Queen and Princess Application

Tennessee Junior Angus Association
Application for Tennessee Angus Queen
and Princess
Queen applicants:
Attach photo here
Age as of Jan 1 current year:
County of residence
Applying for (choose one) Tennessee Angus (Queen) (must be 16 years old as of Jan 1)
Princess (circle one) East, Middle, West
Instructions: Queen applicants may attach pages if more room is needed. Princess
applicants are requested to please summarize information in the spaces provided.
A. Biographical Background:
Date of birth:
Address ________________________________
Phone____________________ Email
Number of years in Angus projects:_____
Parent(s) or Guardian________________________________
Name of school and grade____________________________
Local newspaper and
Are you a member of the Tennessee Junior Angus Association?____
Are you a member of the National Junior Angus Association?_____
B. Farm Background:
1. Do you live on a farm?____ If no, describe your Angus project.
2. Number of the following in your project or on your farm:
a) Registered Angus_______ b) commercial Angus_______
c) other purebred cows______ d) other commercial cows______
3. Has a purebred Angus bull, either natural or AI, been used in your
Number of years _____
4. Number of Angus marketed annually,_____ include feeder calves
Breeding stock________ Finished stock________
C. Activity Background:
1. List activities and number of years you have participated in the following:
a. 4H:
b. FFA:
2. List 4H or FFA Honors and Awards you have won:
3. List any Honors and Awards won through the National Junior Angus
4. List other important activities in your life, including any honors and awards:
D. Show record
1. How many years have you exhibited Bred and Owned Angus cattle?
2. List any 4H or FFA shows that you have exhibited cattle at. (Including fairs,
county, district and state shows, and year of show).
3. List all National Junior Angus Association sponsored shows in which you have
exhibited cattle (include year, name of show and location):
For Queen applicants only:
Will you be available for the Tennessee Angus Association Annual Preview show?
Will you be available for one or more of the upcoming National Junior Angus
Association sponsored shows?
Applicants Signature)