Autumn term 1 6.5 weeks Prose: A Christmas Carol Year 10 (2015) Spring term 1 6 weeks Modern Drama: The Woman in Black Spring term 2 5 weeks Modern Drama: The Woman in Black Summer term 1 7 weeks Poetry cluster – Time and Place Summer term 2 7 weeks Shakespeare: Macbeth exam practice question: taken wk commencing 12.10.15 exam practice question: taken wk commencing 16.11.15 practice exam question: taken wk commencing 25.01.16 practice exam question: taken wk commencing 29.02.15 exam practice question: taken wk commencing 26.04.16 practice exam question: taken wk commencing 26.09.16 45 minutes 40 marks (20% of GCSE English Literature) 45 minutes 40 marks (20% of GCSE English Literature) 45 minutes 40 marks (20% of GCSE English Literature) 45 minutes 40 marks (20% of GCSE English Literature) 60 minutes 40 marks (20% of GCSE English Literature) 60 minutes 40 marks (20% of GCSE English Literature) AO1 (PEE), AO2 (analysis of lang, struct, form), AO3 (contexts) = 40 marks AO1 (PEE), AO2 (analysis of lang, struct, form), AO3 (contexts) = 40 marks Creative writing AO1 (PEE), AO2 (analysis of lang, struct, form) = 35 marks AO4 (SPaG) = 5 marks Reading – 19th and 21st century non-fiction AO1 (PEE), AO2 (analysis of lang, struct, form), AO3 (contexts) = 40 marks Reading 20th century fiction AO1 (PEE), AO2 (analysis of lang, struct, form) = 35 marks AO4 (SPaG) = 5 marks Transactional writing Persuasive writing AO1 (PEE), AO2 (analysis of lang, struct, form) = 35 marks AO4 (SPaG) = 5 marks Creative writing practice exam question: taken wk commencing 7.12.15 practice exam question: taken wk commencing 01.02.15 2 weeks incl practice exam question: taken wk commencing 09.05.16 mock exam question: taken wk commencing 27.06.16 45 minutes 40 marks (approx. 25% of GCSE English Language) 30 mins 20 marks (approx. 12.5% of GCSE English Language) 30 minutes 20 marks (approx. 12.5% of GCSE English Language) 45 minutes 40 marks (approx. 25% of GCSE English Language) AO5 (writing, audience, grammar) = 24 marks AO6 (SPaV) = 16 marks AO5 (writing, audience, grammar) = 12 marks AO6 (SPaV) = 8 marks 20th century fiction + SPaG The Woman in Black + SPaG practice exam question: taken wk commencing 28.09.15 60 minutes 40 marks (approx. 25% of GCSE English Language) AO1 (identify info) = 5 marks AO2 (lang and struct) = 25 marks AO4 (evaluate) = 10 marks Homework Autumn term 2 7 weeks Prose: A Christmas Carol A Christmas Carol + SPaG practice exam question: taken wk commencing 7.03.16 60 mins 40 marks (approx. 25% of GCSE English Language) AO1 (identify info) = 10 marks AO2 (lang and structure) = 10 marks AO3 (comparison) = 10 marks AO4 (evaluate) = 10 marks 19th and 21st century nonfiction AO5 (writing, audience, grammar) = 12 marks AO6 (SPaV) = 8 marks Unseen Poetry AO5 (writing, audience, grammar) = 24 marks AO6 (SPaV) = 16 marks Mock exams: English Literature: Prose and Poetry 20.06.16 English Language: Paper 1: Reading 20th century fiction + Creative writing 27.06.16 Revision booklet with exam Qus Year 11 (2017) Autumn term 1 7 weeks Shakespeare: Macbeth Autumn term 2 7 weeks Shakespeare: Macbeth Spring term 1 6 weeks Poetry cluster – Time and Place + Unseen Poetry practice exam question: taken wk commencing 26.09.16 practice exam question: taken wk commencing 14.11.16 4 weeks incl. exam practice question: taken wk commencing 30.01.17 60 minutes 40 marks (20% of GCSE English Literature) 60 minutes 40 marks (20% of GCSE English Literature) 60 minutes 40 marks (20% of GCSE English Literature) AO1 (PEE), AO2 (analysis of lang, struct, form) = 35 marks AO4 (SPaG) = 5 marks AO1 (PEE), AO2 (analysis of lang, struct, form) = 35 marks AO4 (SPaG) = 5 marks Mock exams: English Literature: Modern Drama and Shakespeare 12.12.16 AO1 (PEE), AO2 (analysis of lang, struct, form), AO3 (contexts) = 40 marks Spoken language test 2 weeks incl exam wk commencing 3.10.16 Unseen poetry 2 weeks incl exam practice question: taken wk commencing 06.02.17 60 minutes 40 marks (20% of GCSE English Literature) AO1 (PEE), AO2 (analysis of lang, struct, form) = 40 marks Homework Persuasive writing Creative writing practice exam question: taken wk commencing 10.10.16 practice exam question: taken wk commencing 5.12.16 30 minutes 20 marks (approx. 12.5% of GCSE English Language) 45 minutes 40 marks (approx. 25% of GCSE English Language) AO5 (writing, audience, grammar) = 12 marks AO6 (SPaV) = 8 marks AO5 (writing, audience, grammar) = 24 marks AO6 (SPaV) = 16 marks Macbeth + SPaG Macbeth Exam Qus + SPaG Spring term 2 7 weeks Mocks Summer term 1 6 weeks Revision Component 1 - Macbeth + Poetry Component 2 - Woman in Black + A Christmas Carol + Unseen Poetry GCSE English Literature Component 1 - Macbeth + Poetry Component 2 - Woman in Black + A Christmas Carol + Unseen Poetry Modern Drama: The Woman in Black Reading 20th century fiction 3 weeks incl practice exam question: taken wk commencing 20.03.17 45 minutes 40 marks (20% of GCSE English Literature) AO1 (PEE), AO2 (analysis of lang, struct, form) = 35 marks AO4 (SPaG) = 5 marks Prose: A Christmas Carol 3 weeks incl exam practice question: taken wk commencing 20.03.17 45 minutes 40 marks (20% of GCSE English Literature) Transactional writing + SPaG AO1 (PEE), AO2 (analysis of lang, struct, form), AO3 (contexts) = 40 marks Woman in Black + A Christmas Carol exam Qus + SPaG Revision Revision practice exam question: taken wk commencing 60 minutes 40 marks (approx. 25% of GCSE English Language) AO1 (identify info) = 5 marks AO2 (lang and struct) = 25 marks AO4 (evaluate) = 10 marks Reading – 19th and 21st century non-fiction Revision practice exam question: taken wk commencing 60 mins 40 marks (approx. 25% of GCSE English Language) AO1 (identify info) = 10 marks AO2 (lang and structure) = 10 marks AO3 (comparison) = 10 marks AO4 (evaluate) = 10 marks Revision booklets with exam Qus + SPaG Revision Revision Year 11 iGCSE (2016) Autumn term 1 6.5 weeks Assignment 1: Informative/ analytical/ argumentative Wk 3 (14.09.15): typing of Assignment 1 for summative assessment by class teacher. Autumn term 2 7 weeks Assignment 3: Response to a text Spring term 1 6 weeks Speaking and Listening: individual, paired, group Wk 4 (23.11.15): typing of Assignment 3 for summative assessment by class teacher. Wk 2-4 (11.01.16 – 29.01.16): individual and pair recordings Spring term 2 6 weeks Exam prep Summer term 1 7 weeks Exam prep Wk 2 (29.02.16): MEE Q1,2,3 2hr (main hall) Exam date: Wk 5-6 (01.02.16 – 12.02.16): group task and re-recordings 2 hour session 2 hour session Assignment 2: Descriptive/narrative W5-7 (30.11.15 - 18.12.15): redrafting of assignments ready for moderation Wk 2 Term 3. Wk 5 (by 06.02.16): c/w folders completed and submitted to be sent off for moderation with MEE day exams. Wk commencing 07.12.15: MEE Q3 and Q1 1hr 30 (main hall) Wk commencing 08.02.16: MEE Q1 and 2 1hr 30 (main hall) Wk 6 (05.10.15): typing of Assignment 2 for summative assessment by class teacher. 2 hour session Wk commencing 12.10.15: MEE Q3 45 mins (main hall) Wk 4 (14.02.16): MEE Q1,2,3 2hr (main hall) Homework Q3 booklet Q1 booklet Q2 booklet Q3 booklet Q1 and Q2 booklet Summer term 2 7 weeks