Costessey Matters September 2015 We hope you all had a relaxing and restful break. It has been lovely seeing all of the children again and hearing all of their lovely holiday tales. We have welcomed 3 new reception classes into the Infant School and 3 new classes into Year 3 and already these pupils have settled in well. We also welcome a number of new staff members to the team. It is important to us that you know who to contact about your child’s education and so we have included a new staff list in this newsletter for you. Please make sure you keep in touch with us, we want to continue the we have established over the last year. I will be attending coffee and chat sessions at both schools this half term and would love to see lots of you there, either to just come and introduce yourselves or maybe you have an issue you would like to raise. Whether a positive or a negative, we want you to get in touch! I always like to start the year with some Costessey Junior School now proudly holds the Sainsburys School Games Bronze Mark. This is a fantastic achievement earned by our terrific sports provision and involvement in tournaments in the last academic year. I am even more proud to share the success of the schools in the end of Key Stage assessment results. We were thrilled with how our pupils did, it really is testament to the hard work of both the children and their teachers. Early Years Foundation Stage % of pupils achieving a Good Level of Development 2013 72% CIS 2014 24% 2015 72% Norfolk 2015 65% National 2015 66% We not only improved our result by 48% but we beat the Norfolk and the National scores for this year! Key Stage 1 % achieving an expected phonics level at the end of Year 1 2013 51% CIS 2014 74% 2015 79% Norfolk 2015 73% National 2015 77% We continued to improve our results in this area this year and beat the Norfolk and National scores! % achieving L2 or above in Reading at the end of Year 2 2013 93% CIS 2014 94% 2015 94% Norfolk 2015 91% National 2015 91% We have maintained our great results from the last two years and stayed above the Norfolk and National scores. % achieving L2 or above in Writing at the end of Year 2 2013 88% CIS 2014 93% 2015 93% Norfolk 2015 88% National 2015 88% As in reading, we have maintained our great results from the last two years and stayed above the Norfolk and National scores. % achieving L2 or above in Maths at the end of Year 2 2013 93% CIS 2014 100% 2015 98% Norfolk 2015 93% National 2015 93% We have maintained our great results from the last two years and stayed above the Norfolk and National scores. Key Stage 2 % achieving L4 or above in Reading at the end of Year 6 2013 94% CJS 2014 94% 2015 90% Norfolk 2015 87% National 2015 89% Although we have dropped 4% from the past two years we have stayed above the Norfolk and National scores which is great news. % achieving L4 or above in Writing at the end of Year 6 2013 92% CJS 2014 100% 2015 93% Norfolk 2015 84% National 2015 87% We have maintained a good percentage in Writing this year. Although not as good as last year, we have stayed above the Norfolk and National scores which again is great news. % achieving L4 or above in Maths at the end of Year 6 2013 98% CJS 2014 98% 2015 95% Norfolk 2015 84% National 2015 87% We were really pleased with our Maths results this year which remain far above both the Norfolk and the National scores. % achieving L4 or above in Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling at the end of Year 6 2013 71% CJS 2014 84% 2015 80% Norfolk 2015 74% National 2015 80% Our score is in line with National figure which is a real positive, we remain above the Norfolk average. Please look out for our screens and our next newsletter (October 2015) to share in more of our good news stories! Senior Leadership Team Principal: Mrs K Lawson Assistant Headteachers: Miss V Musgrave and Mr R Watson Special Educational Needs Coordinator: Mrs N Chaplin Assessment Coordinator: Mr M Copping Pastoral Team Head of Pastoral Care: Mrs K Butcher Costessey Infant School Pastoral Care Assistant: Mrs A Youngman Supported by: Mrs S Smith Costessey Junior School Pastoral Care Assistant: Mrs K Daynes Supported by: Miss T Sandell Reception Team Lion Class Teacher (Tuesday-Friday) and Head of Early Years: Mrs S Green Lion Class Teacher (Monday): Mrs B Hopkins Tiger Class Teacher: Mr S Coomer Zebra Class Teacher: Miss B Harris Reception Teaching Assistants: Mrs R Bradford; Miss M Curtis; Mrs H Petherick; Mrs S Randell; Mrs C Thackham; Mrs E Waller; Mrs C Williamson; Year 1 Team Owl Class Teacher (Monday-Thursday) and Year 1 Leader: Miss K Davison Owl