Climate Change and Environment Protection Amendment Bill 2012 Introduction Print EXPLANATORY MEMORANDUM General The Bill amends the Climate Change Act 2010 (CC Act) and the Environment Protection Act 1970 (EP Act) to give effect to changes arising from a review of the CC Act. A review of the CC Act was triggered under section 19 of the Act by the introduction of the Commonwealth Government's Clean Energy Future Package into Federal Parliament, which provided for a national carbon price and greenhouse gas emissions trading scheme. Shortly after that a review of the CC Act (the Review) was conducted and was tabled in the Victorian Parliament on 27 March 2012. The Review examined the impact of a national carbon price and emissions trading scheme on the Victorian Government's climate change policy objectives as set out in the CC Act, as well as the appropriate mechanisms for achieving the objectives. The Review made a series of recommendations for legislative change to remove redundancies in light of the national emissions reduction scheme and to improve the overall functionality of the legislation. The Victorian Government response to the Review, also tabled in the Victorian Parliament on 27 March 2012, endorsed the majority of the recommendations, which are given effect in the Bill. The Bill also makes a small number of other amendments to the EP Act, unrelated to the Review. 571301 1 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 10/10/2012 Clause Notes PART 1—PRELIMINARY Clause 1 sets out the main purposes of the Bill which are to— amend the CC Act and the EP Act to implement changes arising from the Review; amend the EP Act in relation to residential noise abatement directions, litter penalties and service fees issued for abatement, pollution abatement, and clean up notices; consequentially amend the Transfer of Land Act 1958. Clause 2 provides for the commencement of the Bill. The provisions of the Bill come into operation on 1 July 2013 unless they are proclaimed earlier. Clause 3 defines the Climate Change Act 2010 as the Principal Act in the Bill, for ease of reference throughout the Bill. PART 2—CLIMATE CHANGE ACT 2010 Part 2 of the Bill amends the CC Act. In the following explanations, a reference to a section, Division, Part, or Schedule is a reference to a provision of that Act. Division 1—Climate change Clause 4 amends section 1, the purposes of the Act, and repeals sections 5 and 6 of the Act, relating to the greenhouse gas emissions target and policy objectives, respectively. Clause 4(1) substitutes proposed section 1(a) to provide for a new purpose of the Act relating to the Government of Victoria's roles and responsibilities in relation to climate change given the national policy context. The new purpose more accurately reflects the Act following the amendments made by the Bill. The former purpose of the Act (to establish a target to reduce Victoria's greenhouse gas emissions) is no longer relevant given the repeal of section 5 (see clause 4(4)). 2 Clause 4(2) amends section 1(d) to expand the purpose relating to the Climate Change Adaptation Plan provisions to refer to guidance for the preparation of the plan. This guidance will come from the guiding principles in Division 3 of Part 2 (see clause 5) and from the detailed outline of what should be set out in a Climate Change Adaptation Plan (see clause 6). Clause 4(3) amends the heading to Part 2 to remove terminology that will become redundant following the amendments made by clause 4(4). Clause 4(4) repeals Divisions 1 and 2 of Part 2 (containing sections 5 and 6), which provide for a greenhouse gas emissions target and policy objectives. The repeal of these Divisions implements changes arising from the Review. Clause 5 substitutes proposed new section 7 to clarify the application of the guiding principles (sections 8 through 13) to the Ministerial guidelines issued under section 15 and to the Climate Change Adaptation Plan prepared under section 16. These amendments implement changes arising from the Review. Proposed section 7(1) provides that the Minister may have regard to incorporating any of the guiding principles into any Ministerial guidelines made or issued under section 15 of the Act, if the Minister considers the principle(s) relevant under the circumstances. Under section 15, the Minister may issue guidelines to aid decision-makers in considering climate change impacts when making a decision or taking an action referred to in Schedule 1. Proposed section 7(2) provides that the Minister must have regard to the guiding principles in preparing the Climate Change Adaptation Plan under section 16, as opposed to regard to the principles in the general administration of section 16, as currently provided for in the Act. Clause 6 substitutes proposed section 16(1) relating to the preparation of the Climate Change Adaptation Plan. These amendments implement changes arising from the Review. Proposed section 16(1) provides more guidance on the elements of the Climate Change Adaptation Plan, including elements that previously formed part of the climate change and emissions data report under section 17 (which will cease to be required because 3 of the repeal of section 17 by clause 7). The amended Plan must provide for— an assessment of climate change impacts and risks, including specific regional impacts (see proposed section 16(1)(a)); the Government of Victoria's roles and responsibilities in managing climate change risks, including, where applicable, the respective roles and responsibilities of other governments, persons or bodies