less than 32 consistent hours
per week), he/she will be required to be looking for work during his/her hours off.
14. Unemployed residents currently on Job-Search will be required to be out of bed by 8 am
Monday through Friday.
15. A thorough Job-Search shall be performed from 9 am-5 pm Monday through Friday for all
residents not currently employed. A resident, who has secured a job, will remain on Job-Search
until the day he/she STARTS working.
16. Residents are required to adhere to curfew. Proper adherence to curfew means being in the
house by the times listed and remaining in the house. Residents must call house manager if an
emergency arises and they are going to be late. Curfews will be discussed in #17.
17. For the first 30 days in the program, residents will adhere to the following curfews:
Sunday through Thursday- 11 pm.
Friday and Saturday-12 am.
Failure to follow this curfew will result in various consequences, up to and including immediate
discharge without warning.
18. After a resident’s 30th day (subject to management review) curfew will change to the following:
Sunday through Thursday-11 pm.
Friday and Saturday- 2 am.
19. Lights out is at 10:00 PM during the week (Sunday-Thursday). Lights Out is defined as respect
for others while they are sleeping. Residents may read or watch television after Lights Out
provided that other residents are not disturbed.
20. Washer and dryer rules…Loads must be medium to full loads. We will not tolerate overloading
of the washer or dryer, nor will we tolerate under-loading. No resident should do wash more
than once per week.
21. Residents are required to participate in the cleaning of their house, including but not limited to
the kitchen, bathrooms, dining room, living room, hallways, bedrooms, patio(s) and grounds
around the house. All assigned chores must be completed and checked off daily by 10 pm.
(Failure to have chores completed and signed off will result in various consequences. Chores
promote personal responsibility and paying someone else to do your chores is NOT permitted.)
22. Residents are responsible for keeping their personal areas neat and clean at all times. Personal
areas include closets, under their bed, the floor around their bed, etc. A resident’s clothing and
personal belongings must be stored neatly at all times!
23. All rooms are subject to random inspection for cleanliness and contraband. This includes ALL
property brought into the house.
24. Please be mindful that limited space means limited belongings. If Management determines a
resident to have too many belongings, it will be residents responsibility to appropriate the
excess to another location.
25. No overnight guest(s) will be permitted in A New Life Sober Living houses. Any and all
exceptions must be approved by the Managing Director only.
26. Residents may NOT sleep on the couch or floor.
27. NO EATING OR DRINKING (other than bottled water with a re-sealable lid) will be tolerated
anywhere but kitchens and uncarpeted dining rooms. Failure to follow this rule will result in
various consequences up to/including immediate discharge.
28. Residents must dress appropriately. Appropriate dress will be defined by Management. Shirts
and socks must be worn at all times in common areas.
29. Residents are required to tend to their personal hygiene on a DAILY basis. No exceptions.
31. Absolutely no resident shall remove any property of A New Life Sober Living from the houses.
Residents suspected to be in violation of this guideline will be personally responsible for the
immediate repair or replacement of any property missing or damaged by their negligence.
32. No Resident is to bring in any furniture of hang anything on walls without prior approval from
the Managing Director.
33. Residents are responsible for their own transportation. (Everyone is however expected to help
each other get to meetings.)
34. No personal vehicles are to be driven without first providing management with proof of a valid
license, registration, and proof of insurance on the vehicle to be driven. Residents are not
allowed to lend their vehicle to another resident. ONE VEHICLE PER PERSON ON PROPERTY.
35. Phone calls will be limited to 15 minutes if other residents are waiting to use the phone. No
phones are to be taken into the bedrooms, bathrooms, or the front of the house.
36. No resident shall disclose any information about another resident or former resident to anyone
outside of the house (except parole/probation/police, etc.)
37. Overnight passes are available to residents with 30 days or more in the program. Exceptions to
this rule will only be granted by the Managing Director.
38. Overnight passes are only to be taken with a 24 hour notice, an “Overnight Pass Request” form
filled out and signed off by at least 2 (two) members of management, and a payment of $10 to
cover the cost of the urine screen that will be taken upon his/her return.
