THE USING OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING AT HIGHER SCHOOLS. Teacher of the Foreign Language Department of Vinnytsia National Technical University L.Tulchak. At the beginning of the 21st century the global processes of social changes have penetrated in different spheres of society including the sphere of education. International relations of this country have increased demonstrating its importance in the world and in Europe. Ukraine is continually going towards the global educational space. Under such circumstances it’s needed to update the educational system in the context of globalization taking into account the joining the Bologna process, the aim of which is to create a single European educational space. So, researches are being carried out, new educational technologies are being developed and forms as well as methods of training are being modernized. According to the national doctrine of education development of the 21st century, among the important pedagogical issues and tasks there are using of alternative forms of organization of training and education and development of new pedagogical ideas for teaching and educational process. Ukrainian education system needs fundamental changes and new educational approaches among which there are interactive and information technologies. In this light it is paid more and more attention to the study of foreign languages. It should be emphasized that it also applies to all spheres of life where foreign languages are the basis for the development of international relations, namely, holding of scientific conferences or cultural, information and scientific exchange between different countries. Multi-language support and poly-culture are necessary for a new generation of Europe and, in particular, Ukraine. New requirements concerning foreign language mastering are made to graduates of higher schools. Informatization of education is increasingly gaining importance in this area and enters a new phase of its development. Therefore, there is a need to involve new information, multimedia and other computer technologies into educational process. Consequently, the most relevant question is that which largely determines the general idea of computer capability including its destination, role and functions in foreign language teaching. An important method of improving the level and the process of foreign language teaching at nonlinguistic higher educational establishments is the use of various techniques including those that are based on modern information technology and the use of modern approaches to teaching, new training facilities, technical equipment, effective means of verification and control of knowledge. Over the years at higher educational institutions there has been a reduction in the number of class hours and increase the hours dedicated to the independent work of students. Gradually the role of teachers in the educational process is changing. A few years ago a teacher was the main source of information and now he/she becomes an organizer and a manager, an expert and a consultant of the independent work of students. Taking it into the consideration it is worth to use more effective learning tools which would perform informative, forming, motivating, systematic and controlling functions in the educational process. Therefore, it is needed to develop and implement the newest computer learning tools, such as, for example, e-books, e-textbooks, e-methodological guidelines, multimedia courses, training and testing programs, etc. To work with the above mentioned requirements one needs to provide the three components of the process. First, there must be a hardware-software base, i.e. technological support. Secondly, it is needed to develop appropriate electronic teaching tools (books, manuals, guidelines or recommendations for use of the electronic media). And, thirdly, there is a need to retrain teachers. It is known that the effectiveness of the development and the introduction of new computer means in the process of foreign language learning at high school largely depend on consistent conceptual problems of creating e-learning tools both for out-of-classroom (remote) and for classroom learning. The didactic possibilities of e-learning tools are carried out to promote: the formation and development of the different types of skills, namely, listening skills on the basis of adapted and authentic texts, skills of monological and dialogical speech, translating and referring skills, reading skills using the Internet and local networks; increasing the information capacity and visibility; the expansion of active and passive vocabularies; the acquaintance with the lexicology of the modern foreign languages which reproduce the culture of a particular country, its political and social structure of society; the formation of creativity, the development of the creative activity of students; the formation of motivation of cognitive activity and needs to use foreign languages in the interactive dialogue; the enhancing motivation of independent work of students; possibilities of individualization and differentiation of student activities choosing the rate and the amount of training material, the level of its complexity; the formation of elements of global thinking; the formation of communication culture; creation of positive psychological atmosphere during independent work of students. In general computer programs and their features can be classified as, for example: training, supporting, tutorial, manual, supervisory training and gaming. A major feature of all types of computer training programs is their interactivity, feedback ability. The feedback ability can be both external and internal. The external feedback enables a teacher to monitor, evaluate and correct the interaction between a student and a computer. The internal feedback allows the student to make certain conclusions about the effectiveness of his/her training activities, provides the necessary assistance and explanation and if necessary the correct answer or a way to perform certain actions. A significant number of e-learning tools are multifunctional. They are electronic textbooks and manuals that include systematic training material in accordance with the requirements of the program of foreign language teaching. An electronic textbook is a means of teaching in the educational system of distance education, which contain the elements inherent to any didactic system. Unfortunately, now an electronic textbook greatly is an additional tool in the educational process organization within the traditional educational system. However, over time, their functions will be specialized along with the development of methods for distance education which will certainly lead to the introduction of new learning technologies. Electronic textbooks and electronic manuals should be developed at high scientific and methodical levels. Consequently, they should provide students with needed capacity of information, as well as contribute to the formation of the corresponding level of the abovementioned skills and abilities for a specific stage of education. E-learning tools should provide the continuity and completeness of a didactic cycle of the teaching process provided implementation of interactive feedback both external and internal. The following criteria should be involved to create an electronic textbook: quality, meaningful part, the appropriateness of use of this tutorial, the presence of a sufficient number of methodological recommendations, the implementation of this product exclusively by electronic means. The development of electronic textbooks is one of the leading activities of higher educational institutions that carry out the introduction of distance learning. Distance education is a form of training based on the use of a wide range of traditional and modern information and telecommunication technologies and technical facilities with full supporting of scientific and methodical materials. According to the Ministry of Education of Ukraine almost all high schools are connected to the Internet. Also there are the local networks in each educational institution graduate school. So, fundamentally important to ensure the possibility of remote access of students to electronic libraries of any institution of higher education, not only to the local electronic libraries in accordance with the modern technology of distance education. Modern technologies of distance education are divided into the following forms: interactive (electronic tutorials, the latest multimedia, video conference); non-interactive (printed tutorials with audio or video components). It is advisable to use comprehensively the following form of the modern information and telecommunication technologies for different kinds of activities in information researches, in experimental and independent educational activities, particularly in the activities of students for the purpose to process the received information and gain knowledge and skills. Therefore, it is advisable to combine hypertext tools (electronic textbooks, manuals, methodical developments), demonstrating tools (multimedia) and controlling or test tools. Consequently, progressive educators continue to find innovative approaches to teaching foreign languages, develop general concepts of distance education of foreign languages at higher educational institutions. The lack of a mutual approach to the development of practical methods of distance education courses of foreign languages is a basic methodological problem of this field. This problem noticeably slows down the process of introducing distance education of foreign languages in practice. This is due both to its relative novelty and its complexity because of overlaying of new information technologies on the same methodology for teaching foreign languages. LIST OF LITERATURE 1. Новые педагогические и информационные технологии в системе образования / Под ред. Е.С.Полат. - М.: Академия, 2002. - С.73-77. 2. 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