in managing climate change risks (see proposed section 16(1)(b)); the Government of Victoria's strategic priorities for managing climate change risks (see proposed section 16(1)(c)); the Government of Victoria's adaptation measures and responses to potential climate change impacts (see proposed section 16(1)(d)); data on observed changes in the climate of Victoria (see proposed section 16(1)(e)); a synthesis of the best practicably available climate change science relevant to Victoria (see proposed section 16(1)(f)); and any other information the Minister considers appropriate (see proposed section 16(1)(g)). The remaining provisions of section 16 are unchanged. Clause 7 repeals the requirements relating to climate change and emissions data reporting and makes other consequential amendments. In particular, clause 7(1) amends the heading to Division 3 of Part 3 to remove terminology that will become redundant following amendments made by clause 7. Clause 7(2) repeals section 17, which provides for the preparation of a climate change and emissions data report. This amendment is a consequence of the repeal of section 5, the greenhouse gas emissions target, and implements changes arising from the Review. The requirements of sections 17(2)(b), (c), and (d), relating to climate change science generally, will remain relevant despite the repeal of the target, and are incorporated into proposed sections 16(1)(e), (f), and (g) (see clause 6). 4 The remaining components of section 17 become redundant given the repeal of the greenhouse gas emissions target. Clause 7(3) amends section 18(3)(c) to remove a reference to the climate change and emissions data report as a consequence of repealing section 17. Clause 7(4) repeals section 19, which is a spent provision relating to a review by the Minister of the Act upon the introduction of a Bill in the Commonwealth Parliament to enact a national emissions trading scheme. As discussed in the general explanation above, a review of the Act was conducted and tabled in Parliament on 27 March 2012 in accordance with section 19 in response to the Commonwealth's introduction of the Clean Energy Future Package. Division 2—Forest carbon rights Clause 8 amends section 3, by updating the definitions of carbon sequestration right, forest carbon right, forestry right, and soil carbon right with new section numbers for the substantive definitions inserted in proposed sections 3A−3D (see clause 9). Clause 9 inserts proposed sections 3A, 3B, 3C, and 3D which provide for the definitions of forest carbon right, carbon sequestration right, forestry right, and soil carbon right, respectively. These definitions were previously contained in Part 4 (formerly sections 21, 22, 23, 24, along with section 25, which made further provision in relation to forest carbon rights). Their inclusion in Part 4 created a doubt as to whether these terms had the same meaning within Part 5 of the Act because section 20 (within Part 4) provides that Part 4 does not apply to unalienated and reserved Crown land. Moving these sections to Part 2 of the Act removes any doubt about the application of these terms to Crown land under Part 5. Importantly, this amendment clarifies that carbon sequestration rights and soil carbon rights, which are defined to be interests in land, are interests in Crown land under Part 5. The definitions and characteristics of the rights in proposed sections 3A−3D have not been amended. These amendments implement changes arising from the Review. Clause 10 repeals sections 21, 22, 23, 24, and 25 as a consequence of inserting proposed sections 3A−3D (see clause 9). 5 Clause 11 inserts proposed section 40(5), which clarifies that even though the granting of a carbon sequestration right or soil carbon right could be taken to be an alienation of Crown land, Part 5 of the Act continues to apply despite section 40 providing that Part 5 only applies to unalienated and reserved Crown land. Clause 12 inserts the term "interests" into section 41 to ensure that any "interests and rights" created under Part 5 are not intended to and do not extinguish native title. This amendment is a consequence of clause 9, which effectively clarifies that carbon sequestration rights or soil carbon rights are interests in Crown land under Part 5. Clause 13 substitutes in section 47(1)(a) "the term of the agreement" in place of "a specified term". The amendment ensures that the carbon sequestration right or soil carbon right and the Carbon Sequestration Agreement are granted for the same period. Clause 14 inserts proposed new section 47A. Proposed section 47A sets out certain requirements in relation to the granting of carbon sequestration rights or soil carbon rights by the Secretary to the Department of Sustainability and Environment. Proposed section 47A(1) has the effect of providing that a person who enters into a Carbon Sequestration Agreement with the Secretary must be the same legal person to be granted the carbon sequestration right or soil carbon right. Effectively, this means that the carbon sequestration right or soil carbon right and the Carbon Sequestration Agreement are co-dependent, which ensures the individual receiving the economic benefit of the right also has the corresponding obligations under the Carbon Sequestration Agreement. Proposed section 47A(2) provides that the Secretary must not grant a person a carbon sequestration right and carbon soil right in relation to Crown land in the same Carbon Sequestration Agreement. The Secretary must issue separate Carbon Sequestration Agreements for the different types of rights because the Act treats carbon sequestration rights and soil carbon rights as independent legal rights, which may be issued to different persons and under different terms. 