SAINT BENEDICT CATHOLIC VOLUNTARY ACADEMY SCHOOL OFFER for Pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). Staff SENCO Director of Learning SEND and Inclusion Director of Learning Enhanced Resource Base Manager of Alternative Education Provision SEND Governor Qualified Teacher of the Visually Impaired Qualified Teacher of the Visually Impaired ERB Teacher Specialist Support Teacher Ann Muldoon Dr Rob Rodgers Anne Butt Richard Harman Kathryn Hughes Des McGonagle Claire Cotton Cyra Blackman Tracey Goold Learning Support Administrator ERB Office Manager Helen Cwynar Gail Wilson Senior Learning Support Assistant Nurture Co-ordinator ERB Mobility and Habilitation Officer Learning Support Assistants ERB Learning Support Assistants Alternative Education Workers Kathleen Joyce Sally Alton Jill Parry Roles and Responsibilities SENCO Supporting and identification of SEND Co-ordinating provision for all SEND pupils Supporting Department and individual teachers with provision of SEND Annual Reviews of Statements and Education and Health Care Plans Supporting parents and carers of SEND pupils Liaising with external agencies to ensure appropriate support Chair of Behaviour and Education Support Team (meets weekly) Liaising with feeder schools prior to transition Line Managing the SEN Department DIRECTOR OF LEARNING SEND AND INCLUSION Day to day running of the SEND and Inclusion department Screening of all of year 7,8 and 9 pupils Organising and identifying pupils for small group work Teaching in small groups Screening pupils where there is a concern regarding dyslexic tendencies or processing issues Screening pupils who have English as an Additional Language Testing pupils for Access Arrangements (Exam Concessions) and completing forms Testing all new admissions Line Managing the SEN Department Coordinating SEN and Inclusion Champions Training for staff and pupils Deputising for SENCO DIRECTOR OF LEARNING ENHANCED RESOURCE BASE Managing the Enhanced Resource Base Liaising with Local Authorities and external agencies Annual reviews of Statements and Education and Health Care Plans for ERB pupils Supporting parents and carers of ERB pupils Organising support in classrooms for pupils Organising equipment and modified resources to enable curriculum access Teaching in small groups Training for staff and pupils MANAGER OF ALTERNATIVE EDUCATION SUPPORT PROVISION (The Damascus Centre) Day to day running of the Damascus Centre Facilitating provision of a range of teaching appropriate to the needs of pupils Monitoring and supporting progress and development of students in the Centre Developing links and liaising with work placement providers Monitoring pupils who are on work placements Source relevant raining for staff Facilitating the re-integration of students into Mainstream Issuing advice to teachers re pupils re-integrating into Mainstream SEND GOVERNOR Reporting to full Governing body with regard to SEND Liaising with SENCO regarding any changes Supporting SEND Department with changes or practice in school SEND STAFF &, ERB TEACHERS AND QUALIFIED TEACHERS OF VI Teaching Literacy and Numeracy in small groups Teaching small group intervention for Dyslexia Teaching social skills for pupils on autistic spectrum. Teaching Nurture groups Delivering Positive Support sessions for identified pupils Supporting classroom teachers with SEND pupils Supporting SEND pupils through Key workers. Teaching Braille or other tactile methods. Assessing visual needs and providing advice. LEARNING SUPPORT ASSISTANTS There is a team based in the Enhanced Resource Base and a team supporting other SEND Pupils Supporting SEND pupils within lessons Liaising with teachers regarding planning differentiation to support SEND pupils Planning for teaching intervention classes for Literacy Liaising with parents/carers of pupils for whom they are Keyworkers Supporting departments within the school – LSAs are linked to specific subject departments within school Liaising and attending meetings and reviews for pupils with SEND Facilitating lunchtime clubs and other activities Carrying out programmes such as physiotherapy under the guidance of external professionals Supporting with personal care activities. Producing modified resources to support visual needs of students. IDENTIFYING PUPILS WITH SEND Transition from Year 6 to Year 7 Primary Liaison The SENCO will visit primary feeder schools to identify pupils with SEND. Primary school staff share information on vulnerable pupils in preparation for Transition and these pupils are invited for extra visits to Saint Benedict CVA. Key staff help familiarise these pupils with the school. Primary School staff identify areas of difficulty and specific strategies for supporting pupils with SEND. e.g. Pupils with Dyslexic Tendencies o Information from previous screening/testing is passed from Primary School to Saint Benedict CVA o Pupils identified will be placed on list for SEND Support – some pupils may require further support Pupils will be identified as requiring SEND Support on admission to Saint Benedict CVA and teachers are informed accordingly. SENCO will aim to attend Annual Reviews of Statements/EHCPs for Year 6 pupils. For pupils in the ERB, the Director of Learning will attend meetings and arrange a programme of transition visits to enable a smooth transition. For the last four years the academy has also organised summer transition activities for identified pupils Identification of difficulties after Transition SATs and CATs data and Reading and Spelling Tests for all Year 7 pupils and any new admissions to any other year group are used to identify any difficulties so that appropriate interventions can be offered The data is used to inform teachers