Can Do Learners, Ambitious Futures Dufton Approach Seacroft LEEDS LS14 6ED Telephone: 0113 2930282 Headteacher: C Dyson 2 July 2015 Dear Parents and Carers RECEPTION CLASS TRIP TO TROPICAL WORLD, ROUNDHAY PARK – 10TH JULY 2015 On Friday 10th July we will be going to Tropical World at Roundhay Park. Children should come to school on time at 8:50 a.m. so we can leave promptly at 9:30 a.m. and we will be returning by 3:00 p.m. Lunch If children normally have a school dinner they will be provided with a packed lunch. If they normally bring their own lunch please send a packed lunch as usual. Clothing School uniform should be worn as usual and children should bring sun cream/hat depending on the weather. If it rains we will be able to stay indoors. Consent Please complete and return the attached consent form. Yours sincerely, C Dyson Headteacher PARKLANDS PRIMARY SCHOOL RECEPTION TRIP TO TROPICAL WORLD FRIDAY 10TH JULY 2015 Name of child: ……………………….. Class: I agree to my son/daughter taking part in the visit outlined. I acknowledge the need for responsible behaviour on his/her part. I undertake to inform the Group Leader as soon as possible of any change in the medical circumstances outlined below between the date signed and the commencement of the visit. I give permission for my child to be photographed during this visit. YES/NO Signed: __________________________ Print Name: __________________ Date:______________________ Emergency contact details: Contact 1 Name Contact 1 Tel No Contact 2 Name Contact 2 Tel No Medical Information: Does your son/daughter have any conditions requiring medical treatment? YES/NO If YES, please give brief details and describe the medication, the dosage and frequency required. Does your son/daughter have any allergies? YES/NO If YES please specify.