Lord Kelvin Adam Smith PhD Scholarship Project Proposal Form 2016/17 1) College of Lead Supervisor 2) Project Title 3) Project Team Supervisor Title First Name Surname School/Research Institute College Email Lead 2nd 3rd 4th 4) Project Summary Please give a description (maximum 500 words) of what the project will achieve. Other Printing/ Stationery Postage/ Carriage Transcription Software Lab Costs* Conference Accommodatio n/Subsistence Travel Year 1 2 3 4 Total Equipment 5) Project Costing Total Include any further information you wish to provide about the consumables funding which will be required (max 300 words). *Lab costs – both direct and reallocated shared lab costs should be accounted for. The basis for the reallocation shared lab costs should be transparent, consistent and equitable. 6) Collaboration The LKAS Scheme is intended to pump-prime new multi-disciplinary activities within the University. Provide details of each project team member’s contribution to the project. Provide details of any existing collaborations between team members and how this project will develop a new research interest (maximum 300 words). 7) Innovation How will the project create a new research area within the University? Give details of any other work in this area and what the proposed project can add to this (maximum 300 words). 8) Sustainability Scholarships are intended to develop into a sustainable programme of research. Provide details of the prospects for future sustainability – for example, opportunities for generating external funding or how this project meets strategic research goals of the University (maximum 300 words). 9) Impact What is the anticipated impact of the project, e.g. on the international standing of the University or the potential for increasing future research capacity (maximum 300 words). 10) The Scholarship & Scholar’s contribution Indicate the scholar’s role in the project and how this represents high quality doctoral training. The project should form an achievable PhD project and provide excellent training for a PhD candidate (maximum 500 words). If a potential scholar has been involved in the development of the project and the intention is to put the scholar forward for the award, please make a brief statement to this effect in this section. 11) Have any of the supervisors previously supervised a LKAS scholarship? Name of Supervisor Name of LKAS candidate Supervisory Role Lead, 2nd, 3rd, 4th If the project is now completed, did the candidate submit within 4 years? If No, why not? Thank you for completing this application! Submit this form in PDF format to the Graduate School of the Lead Supervisor by 12 noon, Friday 30 October 2015. Arts Adeline.Callander@glasgow.ac.uk MVLS mvls-gradschool@glasgow.ac.uk Science & Engineering scieng-gradschool@glasgow.ac.uk Social Sciences socsci-gradschool@glasgow.ac.uk The PDF file should be saved using the format: ‘College, Lead Supervisor Surname, Abbreviated Title.pdf’ ie ‘Arts, Lavery, Performing Geochronology.pdf’