Class Teacher (Thursday-Friday): Mrs J Burley Owl Class Teaching Assistant: Mrs S Boxall Parrot Class Teacher: Mrs A Childerhouse Parrot Class Teaching Assistant(s): Mrs A Love and Mrs S Oldman Bear Class Teacher: Miss S Palmer Bear Class Teaching Assistant: Mrs M Casey-Buckland Year 2 Team Giraffe Class Teacher; Year 2 Leader and Maths Leader for CIS and CJS: Mr A Land Giraffe Class Teaching Assistant: Mrs M Starling and Miss E Davy Leopard Class Teacher: Miss E Partridge Leopard Class Teaching Assistant: Mrs H McVeigh Penguin Class Teacher: Miss E Hunt Penguin Class Teaching Assistant: Mrs V Hunter Additional Teachers and Teaching Assistants working across year groups Miss C Bizley; Mrs D Anderson; Mrs T Reynolds Year 3 Teacher Team 3M Class Teacher; Y3 Leader and English as an Additional Language Leader: Miss C McGrath 3D Class Teacher: Miss H Davis 3S Class Teacher: Mr B Simon Year 4 Teacher Team 4B Class Teacher and Y4 Leader: Mrs A Bolden 4SH Class Teacher (Monday-Wednesday): Mrs N Shulver 4SH Class Teacher (Wednesday- Friday): Mrs M Hutcheon 4M Class Teacher: Miss J Martin Year 5 Teacher Team 5R Class Teacher and Y5 Leader: Miss T Rutter 5L Class Teacher: Miss N Laniado 5M Class Teacher: Mr J Matthews Year 6 Teacher Team 6S Class Teacher and Y6 Leader: Mr B Serruys 6C Class Teacher: Mr B Coulter 6P Class Teacher: Miss A Parker CJS Teaching Assistant Team Miss T Bartlett Mrs P Browne Miss H Ewing Mrs G Hemming Mr M Hill Mrs N Kelf Mrs S Loades Mrs D Notley Mrs L Poll Mrs B Rayner Miss T Sandell Miss K Thacker Miss C Youngman Additional Teaching Staff Mrs J Sage; Miss C Bizley Office Team Business Manager: Mrs M Girdlestone Costessey Infant Office Team: Mrs D Brown; Mrs L Draper and Mrs A Artherton Costessey Junior Office Team: Mrs J Blanch and Mrs F Magin Site Management Costessey Infant School: Mr T Creighton Costessey Junior School: Mr N Preston Lunches It is great to see so many of you are taking up our delicious school lunches. There is a large variety of options to choose from every day: Hot meal of the day which includes a yummy dessert; a vegetarian hot meal option; jacket potatoes with cheese, baked beans or both, or a school packed lunch. All meals for children in reception and KS1 are funded by the Universal Free School Meals scheme. At KS2, the cost of a school meal is £2.10. You should all have been issued with a copy of the lunch menu, if you need an additional copy of this, please contact the School Office. Each day the school packed lunch sandwich option changes, please see below: Sandwich Menu All pupils can order their school lunch each morning during registration. At KS2, children will need to bring money with them for their lunch. If your child brings a packed lunch to school, please ensure that it is in a lunch box with his or her name on the outside. We do operate a healthy eating policy and would ask you to ensure that you provide a healthy, balanced packed lunch. Children who bring a packed lunch eat in the dining room with the rest of the school. We provide drinking water in the dining room (plus milk for Reception, Year 1 and Year 2), but if your child brings a drink, please ensure that it is not fizzy or in a glass container. We encourage all children to drink plain water during the day and we ask that you send your child with a water bottle which can be refilled when needed. Only plain water may be drunk by children during the school day. In addition a piece of fruit is provided for all children in EYFS and KS1 daily. Children in KS2 are encouraged to bring into school their own healthy snack such as of fruit or a cereal bar to eat at playtime. Term Dates Date Event Date Event w.c. 14.9.15 Safeguarding Week 2.11.15 School starts again after Half Term 16.9.15 Tiger Parent Lunch 3.11.15 Reception Reading Café 9.00am – 10.00am 17.9.15 Year 1 Parents Meeting 2:20pm 4.11.15 Year 5 to Norwich Castle 17.9.15 Coffee and Chat at CIS 1.45pm – 2.45pm 4.11.15 Leopard Parent Lunch 18.9.15 Year 6 to Costessey Library 6.11.15 Year 3 Reading Café 9.00am – 10.00am 18.9.15 Coffee and Chat at CJS 8.40 – 9.40am 21.9.15 CIS Harvest Assembly (children only) 6.11.15 Year 3 to Costessey Library 22.9.15 Year 6 to Kentwell Hall 9.11.15 Reception Assembly 22.9.15 Year 2 Parents Meeting 2:20pm 10.11.15 Y1 to Earlham Early Years Centre (tbc) 23.9.15 Lion Parent Lunch 10.11.15 Y2 Reading Café 9.00am – 10.00am 24.9.15 Year 4 to Africa Alive 11.11.15 Remembrance Assembly and Workshops (children only) 24.9.15 CJS Harvest Assembly (children only) 11.11.15 Giraffe Parent Lunch 25.9.15 Macmillan Coffee Morning 13.11.15 Year 2 to Costessey Library 