Tire Dumping Press Release-1

Contacts: Demarcus Peters
Micah Rowland, NPU-V President
Neighborhood Groups and ECO-Action Remove Illegally Dumped Tires from Vulnerable in-town
Atlanta, Georgia March 8, 2010 – Environmental Community Action (ECO-Action), Center for Health Disparities
Research at Georgia State University’s Institute for Public Health, and Liberty Tire Recycling have joined together to
remove tires that have been illegally dumped in Adair Park, English Avenue, Pittsburgh, Mechanicsville, Peoplestown,
Sumerhill and Vine City communities.
Residents from neighborhoods surveyed areas using GPS systems provided by Georgia State University to locate tires
for placement at designated pick-up sites. Over 1600 tires were located in areas identified as hotspots for tire
dumping. More than 500 were found in the English Avenue neighborhood alone. The tire collection efforts will
continue through March 10, 2012.
“We are seeking environmental justice for our communities, said Demarcus Peters, J.D. who works in partnership
with the English Avenue Neighborhood Association and Georgia State University’s Institute for Public Health. This is
not just a neighborhood beautification issue. This is a public health issue because the tires hold standing water,
prime breeding ground for mosquitoes. West Nile virus which in certain populations can prove fatal is transmitted by
mosquitoes; the English Avenue neighborhood has reported one case of West Nile.”
The City of Atlanta does not collect tires as part of regular garbage pick-ups. It is up to communities to resolve this
problem. “It is estimated that 70% of the tires found were dumped by local tire shops that may have collected a
disposal fee, but never properly disposed of the tires”, said Travie Leslie, ECO-Action Community Organizer and
former Neighborhood Planning Unit-V President.
“In addition, when the state does collects its portion of the fee, funds are often diverted and communities are left
with the cost of ridding their community of this problem. I am concerned about people using our neighborhood as a
dumping ground. We want to be protected. If there is no system in place, the tires are dumped illegally. Therefore
we are pushing for a systematic solution to this systemic problem”, said Leslie.
Current legislative policy allows tire removal companies to receive payment prior to proper disposal, leaving little
incentive to transport the tires to legally registered repositories. Georgia H.B. 811, which passed the House on
February 22 of this year, proposes specific fines for illegal dumping. The bill is now before the Senate Appropriations
Committee. Another bill, H.B. 915, proposes that contractor hired to remove and properly dispose of scrap tires
receive payment only after tires are deposited at designated sites.
On behalf of neighborhoods, ECO-Action is encouraging the Georgia Senate to pass H.B. 915. In addition we ask:
the Georgia Legislature establish a statewide fund designated to remove illegally dumped tires;
the City of Atlanta place No Dumping signs on sites where tires and trash are commonly found;
A Task Force be established that will patrol citywide for illegal dumping; and
Cameras be placed in designated areas to document individuals illegally dumping.
Liberty Tire Recycling will partner with the neighborhoods by picking up the tires and recycling without charge on
March 10, 2012. Liberty Tire recycles tires produce rubber mulch.
Neighborhood Collection sites:
English Avenue, Vine City:
Pittsburgh, Mechanicsville, and Adair Park
Mechanicsville, Peoplestown, Sumerhill
Adair Park, Pittsburgh
870 Proctor Street
510 Cohen
Corner of Georgia Avenue and Reed Avenue
Corner of McDaniel and Arthur Streets
“ECO-Action's mission is to help communities organize to confront environmental health threats, and to
strengthen & facilitate participation of communities in preventing and resolving such threats.”