Year Group: 5 Autumn 1 – 7 weeks Unit Title: It’s All Greek to Me! We will be focusing on the legacy of the Ancient Greeks. What do we use today that came from the Greeks? Entry point: What do we already know about the Ancient Greeks? What do we still use today? Class Teacher: Mrs Platt Autumn 2 – 7 weeks Unit Title: It’s All Greek to Me! Exit point: Writing display of Aesop’s fables and reading best examples to reception children Outcome: To write their own Aesop’s fable, using knowledge of the setting and culture Exit point: Ancient Greek day, including a Greek workshop Entry point: Hampshire Illustrated Book award launch Outcome: To understand the developments that the Ancient Greeks made and identify features in our own world that are part of their legacy. How would our lives be different if the Ancient Greeks had never existed? Literacy: Key Text: Literacy: Key Text: Fiction: Prometheus and Pandora Prometheus and Pandora Fiction : Myths/ Dilemma Stories Information texts ‘How to write instructions’ ‘How to write a Greek myth’ ‘Have a go at… Chocolate Chip Ice Cream’ UNCRC Article(s): Children look at a modern retelling of the King Midas myth, focusing on how a dilemma can be the driving force of a narrative. The children create characters of different status and empathise with the main character’s dilemma. They compose an ending to the story through a diary entry written in role as the main character. Greek myths Children analyse the importance of difference characters to the development of the story and examine the role of the narrator as the story teller. Differences between oral and written story telling are explored and used to support the children’s own writing and story telling. Non fiction: Writing instructions Children look at the features of instructional writing. They will analyse, evaluate and write instructions. The children will write their own instructions for making sherbet and evaluate their peer’s work. Maths: Understanding of place value to 1 000 000, word problems and calculations, fractions, decimals and percent. Mental maths: Times tables to 12x, practise mental maths tests to be done weekly. History: The Ancient Greek Legacy This will form our main topic for the term and will be based on the elements of our modern day world that stemmed from the Ancient Greek civilization, such as the alphabet, democracy, architecture etc. Science: Sound We will learn about how sound is made and how sound travels. Children will look at how sound travels through different materials and how best to muffle sound. Article 29: Your education should help you use and develop your talents and abilities. It should also help you learn to live peacefully, protect the environment and respect other people. P4C Stimuli: Do we all have power over someone or something? Is life one big story? Non-fiction: Recounts This unit links to the fiction through exploring the difference between a first person recount, such as a diary, and a newspaper report of the same event. Children compose their own newspaper report based on a real-life rescue and adapt it for the radio. Hampshire Illustrated Books UNCRC Article(s): Article 29: Your education should help you use and develop your talents and abilities. It should also help you learn to live peacefully, protect the environment and respect other people. P4C Stimuli: Are we different people in different situations? Is there always hope in any situation? Maths: Is being famous the same as being important? Number and place value, multiplication and division. Mental maths: What makes us who we are? Should we always do exactly as we are told? Tables up to 12x at speed. Mental maths tests weekly Key Questions: What do we want to achieve this year? How would our world be different without the Greek influence? How did the Greeks change our world? Community/International Involvement: Hampshire Illustrated Book Awards Key Questions: Science: Earth and Space Children will study our planets and universe. We will use our maths skills to compare the size of the Earth, Moon and Sun. What have we learnt from space travel? If you could travel in space, where would you go and what would you do? Art and Design/DT: Greek masks We will design and create our own Greek masks to use in performing our plays. R.E: Christmas – The magi and their gifts. We will look at the gifts brought by the wise men and what they symbolised. Games/PE: Dance – Space dance We will learn the moves to a ‘Space Dance’, come up with our own moves, and choreograph a dance to perform to the class. Community/International Involvement: Hampshire Illustrated Book Awards. Greek workshop PSHE: Goals and targets. The children begin the year by setting their goals and targets for the year and thinking about what they need to do to achieve them. Art and Design/DT: Create a music instrument, linking with our Science topic on Sound. MFL: Nouns, forming sentences Children begin to create sentence using the vocabulary they have learnt so far. We will also look at pronouns. History: Ancient Greek legacy continued Geography: linked to History. We will look at maps of the Ancient Greek world and compare it to modern day maps. ICT: We are Cryptographers R.E: Diwali – Children will learn how Diwali is celebrated and why. They will look at the Hindu faith, including the story of Rama and Sita, and some of the customs associated with Hinduism. Games/PE: Dance – Greek Dance We will imagine moves that a Greek warrior might make. Once we have learnt the moves to a Greek dance, we will start to choreograph our own. MFL: Children will improve their vocabulary on months and days, as well as learn numbers and the alphabet. ICT: We are game developers. The children will use the program Scratch to create their own game. This unit will also include discussion on safety when playing computer games. Children learn how information can be communicated in secret over open channels, including the internet. They learn about how to check the security certificates of encrypted websites. We also look at what makes a secure password.