Leadership Project Guidelines

Leadership Project Guidelines
UW LEAH Trainees are required to complete a final leadership project at the end of the academic year. It will
be presented to peers, faculty, and community members involved in adolescent health. This project will be conducted with
approval and guidance from your faculty mentor and will be a culmination of your experience and work under the UW LEAH
Fellowship Program. Leadership projects should:
 Address an adolescent health issue.
 Include a discussion on how the project is relevant to diverse & underserved populations, health equity, or addressing
 Include a reflection of how the project impacts multiple disciplines.
All projects should fall into one of the following categories (examples are bulleted):
Clinical Care: Develop tools or strategies to improve clinical care delivery to adolescents and their families.
o Needs Assessment
o Quality Improvement project
o Development of tool ,toolkit, or clinical curriculum
Policy: Address a key policy issue in adolescent health
Participate in the development of a policy brief
o Conduct needs assessment or analysis with policy makers as target audience
Research: Develop a research project focusing on an adolescent health issue.
o Survey research
o Secondary analysis of existing data set
Advocacy: Develop systems for increasing awareness and action on adolescent health issues
o Assemble coalition advocating for adolescents
o Design a public education campaign
Education: Develop tools aimed towards educating adolescents, family, parents, consumers, and/or providers.
o Curriculum development- Design a training product or resource used for outreach & technical assistance
o Organize a series of lectures or workshops
o Assist in the development of tools for training providers in adolescent health
Mentoring Panel
Trainees are required to select a primary mentor. Trainees are also encouraged select & contact
at least one additional faculty mentor from different disciplines to serve as a panel for their project. The primary mentor can
help the trainee to identify the faculty member whose interests are best aligned with the project and facilitate contact. Names
of mentors should be included on the project proposal.
PowerPoint presentation
Poster presentation
Other format (subject to approval by LEAH core faculty)
15-20 minutes
Written Manuscript: Ideally, a written manuscript will also be a final product of your presentation. Manuscripts should be
written with the intent to publish it in a scholarly journal. This is not a requirement, but UW LEAH strongly encourages designing
your project with this as a goal.
 UW Libraries Citations & Writing (APA, MLA, Chicago style guides, writing & citation tools)
 Campus Writing Resources
Note: Dates are subject to change.
October 25, 2013
November 1, 2013
December 13, 2013
February 14, 2014
May 2, 2014
12:00pm Leadership project proposal ideas due to faculty mentor
Advocacy: Choose project idea
5:00pm 1 page summary proposal & action timeline due to lead faculty
Present leadership project to core faculty & fellows
Present progress on advocacy project
Final leadership project presentations & check in
May 16, 2014
June 2, 2014
Final advocacy project check-in
LEAH/LEND Presentation Day