CSE 332: Goals of course - Computer Science & Engineering

CSE 332: Goals of course
What do you want to learn in this course?
Here are the goals I wrote for this course:
To learn how to design and develop multimedia for
real world e-learning
To practice software engineering in a learneroriented project
To learn and apply cognitive principles of user
interface design
To learn how to implement multimedia
e-learning in Macromedia Flash
What is multimedia?
Combining materials in many media—text,
graphic art, sound, video and animation—
and delivering it via digital computer or other
electronic means.
Interactive multimedia: Giving an end
user some control over what elements to
present and when.
Hypermedia: providing a linked structure
through which a user can navigate through
How is multimedia delivered to
CDROM, Internet and Intranets
Why did Macromedia improve the
compression technology in Authorware?
“Shockwave” browser plug-ins for
Authorware, Director and Flash
Why multimedia?
Sandom, Einstein and Sandom:
“Multimedia is a very effective presentation and sales
tool. If you’re being driven somewhere in the back
seat of a car, you may not remember how you to your
destination; but if you had been driving the car
yourself, chances are you could get there again.
Studies indicate that if you’re stimulated with audio,
you will have about a 20 percent retention rate,
audio-visual is up to 30 percent, and in interactive
multimedia presentations where you are really
involved, the retention rate is as high as 60 percent.”
Clark and Mayer present more detailed results
How can multimedia improve on a slide show?
Where multimedia?
home: games, entertainment, education, etc.
public places: kiosks in hotels, malls, ...
business: marketing and training
schools: pre-school through post-grad
Just Grandma and Me, Broderbund (1992)
Yale University School of Medicine: medical students
learning nuclear cardiac perfusion imagery
E-learning is now big business
What is e-learning?
Instruction delivered via computer
Includes content relevant to learning
Uses instructional methods such as
examples and practice
Builds new knowledge and skills
Corporate training: over $50 billion/year
Why e-learning?
Why use computers to teach?
Cost of instruction by other methods is high
Extensive learner practice is needed
Logistical difficulties, getting to classroom
Convenience of just-in-time learning, at one’s
own pace
Intended learners may have special needs or
different learning styles
Benefits of e-learning*
*From “EMEA e-learning Benchmark Survey - The Users’ Perspective”, SkillSoft
How do you learn?
From lectures?
By reading?
doing exercises in class or lab?
doing homework assignments?
following a coach or tutor?
asking questions?
By discussing ideas?
Textbooks, reference books, articles, web pages?
By seeing demonstrations?
By practicing skills?
From Powerpoint or chalk board?
In class? Outside of class?
Others ways?
E-learning methods
Tutorials (with text, audio, graphics, or video)
Hypermedia (gives user control)
Drills (learning from practice)
Quizzes and tests (multiple-choice, true-false,
fill-in-the-blank, drag-and-drop, etc.)
Tools and open-ended environments
Requirements of course
From syllabus on web site for the course:
Paper comparing The Analytical Engine and The Universal Computer
Class learning activity
Flash lab exercises
Class participation and occasional quzzes
Team project (analysis, UI prototype, design (script/storyboard), user
observation report and final project)
See chapter’s worth in UM or AE for scope
Work in teams of 2-3 people, you may have roles in more than one project
You’ll learn about applying software engineering principles to e-learning
You’ll hand in documents after each major phase: proposal, analysis,
design, user observations, implementation (user manual)
Each project should incorporate various media, tutorial screens, several
exercises for knowledge development and assessment (fill-in-the-blank,
multiple-choice, hot-spot, drag-and-drop), and one or more intense
interactive activities (game, drill or simulation), plus menus and navigation
to connect everything
Two e-learning titles
The Analytical Engine: An Introduction to
Computer Science
The Universal Computer: Introducing Computer
Science with Multimedia
Both associated with CS0 textbooks
Write a paper comparing them
Upload it to Blackboard by Monday, along with
your multimedia e-leaning project idea
Project proposals
Tentative title and one paragraph description
Subject matter
Subject matter expert (teacher)
Email me by next Monday, letting me know
whether you’d like to pitch it next Tuesday
Pitch your ideas for projects next Tuesday
(3-5 minutes per proposal)
Introduction to Flash
Tool for creating animation and
Deployable via web or CDROM
Learning Interactions add abstract
functionality for building quizzes and
other complex interactions
Flash versions
Macromedia Flash, Flash MX … Flash 8
Much better help
New components
Better video quality
ActionScript 2.0
Adobe Flash CS3, CS4
Flash 8 is available on Lehigh LANs;
trial version of Adobe Flash CS4 on web
Student pricing available but still pricey
Flash lab and textbooks
James F. Evans; Unruh textbooks
Getting Started: drawing, text, layers
Animation and symbols (buttons, etc)
Creating interactive content
Getting content from files or databases
Learning Interactions