about differentiation and support requirements. Year 7 pupils who would benefit from small group interventions are identified from above testing Pupils are placed in appropriate small groups to meet their needs Pupils are monitored regularly and specific issues are addressed Pupils are able to move from small groups back into the mainstream lesson when appropriate Interventions of this nature continue in to Year 8 if necessary Parent/Carers and Teacher concerns Parents/carers and/or Teachers may express concern for a pupil and the SEND Department will assess to identify any issues in regard to learning, social, emotional or any other needs. Pupil will be offered the appropriate intervention LEVELS OF SUPPORT SEND Support Level 1 The identification of pupils will be the same as above If specific provision is required the student will be supported and monitored Staff will be made aware of the pupils needs and their needs will normally be met through quality first teaching. Provision may be Positive Support, Nurture, Essential Skills interventions or Mentoring SEND Support Level 2 SENCO will liaise with external agencies SENCO will attend meetings for these pupils SENCO will organise external agencies to support these pupils If necessary, a plan will be written for the pupil Pupil will be offered a Key worker who will meet with them regularly. A member of SEN Department will make contact with parents/carers and will meet them if necessary As SEN Support Level 1 interventions plus in-class support from a Learning Support Assistant or Teacher for targeted lessons. Access arrangements for assessments Statement or EHCP Pupils -Level 3 SENCO will write a person centred plan for each pupil which will be placed on staff information computer system for all staff to view. Pupils will be entitled to support from a Learning Support Assistant in specific lessons. Learning Support Assistants wherever possible work within their specialised subjects giving pupils will have access to the curriculum Independent learning is encouraged SENCO will liaise with external agencies The Statement or EHCP will be reviewed annually and the person centred plan will be updated. There is opportunity for Parents/Carers to meet with SENCO and Directors of Learning every term to discuss the person centred plan and update if necessary PROVISION ERB Support Skills teaching such as Braille or touch typing Physiotherapy programmes as set by child’s physiotherapist Withdrawals for extra literacy or numeracy Lunchtime club to support social development Provision of mobility and habilitation support Training of peer sight guiders to develop friendship opportunities Individualised programmes in 6th form Specialist ICT support Personal care support After school club for social time or support with homework Key worker to oversee child’s progress In class support. In Class Support Pupils with a Statement or EHCP will have support within the classroom. The support will be focussed on the individual needs of the student. Pupils with Statement or EHCP will be encouraged to develop their independence and learning skills in the classroom by the Learning Support Assistant and Teacher so that Learning Support Assistant will be able to support other pupils in the classroom as necessary. Teachers and Learning Support Assistants will work together to ensure the best outcome for the pupil. Essential Skills (Years 7 and 8) Pupils are withdrawn for Booster Groups. These are targeted short-term interventions in the form of Literacy and numeracy support in small groups in year 7 and literacy support in Year 8. Lessons are taught by a team of teachers and Learning Support Assistants (Level 2 and above). Intensive Literacy Pupils who have been identified as needing intensive literacy will be withdrawn during period 1 in year 7. The programme will be specifically geared at skills to give strategies to support them in reading, spelling, writing and study skills. The programme in year 8 will be arranged as necessary. There will be regular assessment of progress and pupils will ‘graduate’ when appropriate. Lessons taught by a team of teachers and Learning Assistants (Level 2 and above). Year 9 Literacy Groups Targeted Year 9 pupils who have not opted for two languages will receive Literacy intervention Dyslexia Intervention Pupils with Dyslexia or Dyslexic tendencies will be taught within the Literacy withdrawal groups – i.e. Essential Skills, Intensive, Booster or Year 9. The programme of study is recommended by the British Dyslexia Association as a suitable intervention. Appropriate additional resources will be issued if needed. Homework Clubs Homework Club is available on Tuesday and Thursday after school for any students to attend. The sessions will finish in time for the ‘late bus’. Nurture and Positive Support Many pupils will be at an earlier stage of development both socially and emotionally than their peers. Nurture and Positive Support aim to develop the students’ selfesteem, confidence, and self-awareness so that they may go on to benefit from all mainstream opportunities. We also aim to develop the pupils’ ability to make, build and maintain good relationships. SEAL programme (Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning) Positive Support rooms provides a safe base Develop a sense of belonging and build self-esteem Sharing ideas, concerns and worries Interaction with other pupils Manage anger, develop self-awareness of strengths and weaknesses Develop understanding of feelings and emotions Learn how to interpret body language Develop/build/maintain skills for friendship Mentoring and Specialist Teaching Support It is recognised that behavioural issues are connected to other issues such as emotional