Karyotypes Name:______________________________________Date:____________Pd:_______ http://www.biology.arizona.edu/human_bio/activities/karyotyping/karyotyping2.html Introduction and instructions: Karyotyping is one of many techniques that allow us to look for several thousand possible genetic diseases in humans. When doctors use karyotypes, they take a photograph of the chromosomes in a cell and cut out each of the chromosomes. They then organize these chromosomes by size and banding pattern. Diploid cells have 2 of each chromosome size. Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes. Other species have different numbers of chromosomes. Notation of Karyotypes: This notation includes the total number of chromosomes, the sex chromosomes, and any extra or missing autosomal chromosomes. For example, 47, XY, +18 indicates that the patient has 47 chromosomes, is a male, and has an extra autosomal chromosome 18. 46, XX is a female with a normal number of chromosomes. 47, XXY is a patient with an extra sex chromosome. This is a male with no chromosomal disorder. Notice there are 23 pairs of chromosomes and in the lower right hand corner, the last homologous pair is not the same size. This is because the Y chromosome is smaller than the X. The notation for this is 46,XY. Because there are 46 chromosomes and the sex chromosomes are an X and a Y since it is a male. This is a female with no chromosomal disorder. Notice there are 23 pairs of chromosomes and in the lower right hand corner, the last homologous pair is the same size. This is because every female has 2 X chromosomes. The notation for this is 46,XX. Because there are 46 chromosomes and the sex chromosomes are an X X since it is a female. Watch this video: https://youtu.be/Huf1-il_p84 Occasionally non-disjunction occurs during meiosis and an individual may receive a different number of chromosomes. An extra chromosome will give a person trisomy, three of one type of chromosome. A missing chromosome will result in monosomy. There are a few examples of non-disjunction that result in a baby that can survive after birth; the others are too devastating and the baby usually dies inside the mother and a miscarriage occurs. You will evaluate 3 patients' case histories, complete their karyotypes, and diagnose any missing (monosomy) or extra chromosomes (trisomy). This is what actual doctors do! Complete each patient's karyotype by matching the chromosomes with their homologous pairs. When you find the match, click the number that the chromosome belongs over (your choices will be blue). Remember that a typical human karyotype will have 46 chromosomes; 2 of each type. Each homologous pair should be the same size and have the same gene banding pattern. The only exception is that males will have a Y chromosome that is a different size than the larger X. Then, use the karyotype and following descriptions to diagnose the patient. Possible Diagnosis: Normal chromosome #- symptoms due to something other than an abnormal number of chromosomes. Klinefelter's Syndrome – Trisomy of the sex chromosome , extra X sex chromosomes. Down's Syndrome- Trisomy 21, extra chromosome 21 Patau Syndrome – Trisomy 13, extra chromosome 13 Turner Syndrome- Monosomy of the sex chromosomes Jacob Syndrome- Trisomy of the sex chromosome, extra Y sex chromosome Karyotype Lab Questions Name:_________________________________________Pd:________________Date:_______________ Introduction Questions: 1. What is a Karyotype?_________________________________________________________ 2. In your own words, how is a karyotype made? __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 3. When a patient has only 1 of a specific chromosome, instead of a homologous pair, this is called _____________________________________________________________________________ 4. When a patient has 3 of a specific type of chromosome, instead of a homologous pair this is called _____________________________________________________________________________ 5. What is the cause of abnormal chromosome numbers? ________________________________________________________________________________ 6. Do abnormal chromosome numbers always result in Down syndrome? ________________________________________________________________________________ 7. What do abnormal chromosome numbers usually cause? ________________________________________________________________________________ Application Questions: Label each Karyotype as Patient A, B or C. ____________________ __________________ ___________________ Patient A This patient is the nearly-full-term fetus of a forty year old female. Chromosomes were obtained from fetal epithelial (skin) cells acquired through amniocentesis. Amniocentesis is a procedure where the doctor takes a sample of the fluid in the womb to run tests on. Amniocentesis is a higher risk procedure that doctors usually only do when they suspect that the baby may have a chromosomal disorder. Since the mother is in her forties and non-disjunction occurs more frequently when the mother is over thirty five they are testing the baby to check for abnormal chromosome numbers just in case. Notation:_________________Gender:______________________Diagnosis:_______________________ Patient B This patient is a 28 year old who is trying to identify a cause for his/her infertility. Chromosomes were obtained from nucleated cells in the patient's blood. Notation:_________________Gender:______________________Diagnosis:_______________________ Patient C This patient died shortly after birth, with a multitude of anomalies, including polydactyly (more than 10 fingers) and a cleft lip. Chromosomes were obtained from a tissue sample. Notation:_________________Gender:______________________Diagnosis:_______________________ 1. What are 3 ways a doctor can get a sample of chromosomes? (hint: how did they get them from our patients) ____________________ ______________________ _____________________ 2. In your own words, describe what an amniocentesis is. ____________________________________________________________________________