ALVIN COMMUNITY COLLEGE Art Department COURSE SYLLABUS SPRING 2013 ARTS 1304 (Dual-credit) HISTORY OF ART 2 INSTRUCTOR: DANIELA KOONTZ REQUIRED TEXTBOOK AND MATERIALS 281.245.3000 Ex. 4320 FAC 116, Alvin High School Stokstad, Marilyn., Art History, Fourth Edition, Volume 2, available at the ACC bookstore. CATALOGUE DESCRIPTION This course includes a critical and analytical study of the great historical works of art in architecture, sculpture, painting, and the minor arts from the medieval period to contemporary art. CREDIT 3 HOURS ADA STATEMENT If you require accommodations because of a physical, mental, or learning disability, please notify the instructor of this course as soon as possible and preferably before the end of the first two weeks of class. COURSE OUTCOMES In completing this course, the student will Demonstrate an awareness of the historical, sociological, cultural, biographical, and aesthetic context of art. Recognize and define how artistic styles change chronologically. Use and understand the vocabulary of visual culture. Use formal analysis to interpret meaning in artwork. Compare and contrast themes in art history by analyzing specific visual examples. Recognize a wide range of media. notebook pen or pencil for notes TOPICS Early Renaissance High Renaissance The Baroque Period Non-Western Art The Enlightenment, Neoclassicism, Realism Impressionism and Post-Impressionism Modernism Post-Modernism EXPECTATIONS Regular attendance is integral to success in this class. The majority of material on the quizzes and exam will be covered in class. Students are expected to read the textbook, come prepared for the quizzes, and participate in class discussions. The quizzes, mid-term, and the final exam will consist of slide identifications, multiple-choice questions and short essays. In addition, a formal analysis paper is required. Students will also take a field trip to the Museum of Fine Arts in Houston. Missed quizzes must be made up before the end of each 9 week grading period. Late essays will be marked down ten points per day. Page 1 2/8/2016 EVALUATION QUIZZES: Quizzes will be given approximately every two weeks and will cover the topics listed above. They will consist primarily of slide identifications and multiple-choice questions from the textbook and lectures. ACC Grading Scale A = 90-100 B = 80-89 C = 70-79 D = 60-69 F = Below 60 ESSAY: The essay will be a 3-5 page formal analysis of a contemporary advertisement using art historical vocabulary. Essays must be uploaded in Blackboard as per the requirements of ACC. CLASS PARTICIPATION: Students will briefly present information about selected images from the textbook to the class. The course will be conducted as a seminar rather than a traditional lecture course. Students are also required to engage in small hands-on art activities in class, and participate in an oral presentation on the field trip. MID-TERM EXAM: The mid-term will cover artwork from the Early Renaissance through the Baroque. It will consist of slide identifications, multiple-choice questions, and a short essay. Review notes will be provided. FINAL EXAM: The final exam will cover artwork from the Enlightenment to the contemporary period. It will consist of slide identifications, multiple-choice questions, and a short essay. Review notes will be provided. 3rd 9 Weeks: Quizzes Class Participation Mid-Term Exam 70% 10% 20% 4th 9 Weeks: Quizzes Class Participation Essay 70% 10% 20% Final Exam 7% of total semester Page 2 2/8/2016 Page 3 2/8/2016