difficulties, social difficulties, learning difficulties and sometimes mental health problems. A Specialist Teacher and a team of mentors, work with pupils to help them overcome behavioural issues and develop strategies so they are able to learn more successfully. The Damascus Centre On-site Alternative Education Support Provision Changing student behaviour around the principles of prevent, provide, and return The centre prevents exclusion through the use of early intervention, improves experiences and outcomes for students, and improves the quality and impact of teaching, instruction, coaching, and nurturing on the student. The Damascus Centre operates around 5 fundamentals – Cooperation, Integrity, Respect, Belief, and Care Short/long term, part/full time bespoke timetables enable students to access the centre for a period of time suitable to the individual. Bespoke timetables include an alternative programme of education and respite for the student. Students will complete work set by their class teachers, work/tasks set by the Damascus Centre teacher and engage in an online learning programme bespoke to them. Referrals to outside agencies for advice and support e.g. Educational Psychology, Child and Adult Mental Health Services, Faith in Families Support Worker, Specialist Teachers for ASD ERB – Educational psychology, ophthalmology, connexions, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech therapists, teacher of the deaf, CAMHS. Access Arrangements (Exam Concessions) The Director of Learning for SEND and the Senior Learning Support Assistant are the Specialist Assessors for Access Arrangements. Screening of all year 9 pupils identifies those who are eligible for Access Arrangements. Pupils will be clearly identified by the use of data and testing and their normal way of working in the classroom Any teacher may raise concerns about a pupil and that pupil will be assessed to confirm if testing for Access Arrangements is necessary. Types of Access Arrangements – Reader, Scribe, Extra Time, Rest Breaks, Separate Room. Access Arrangements will be shared with staff. Access Arrangements should reflect the pupil’s normal way of working. The SENCO and Director of Learning for SEND with support from the Exams Officer will identify internal and external examinations where identified pupils will require Access Arrangements. Staff will be available as readers in exams. Pupils do not always require an individual reader, so this is sometimes shared. Pupils requiring a scribe will be allocated a member of staff to write for them as required and this takes place in a separate room. Pupils who require extra time will be highlighted to the invigilator and will receive extra time at the end of the exam. Pupils who have been identified as requiring a laptop for exams will be provided with a laptop. Students in the ERB will receive the appropriate access arrangements for their disability according to their needs and their usual way of working. MONITORING ANNUAL REVIEWS AND TRANSITION PLANS FOR PUPILS WITH STATEMENT/EHCP Annual Reviews of Statements or EHCPs will take place each year or more frequently if necessary. Parents/Carers and any external professionals working with the pupil will be invited to attend the Review. The SENCO will ask teachers to report on pupil’s progress in terms of the objectives on their Statement/EHCP. Reports will be compiled and distributed to the relevant parties. The SENCO will conduct the Annual Review and if necessary any Transition Plan (Transition Plans begin at Year 9) Following the Review a report is sent to the Local Education Authority who note any amendments and consider any recommendations from the Review meeting. The LEA will respond with any agreed amendments to the Statement/EHCP. REVIEWS FOR OTHER SEND PUPILS Parents are invited to Review their child’s progress with staff at SEND Parents Consultation Evenings – three times per year. Individual pupil progress is discussed at Learning Support Assistant Meetings where any concerns passed to the weekly support team meeting. Key workers and Form Tutors also meet with pupils to discuss progress. WHOLE SCHOOL SUPPORT Learning Support Assistants Learning Support Assistants are allocated to subject departments and work closely with the teachers in that department. They are the link between the department and SEND department. Learning Support Assistants are timetabled with the departments to support Statemented and EHCP pupils and other SEND pupils in the classroom and in small groups. Learning Support Assistants are designated as Keyworkers for specified SEND pupils. Inclusion Champions Each department has an Inclusion champion who will meet regularly with eth SEND department to discuss issues and concerns around inclusion in the school. These meetings ensure that all departments share good practice and developments with each other. Training items update the Champions when necessary. SENCO and Director of Learning SEND and Inclusion, Director of Learning ERB and Director of Learning for Alternative Education (referred to as Directors of Learning below) The SENCO and Directors of Learning will ensure that Learning Support Assistants are observed at least once a year and that they are part of the academy’s appraisal process. Any developmental needs will be identified and addressed. The SENCO and Directors of Learning, will offer any advice on differentiation to teachers or department as requested. The SENCO and other specialist staff will observe particular pupils and offer advice. The SENCO and Directors of Learning will ensure that relevant training is provided for Learning Support Assistants. Contact details Tel 01332 554270 - Helen Cwynar, Learning Support Administrator