Lab Syllabus - Ohio University

Ohio University
Introductory Biology Laboratory
(BIOL 1010)
Summer 2014
Instructors: Bailey Hunter (Lead TA)
Nicole Kirchner
Office: Porter Hall 416
Porter Hall 419
Office Hours: For Bailey: Wednesday 3-4pm and Thursday 11am-12pm (if I am not in Porter
416, I will be in our lab class room).
Time and Location:
Lab meets Thursday from 12:00pm – 4:00pm in Porter Hall room 300 starting July 3rd until
August 14th.
During the course of the semester, you will participate in a total of thirteen labs over seven
weeks. To facilitate learning in the lab, students will need to read the lab materials before coming
to class. Important information from each lab activity will be reinforced with a brief lab quiz at
the beginning of the next lab meeting. Therefore, it is important to review your lab notes before
coming to lab each week.
Course Materials:
1) Biology 1010 Laboratory Manual, 2nd edition by A. Showalter, published by Van-Griner
(Required lab manual)
2) Additional course materials provided on Blackboard v9 at
Course Description and Requirements:
BIOL 1010 is an introductory course in General Biology and covers the principles of scientific
method, cell biology, physiology, ecology, genetics, and evolution. It is designed for non-science
majors. Credit for this course is not allowed if the student has had or is taking BIOS 1700, PBIO
1100, or PBIO 1140.
Assessment and Grading:
6 Quizzes and the lowest quiz score will be dropped
Lab Notebook
Lab 13 Paper
Lab 13 Presentation
(10 points/each) 50 points
(5 points/week) 30 points
10 points
10 points
100 points
Students must pass the laboratory (minimum 60%) in order to pass the class, even if you
have a passing grade in the lecture. Also, three labs (three weeks) missed will automatically
result in a lab grade failure (F). Students may not miss more than two labs and pass the
course. Please inform me (preferably beforehand) if you are unable to attend a lab; but note that
only documented absences will be excused. Due to limited lab space, equipment, and personnel,
no lab make-up labs are available.
We will use Blackboard as the primary vehicle for course material. You can also e-mail me or
other students using Blackboard. All students are expected to know how to use Blackboard and
to access it on a regular basis. Students are expected to check their Ohio University e-mail
accounts often. It is YOUR responsibility to stay in contact. E-mail is going to be the main way
that I will communicate with you outside of class. Not checking your email or the course’s
Blackboard site is not an excuse for missing critical course information on assignments,
grades etc. I will check my e-mail multiple times a day and will try my best to respond to any emails within 24 hours.
Class Conduct and Etiquette:
Improper disturbance of the lab will not be tolerated. Please be respectful to your peers and their
learning environment. Severe misconduct may result in dismissal from the lab for that class
period, at the discretion of the Teaching Assistant.
Cell Phone Policy:
To better facilitate the learning process, the use of cell phones and tablets in this lab is not
permitted. If you are seen using your cell phone, you will lose your participation points for
that day. If there is an emergency, you will need to leave the classroom to use your cell phone.
Academic Dishonesty:
The Ohio University Student Code of Conduct prohibits all forms of academic dishonesty,
including cheating, plagiarism, forgery, furnishing false information and alteration or misuse of
university documents, records or identification. Any evidence of academic dishonesty in any
document submitted for grading, as defined above and including falsification or
misrepresentation of data and plagiarism (copying material directly or not properly giving credit
for ideas from others) will result in a grade of zero (0) for that assignment and may be reported
to the Director of University Judiciaries for further action. A second offense will result in
automatic failure of the class, and a grade of ‘F’ will be assigned. A student may appeal
academic sanctions through the grade appeal process (the appeal of grade procedure), and if
reported to the Judiciaries, a student will have the right to a full hearing. For additional
information about Academic Misconduct or the Ohio University Student Code of conduct
Intellectual Property:
The lectures, classroom activities and all materials associated with this lab and developed by the
instructor are copyrighted in the name of the creator and may not be used by others without
expressed written permission.
Lab Schedule
July 3
Lab 1- Communicable disease and microorganisms
Lab 2- Classification of biological organisms
July 10
Lab 3- Cell structure of biological organisms
Lab 5- Membrane structure and function
July 17
Lab 4- Biological macromolecules and building blocks
Lab 6- Enzymes
*Lab 13 topics due
July 24
Lab 7- Photosynthesis
Lab 9- Mitosis
July 31
Lab 8- Cellular respiration
Lab 10- Mendelian genetics and evolution
*Sources for lab 13 due
August 7
Lab 11- DNA
Lab 12- Soil and freshwater ecology
August 14
Lab 13- Presentations
*Presentations due- Turn it into blackboard before class