6 Proposed section 47A(3) provides that a carbon sequestration right or a soil carbon right granted under a Carbon Sequestration Agreement is extinguished on the date the agreement ends. This amendment is necessary to give effect to the co-dependent relationship between the carbon sequestration right or soil carbon right and the Carbon Sequestration Agreement. Clause 15 substitutes proposed new section 54, relating to the written consent of the Secretary that is required before any Carbon Sequestration Agreement is transferred and any rights under that agreement are assigned. These amendments are a consequence of inserting proposed section 47A (see clause 14), and necessary to ensure that the transfer of an agreement includes the assignment of the rights under that agreement. The proposed amendments allow the Secretary to ensure that the party to a Carbon Sequestration Agreement is the same person who holds the rights under that agreement. Clause 16 inserts proposed sections 56(2)(ab) and 56(2)(ba), which will ensure that the Register of Carbon Sequestration Agreements contains the relevant kinds of information regarding Carbon Sequestration Agreements, carbon sequestration rights, and soil carbon rights as a consequence of the amendments made by clauses 14 and 15. Clause 17 inserts proposed new section 56A, which provides that an extract from the Register of Carbon Sequestration Agreements, certified by the Secretary, setting out that a person is a party to a Carbon Sequestration Agreement is evidence of that person being the owner of a carbon sequestration right or soil carbon right, as the case may be. Clause 18 substitutes section 64(1) with a general regulation making power to replace the specific regulation making powers related to the greenhouse gas emissions target, which will become redundant given the repeal of section 5 (see clause 4(4)). 7 PART 3—ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION ACT 1970 Part 3 of the Bill amends the EP Act. In the following explanations, a reference to a section, Division, Part or Schedule is a reference to a provision of that Act. Division 1—Amendments relating to climate change Clause 19 repeals section 13(1)(ga)(i), which enables the Environment Protection Authority to recommend to the Governor in Council the making of statutory policies and regulations to regulate the emission of greenhouse gas substances for the purpose of the greenhouse gas emissions target in section 5 of the CC Act. This section will become redundant given the repeal of section 5 of the CC Act which provided for the greenhouse gas emissions target (see clause 4(4)). Clause 20 repeals Division 2 of Part IX of the Act, which provides for climate covenants. The repeal of this Division implements changes arising from the Review. Clause 21 amends sections 70E(b) and (f) of the Act consequential to the renaming of the "Climate Communities Fund Account" to the "Sustainability Fund Account" which is effected by proposed section 70F (see clause 22). Clause 22 substitutes section 70F. Proposed new section 70F renames the "Climate Communities Fund Account" as the "Sustainability Fund Account" and provides for other necessary amendments resulting from renaming the fund. The renaming of the fund implements changes arising from the Review. Division 2—General amendments Clause 23 substitutes section 48A(7). Proposed new section 48A(7) allows a member of the police force or a council officer to give a noise abatement direction under section 48A(6) for any period of time up to 72 hours. Any direction given under section 48A(6) remains in force for the period specified by the direction. Currently the Act provides that the abatement direction remains in force for a flat 12 hour period. 8 Clause 24 amends Schedule A by increasing infringement penalties for littering offences under section 45E in relation to— litter that is burning when it is deposited from "2 penalty units" to "4 penalty units". This offence includes the depositing of a lit cigarette butt. non-burning small items from "1 penalty unit" to "2 penalty units". This offence includes the depositing of an extinguished cigarette butt, a ring pull or any other small item. Clause 25 repeals section 60C, which provides that a person who is served an abatement notice, a pollution abatement notice or a clean up notice must pay a fee of 40 fee units to the Environment Protection Authority within 30 days. The repeal will abolish the requirement to pay such a fee. Clause 26 provides for the typographical correction of certain references within Schedule A for certain infringements. PART 4—TRANSFER OF LAND ACT 1958 Clause 27 amends the definition of land in section 4(1) of the Transfer of Land Act 1958. The definition of land is amended to exclude any carbon sequestration right or soil carbon right granted in relation to a Carbon Sequestration Agreement on Crown land under Part 5 of the CC Act. This amendment ensures the carbon sequestration rights or soil carbon rights granted under Part 5 of the CC Act, which are interests in Crown land, are not subject to the provisions of the Transfer of Land Act 1958. PART 5—REPEAL OF THE AMENDING ACT Clause 28 provides for the repeal of this Act on 1 July 2014. The repeal of this Act does not affect the continuing operation of the amendments made by it (see section 15(1) of the Interpretation of Legislation Act 1984). 9