Welcome to our 5th grade class! Classroom Expectations I do believe that we are starting one of the best years in your school life! We are a TEAM and will only be our best by following some guidelines and working together. Please read the following classroom routines and guidelines. When you are finished, complete the questions and sign/return the bottom portion. You may keep the top portion for future reference, and you may at any time access this document from my website. Morning Routine Students should arrive at the classroom no earlier than 9:05 (often I will be in meetings or around the building and will not be there to supervise earlier than 9:05). The first things you do when you arrive at the classroom are: 1) Put away your coat, backpack, and any things that will remain in your locker during the day (remember to bring in your snack if you have one!) 2) Sharpen AT LEAST two pencils to be ready for the day (sharpening pencils is permitted throughout the day, but discouraged during teaching times) 3) Put your completed homework in your mailbox slot in the classroom. 4) Begin any morning work that the Ms. O’Keefe has written on the board. Morning Meeting Each morning we will have a class morning meeting (9:15-9:30). This is a simple way for each classmate to “check in” with each other and we will get to know each other through simple greetings and activities. During Morning Meeting it is a great time to practice respectful listening, speaking, and questioning skills. Schedule Our schedule changes daily, but will remain consistent throughout the year. You can find the schedule on my website, or see the attached copy. Each day we will have reading and math class, as well as a specialist class (gym, art, music) and time for independent reading. The class can also earn free time at the end of the day. The schedule is subject to minor changes. Snack We have a late lunch this year (1:10) and I realize that students (and myself!) will likely be hungry before that time. You are permitted to bring a small, healthy snack to school. The school suggests a piece of fruit, a vegetable, dried fruit, a protein (cheese stick, beef stick, yogurt), or a healthful grain**. Please avoid bringing in snacks containing peanuts or tree nuts. Snacks should be enough for just one student (sharing food is not allowed) per day. Brining an entire box of crackers and storing them in your locker all week, for example, could attract critters! Snack time will vary depending upon the daily schedule, but will typically be around 10:30 am. **See the Cornelia handbook for complete school guidelines and suggested snacks Classroom Compact In order for everyone to feel respected and to be successful this year, we will as a class devise a classroom compact. This will be based upon our personal and collective “Hopes and Dreams” for 5th grade and our future. We will work on this compact individually, in small groups, and as a class to come up with several expectations we all will uphold. Electronics Please do not bring iPods or iPads to school. If you bring a cell phone for emergency purposes, please give it to Ms. O’Keefe to lock up during the school day. I understand that students may choose to bring electronic reading devices (Kindle, Nook, etc) to school to use for reading. Any items that you bring and keep in your locker are NOT considered secure, as the lockers are not locked. I would feel horrible and sympathize with you if something was taken, but unfortunately cannot be responsible for your loss. Homework/Assignment Planner Contrary to popular belief, teachers don’t love assigning homework as a punishment! Homework helps students reinforce skills learned in school by practicing them at home. You can count on having homework MOST nights, but it may not be due the very next day. That is why our Assignment Planner is important to use consistently and correctly. At the end of each day, we will fill out the assignment planner together. We will include the name of the assignment, any special instructions, and the date it is due. Parents are allowed to check the planner if they feel it is necessary! Like you, I am human! I make mistakes and understand that you will too. I believe it is important that we learn with and from each other this year. If you need an extension on a homework assignment, or just didn’t understand it when you were doing it at home, I will absolutely be flexible and grant you leniency. I never want a student to feel extremely frustrated or scared to return to school the next day; please, please communicate honestly with me and we will work together to find a solution! That brings me to my next point… Explanations vs. Excuses There are often times that we encounter situations in our lives (out of our control) that cause us to be unable to follow through on an expectation. When we realize we have done everything in our power to accomplish something and are unable to do so, we can explain ourselves and make a plan of action. I consider this an explanation. An excuse is different than an explanation in that it excuses behavior that could otherwise be changed. Often, excuses are a given to allow pattern of (sometimes negative) behavior. Sometimes one person could perceive an explanation as an excuse and vice versa, so this will be a topic that we continue to revisit this year. I encourage students to consider whether they are offering an explanation or giving an excuse—and let’s discuss! Above all… Be respectful when you enter our classroom. Remember Ms. O’Keefe’s expectations: 1) Listen to the speaker 2) Be kind 3) Be safe 4) Work hard—do your best!! Let‘s make it a great year team Homework: Please answer the following questions based on the expectations sheet: 1) Why do we have a daily Morning Meeting? 2) What should I do if I forget what is on our schedule? 3) What is one thing I should do in the morning to get ready for the day? 4) Pretend you didn’t do your homework. Give an example of something you believe is an explanation and give another example of something you believe is an excuse. 5) What do you think your favorite subject will be this year? Why? By signing this paper, I agree that I have read and understand these classroom expectations. I pledge to do my best to follow them each day. _________________________________________ Student name ______________ Date