Battleship Answers

1. What is the population dynamics equation?
a. ΔN/ ΔT=B+I-M-E
2. The B in the population dynamics equation stands for?
a. Birth
3. The I in the population dynamics equation stands for?
a. Immigration
4. The M in the population dynamics equation stands for?
a. Mortality
5. The E in the population dynamics equation stands for?
a. Emigration
6. The actual reproductive rate of a population describes what?
a. Fecundity
7. The variable N stands for what term?
a. Population size
8. What is the equation to determine the net population growth rate?
a. B-d=r
9. How is the sentence, “In each generation, many more offspring are produced
than can survive,” related to a scientist?
a. One of Darwin’s Four Postulates
10. The variable r stands for?
a. Potential growth rate or interest rate
11. Define biotic factor.
a. Living factors, organisms
12. What is an example of abiotic factors
a. Non-living, chemical, climatic, physical
13. If r is greater than 0, what does that mean in terms of population?
a. Population is growing
14. If r is less than 0, what does that mean in terms of population?
a. Population decline
15. A group of individuals of the same species that live in the same area at the
same time defines what term?
a. Population
16. Name this term: The number of individuals per unit area.
a. Density
17. The geographic distribution of a species
a. Range
18. How individuals within a population are spatially arranged
a. Population dispersion
19. A distribution that is uncommon, with no strong interactions among
members of a population
a. Random distribution
20. A very common distribution that has positive integrations among individuals
a. Clumped distribution
21. A distribution that indicates negative interactions among individuals
a. Uniform distribution
22. What two aspects of demography that indicate population growth
a. Births and immigration
23. What two aspects of demography that indicate population decline
a. Mortality and emigration
24. Which survivorship curve has low infant mortality and long life spans
a. Type 1
25. Which survivorship curve has mortality as relatively independent of age
a. Type 2
26. Which survivorship curve has high infant mortality and only few have long
a. Type 3
27. What is a trade-off of rapid maturation
a. Small adult size
28. What is a trade-off of many offspring
a. Small offspring
29. The study of how organisms interact with each other and their environment
a. Ecology
30. Includes G1, S-phase, and G2 of the cell cycle
a. Interphase
31. How do fungi feed?
a. By absorption
32. A proposed explanation that will be later tested and is falsifiable
a. Hypothesis
33. What division has the product of four daughter cells that have only half the
number of chromosomes of the parent cell?
a. Meiosis
34. An individual that has two of the same allele of a particular gene is said to be?
a. Homozygous
35. In life cycles with alternation of generations, the next step after gametes is?
a. Fertilization
36. True or False – Lichens are protists
a. False
37. A nuclear envelope is apart of which domain
a. Eukarya
38. All cells come from cells is apart of what theory
a. Cell theory
39. The oxygen revolution stated because of what organism?
a. Cyanobacteria
40. Name one of the phylum that has segmentation
a. Annelids, Arthropods, Chordates
41. Which circulatory system is more efficient
a. Closed
42. The endoderm germ layer gives rise to what?
a. Digestive tract
43. What are the stages of complete insect metamorphosis
a. Egg, Larva, Pupa, Adult
44. Roses are included in what category of plants?
a. Angiosperms
45. A flower part in 4s and 5s describes what angiosperm group?
a. Dicots
46. Flowers and fruit are characteristics of angiosperms. What’s one of the two
other main characteristics?
a. Double fertilization, Coevolution