Cross Cultural Internship
ICS 485
Course Syllabus
Spring 2015
Gary A. Denbow, D.Min.
LH 205
Course Description: This supervised internship is a cross cultural field experience that can be based either internationally or in the US, lasting 8-10 weeks. It offers the advanced intercultural studies student an opportunity to balance language and culture skills as they actively engage in ministry while negotiating the demands of living cross culturally. This internship experience will also challenge students to grow spiritually, discern their calling and spiritual gift mix, observe exemplary missional models and leaders, and apply previous classroom theory while living daily in a cross cultural context. Students are encouraged to begin research for their Senior Synthesis while on their cross cultural internship.
Objectives: By the end of the course, the student should:
Understand and speak conversationally the local language. Most students achieve a fluency of 300-400 vocabulary words and phrases in eight - ten weeks.
Understand local culture and function independently in culturally appropriate ways, developing important relationships with local people.
Be involved significantly in a local ministry (church or holistic ministry) (at least 30 hours per week).
Develop skills and confidence in a variety of types of ministries, such as: teaching, preaching, administration, leading Bible Studies, children and youth ministry, TEFL, evangelistic or discipleship ministry, and holistic ministry.
Expose yourself to a variety of church and non-governmental (NGO) ministries that serve holistic needs.
Grow spiritually and in your calling as a student missionary.
Contribute significantly to a team developing team skills, interpersonal skills, and conflict resolution skills.
Communicate clearly with supporters and friends regarding the international experience and what God is doing overseas through letters and speaking opportunities.
Required Texts:
Elmer, D. (2006). Cross-cultural Servanthood: Serving the world in Christlike
Humility. Downers Grove: IVP.
The Holy Bible.
One book about your field suggested by your supervisor.
Course Requirements:
In collaboration with your field supervisor and ICS internship advisor, review and refocus the goals for your internship which you developed during the Field Prep course.
Ask for a book on the field you are entering from your supervisor or advisor to read and write a 2 page book report.
Also read (during your internship) Duane Elmer’s book, Cross Cultural
Servanthood. You will need to write a 2 page book report to turn in with your portfolio.
Spiritual development: Read the Bible and pray 1-2 hours daily throughout your internship, journaling at least once a week. Meet with your supervisor for mentoring once every two weeks. Talk about your call and what you are learning about missions and God’s leading in your life.
Language learning: Complete 10 hours of formal language learning each week either in a classroom setting or with a capable tutor.
Ministry: Be a part of significant ministry 30 hours per week. Submit to mentoring and evaluation by your field supervisor. Be diligent to pray for and share the gospel with a number of people on your internship.
Relational growth: Journal about your relationships with nationals and expatriates. Use healthy communication and conflict resolution when facing disagreements with expatriates. When in conflict with nationals use a mediator or other non-shaming way of handling conflict
Leadership styles and ministry models: Notice and evaluate different leadership and ministry models you come in contact with while on your internship.
Begin research for your Senior Synthesis project while on the field. Keep up to date with your Synthesis Advisor to handle field issues and questions while doing research.
Within two weeks of returning home complete and email to your instructor your internship portfolio including:
The stated goals for your internship.
One prayer letter sent by you to your supporters.
A lexicon of words and phrases in the language you learned that you
can actually still use.
A summary of items that you learn about the culture where you lived and worked.
Your field supervisor’s ministry evaluation.
Two book reviews of at least two pages each.
A two-page summary of your ministry experience, spiritual growth, and the impact this internship has made on you as a student missionary.
Ten best photos from your internship to donate to the ICS photo gallery.
A synopsis summary paragraph describing your internship experience sent with an on-location photo of yourself taken during your internship
Email this portfolio to your Cross Cultural Internship instructor within two weeks of returning home. All course work is due no later than 24 April 2015.
Grading Criteria:
10 Points: All paperwork submitted to ICS Administrative Assistant including copy of passport, itinerary, budget, contact information.
10 Points: Syllabus and expectations sent to Field Supervisor.
10 Points: Internship goals.
20 Points: Prayer/funding/thank you letters sent out.
30 Points: Prayer journal submitted.
30 Points: Lexicon of 300-400 word or phrases that you learned to use.
30 Points: Two-page culture summary.
30 Points: Two-page ministry summary.
50 Points: Two 2-page book reviews.
50 Points: Field supervisor’s evaluation.
20 Points: Ten photos E-mailed to instructor.
10 Points: Synopsis and attached photo of you.
Total: 300 points possible for the course.
North Central Policies:
Academic Dishonesty
“Academic dishonesty is a serious breach of conduct at North Central University and violations can result in serious discipline including the possibility of dismissal from the university. Academic dishonesty is defined as intentional plagiarism, cheating, fabricating or attempting to help others to be dishonest which includes, but is not limited to, roster fraud and attendance deception.”
If you have a documented disability and would like to discuss academic accommodations, please contact the instructor as soon as possible.
Absences Policy
The policy as described in the North Central University catalog will be enforced.
Credit Hour for this Course
NCU Credit Hour Policy states that for every course credit hour, the typical student should expect to spend at least three clock hours per week of concentrated attention on course-related work, including but not limited to time in class, as well as out-of-class time spent reading, reviewing, organizing notes, preparing for upcoming quizzes/exams, problem solving, developing and completing projects, and other activities that enhance learning. Thus, for a three credit course, a typical student should expect to spend at least nine hours per week dedicated to the one course.
Late Registration
Students who add this course after the first class meeting are held to the same syllabi expectations as students who start the course on the official start date.
These expectations include, but are not limited to, the assignments required and the attendance policy.
Security—Emergency System
In the event of an emergency, North Central will send a notification message to the community via email, phone call, text message and social media. The message will provide information about the emergency and the proper response. All students and employees are automatically opted into the emergency notification system. A student may change or update their information at