28.9.15 Year 3 to Norwich Theatre Royal – Ministry of Science Show 13.11.15 Year 4 Reading Café 9.00am – 10.00am 30.9.15 Zebra Parent Lunch 13.11.15 Children in Need fundraising event 30.9.15 Year 1 to Cromer 17.11.15 Year 1 Reading Café 9.00am – 10.00am 30.9.15 – 2.10.15 Year 6 Residential to Brancaster 18.11.15 Penguin Parent Lunch 1.10.15 Year 5 Assembly 1.00pm – 1.30pm 20.11.15 Year 1 to Costessey Library 5.10.15 – 9.10.15 CJS Parents to Lunch Week 20.11.15 Year 5 Reading Café 9.00am – 10.00am 7.10.15 Year 4 African Drumming Workshop 27.11.15 Year 6 Reading Café 9.00am – 10.00am 7.10.15 Owl Parent Lunch 27.11.15 Reception to Costessey Library 8.10.15 Coffee and Chat at CJS 8.40 – 9.40am 14.12.15 Year 6 Christmas Assembly 1.30pm 8.10.15 Year 6 Assembly 1.00pm – 1.30pm 15.12.15 Year 5 Christmas Assembly 1.30pm 9.10.15 Y5 to Costessey Library 15.12.15 Year 1 Christmas Assembly 10.00am 9.10.15 Coffee and Chat at CIS 2.00 – 2.45pm 15.12.15 Junior School Christmas Production 6.00pm 12.10.15 Year 2 Assembly 2.15pm – 2.30pm 16.12.15 Junior School Christmas Production 6.00pm 12.10.15 Year 4 Assembly 1.00pm – 1.30pm 16.12.15 Year 2 singing at St Helen’s Church (tbc) 14.10.15 Reception Classes to Post Office (tbc) 16.12.15 Year 4 Christmas Assembly 1.30pm 14.10.15 Bear Parent Lunch 17.12.15 Reception Christmas Assembly 10.00pm 15.10.15 Norwich Forum Project – ‘A Nurse Misremembered?’ at Junior School 17.12.15 Year 3 Christmas Assembly 1.30pm 16.10.15 Year 4 to Costessey Library 18.12.15 End of Autumn Term 19.10.15 Year 2 Assembly 2.15pm – 2.30pm 4.1.16 Training Day – School Closed for Pupils 19.10.15 20.10.15 Costessey Infant School Parent Consultation Evenings 3.00pm – 7.00pm Costessey Junior School Parent Consultation Evenings 3.00pm – 7.00pm 21.10.15 Parrot Parent Lunch 21.10.15 Costessey Infant School Parent Consultation Evenings 3.00pm – 7.00pm 22.10.15 Year 3 Assembly 1.00pm – 1.30pm 22.10.15 Costessey Junior School Parent Consultation Evenings 3.00pm – 7.00pm 23.10.15 School ends for Half Term 5.1.16 School reopens for Pupils The Notice Board Walking Bus We are pleased to announce that we will be continuing our successful Walking Bus scheme this academic year. You can join in by catching the bus at The Crown PH or at Breckland Library from 8.10am each morning. We are always looking for parent volunteers to help us on the bus. If you are able to help, please contact Mrs Butcher at the School. We will be continuing to reward children for walking, biking or scootering to school each day. They will collect a token on the gate, which they can exchange for house points. Please be advised that your child will only receive their token if they are on time for School. Any children arriving after the School Bell, will not receive a token. This new rule will commence in week commencing 21.9.15. Contact Details Please note our new office email address for Costessey Infant School: Please use this to contact any member of staff and they will get back in touch as soon as they can. Alternatively, you can contact Mrs Lawson on: or PE Kit Please make sure your child has a suitable PE kit in school. This should include a white polo shirt, navy/black shorts, navy/black tracksuit (for colder weather) and a pair of outdoor trainers. PE Days Costessey Infant School – Monday and Thursday Costessey Junior School – Tuesday and Friday Coming Soon… Mrs Lawson Many of you have spotted Mrs Lawson’s growing bump … Mrs Lawson is pregnant and will be going on Maternity leave at Christmas. In her absence, Miss Musgrave and Mr Watson will be running the two schools. The management team work very closely together at present so for children and parents, there will be little change in Mrs Lawson’s absence. Parents into School Back by popular demand we have included a number of activities throughout the year for parents to get involved with School Life. These sessions include: Parent Lunches Reading Cafes Maths Cafes Year Group Assemblies School Trips Coffee and Chat Please look out for letters about these events and come and join us – we would love to see you there! Improving School Communications with ParentMail Communicating with parents is an important part of what we do, making sure you get the correct information about activities, events and things that really matter is something we care about. Traditionally we have used printed letters but delivery of these can be unreliable; they are also expensive, take time to produce and are not environmentally friendly. From October Half Term we will be using ParentMail, in both Schools, a service used by over 6,000 schools, nurseries and