39. Residents who are not current on their rent are not eligible for overnight passes.
40. Residents who are in good standing may be granted a 48 hour overnight pass once every 14
days, subject to management review.
42. No loitering in front of houses. If you must smoke please do so in the back of the house.
43. No space heaters, humidifiers, personal refrigerators, etc. are permitted.
45. A New Life Sober Living may implement other rules or regulations on an individual or the
Community as it deems necessary, and reserves the right to use our interpretation of these
46. No members of the opposite sex in the houses unless previously approved by the Managing
Director of General Manager.
47. Sponsor and Home Group MUST be obtained within 5 days of admission to A New Life Sober
48. Weekly House Meetings are ABSOLUTELY MANDATORY. Exceptions will only be granted by the
49. If a problem arises, it should be taken to house management immediately. If it cannot be
resolved by house management, it should be brought to the attention of the General Manager.
If it still cannot be resolved it should be brought to the attention of the Managing Director.
50. No pets are allowed.
51. NO LOUD MUSIC WILL BE TOLERATED EVER!!!!! We have neighbors, please be respectful of
them at ALL TIMES!
52. Each resident is responsible for his/her own property. A New Life, LLC will not be held
responsible for any lost or damaged property for any reason whatsoever. Everything you bring,
you bring at your own risk.
53. Dishes are to be washed IMMEDIATELY after use. DO NOT LEAVE DIRTY DISHES ANYWHERE IN
54. If a resident is discharged for ANY reason or fails to provide 14 days notice prior to departure,
the security deposit will be forfeit.
55. Residents must adhere to all parole/probation regulations if applicable.
56. Residents must adhere to all recommendations made by past counselors if applicable.
57. Unauthorized absence from the program as outlined by management will result in immediate
58. No sexual activity on premises.
59. Theft will be treated as such, and will result in an immediate discharge. This includes food too, if
you didn’t buy it…leave it be!
60. Repeated violation of house rules will be considered a lack of compliance and will result in
immediate discharge.
61. Behaviors resulting in a criminal charge while a resident will result in immediate discharge.
62. For the first 60 days in the house, there are to be NO ROMANTIC RELATIONS, this includes
phone calls, visits, etc. We believe alcoholism/addiction to be a life or death issue and this will
help you focus on your recovery. Management will make certain exceptions for families dealing
with certain emergency issues.
63. Only family members may visit the house with permission from House Manager. Family
members are restricted to common areas, unless accompanied by resident for a brief tour, or to
use restroom facilities.
Please read the following and sign at the bottom.
The above listed rules were explained to me and I fully understand them.
I agree to follow these rules during my entire stay at A New Life Sober Living.
I fully understand that I will be required to remain drug and alcohol free while living at A New
Life Sober Living.
I fully understand that A New Life, LLC or anyone associated with the entity will not be
responsible for any mishaps or accidents I may encounter during my stay at the houses. I
hereby officially waive my rights to bring any legal action upon the entity named above (A
New Life, LLC) for any reason whatsoever.
I fully understand that A New Life, LLC or anyone associated with the entity is not responsible
for the replacement of ANY of my personal belongings should they be lost, damaged, or
stolen. I further understand that all monies paid for rent, urinalysis, or other program costs
will be forfeit should I be discharged for non-compliance or leave in any manner other than a
successful discharge as determined by Management.
I agree to submit to a urine test or alcohol swab at any time, and that refusal to do so will
result in my immediate discharge, and agree to leave A New Life Sober Living if a positive
result comes up for any reason.
I understand that once discharged I will have 5 (five) days to pick up my belongings. If still at
the house after the 5th day, they will become the property of A New Life Sober Living, and will
be discarded or donated to charity in a timely manner.
I am not under the influence of any non-prescribed mind or mood altering substances at this
time. I understand what I am signing. I agree to waive my right to any and all eviction
procedures and will leave peacefully and uneventfully at management’s request.
Resident Printed Name___________________________________
Resident Signature______________________________________
Witness Printed Name___________________________________
Witness Signature_______________________________________