children’s clubs to communicate to parents. ParentMail will be beneficial to you because: * Messages will get to you reliably and on time * We can send messages directly to mums, dads and other carers at the same time * Emergency or important information can be sent by text message * iPhone and Android Apps available for parents on the go. The Notice Board Parent Readers at Costessey Infant School Attendance Why is it important for children not to miss school? Most parents want their children to get on well in life. Nowadays, it is more important than ever to have a good education behind you if you want opportunities in adult life. Children only get one chance at school, and your child’s chances of a successful future may be affected by not attending school regularly. If children do not attend school regularly they may struggle to keep up with school work or miss out on the social side of school life – especially at primary school. Poor attendance can affect children’s ability to make and keep friendships; a vital part of growing up. Why do we need to make every minute count? Being late for school reduces learning time. If your child is 5 minutes late every day they will miss three days of learning each year. If your child is 15 minutes late every day they will miss two weeks of learning each year. Rewards To promote attendance in school, we will be rewarding pupils with certificates for attendance of 98% and above each term. These pupils will then be entered into a draw to win a £10 Chapelfield voucher. We would like to continue to invite parents into school to read with their child. We have changed the days of these sessions so that parents with children in more than one year group are not in the awkward position of having to choose which child to read with. Reception: Wednesday mornings 8.40 – 8.50 Year 1 – Thursday mornings 8:40 – 8:50 Year 2 – Friday mornings 8:40 – 8:50 Infant School Celebration Assemblies Please look out for a letter about attendance this week. It clarifies our new policy and how we will be challenging unauthorised absence. Coffee and Chat I would like to let you all know about the coffee and chat sessions we have in the diary at both the Infant and Junior School, the dates are as follows: Thursday 17th September Costessey Infant School 1.45pm – 2.45pm Friday 18th September Costessey Junior School 8.40am – 9.40am Friday 25th September Costessey Junior School 8.40 – 10.40am – World’s Biggest Coffee Morning – fundraising for Macmillan Cancer Support. More info to follow! Thursday 8th October Costessey Junior School 8.40am – 9.40am Friday 9th October Costessey Infant School 2.00pm – 2-45pm Please do feel free to pop along to the meetings at either school, we would love to see as many of you as possible. Sheena Chapman our joint PTA Chairperson will be at our first coffee & chat meeting at each school. She would love to meet you all and if you have any questions about joining or supporting our PTA, any fund-raising ideas or things you would like the PTA to fund-raise for, she would love to hear from you. Also, if you have any suggestions for future coffee meeting themes or visitors you would like me to invite then I would love to hear from you. I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible there. Mrs Butcher Head of Pastoral Care Please note that these assemblies will now be taking place on Friday afternoons, starting at 2:15pm. You will be notified in advance if your child will be receiving an award during this assembly and you will be invited to share their success with them. Adult Education Classes Adult learning sessions are back again! Due to the fantastic response last year we are running adult learning sessions again this year. They will be held on Tuesday mornings in the library at the Infant School, between 9 and 10:30, however they are open to parents and friends of either school. These are friendly, relaxed sessions covering how we teach the children in school. So if you would like to learn more about how your child learns Maths, English or ICT then pop along. We will also be looking at how we can encourage our children to become independent both in their learning and at home by discussing our 5Rs, why not find out all about how a tortoise, a spider and a dog can help your child! This term we are looking at Maths. You will find out how the children use a number line, what a 100 square is for and what an array is, as well as many other useful tips to support your child at home. If you are interested just drop into the Infant School reception on Tuesday to find out more. We look forward to seeing you there.