CCS Calendar at a Glance - Classical Cottage School

Sui Generis, Nulli Secunda
Classical Cottage School
One of a Kind, Second to None
CCS ALL-SCHOOL ANNOUNCEMENTS –November 26 – December 2, 2012
CCS Calendar at a Glance
This Week:
Nov. 29, Thursday – Memory Period – Chapel – 8:10-8:25 AM
Chapel Speaker – Jim Vogt – Parker Hall – 10:40-10:55 AM
Class of 2013 Graduation Meeting – 12:15PM – Location TBD
Ski Program Signups - Due Dec. 6th – 1:30PM – Ski Folder at Greeter’s Station
Spring Latin Exam Signups – Due Dec. 6th – 1:30PM – Mrs. Schearer
Pizza Lunch Orders Due Today – Orders for Pizza Day on Dec. 6th
Christmas Collection – for NICU at Children’s Hospital D.C. – Box at Greeter’s Station
Next Week:
Dec. 6th, Thursday – Ski Program Registration & Payment Due – 1:30PM – Ski Folder
Spring Latin Exam Signups Due - 1:30PM – Mrs. Schearer
Pizza Day – Lunch
Christmas Collection – for NICU at Children’s Hospital D.C. – Box at Greeter’s Station
Dec. 8th, Saturday – Riverbend Certamen
Important Future Dates:
Dec. 8th – Jan. 2nd – No CCS Classes - Christmas Holidays
Dec. 10th, Monday – Skating Party/Potluck – Midway Roller-Rama - $4 per student
Dec. 14th, Friday – Teen Christmas Party – O’Keefe Home – 6-9PM – Bring Gift/Snack/Music
Dec. 16th, Sunday – Snow Tubing at Bryce Resort – 4:30-8PM - $15/person for Pizza & Tubing
Jan. 2, 2013, Wednesday – First Wednesday Ski Day
Jan. 3, 2013, Thursday – Welcome back to CCS – Classes resume for 2013
Administrative Announcements
Christmas Collection - This year, CCS has decided to support the NICU at Children’s Hospital in D.C.
You may be wondering why we chose a place a little bit out of the way. Two of our families, the
Steeles and Schloemers, have a two year old cousin, Caleb who was born with a rare disorder
called VACTERL Association. Caleb spent the first 4 months of his life in Children’s Hospital of
Philadelphia’s (CHOP) NICU – including his first Christmas. In his short life, he has had 9
surgeries and will continue to have surgery every six months or so until he stops growing. Caleb
and his parents have spent a lot of time in the NICU and this Christmas, they are travelling to
Children’s in D.C. from their home in North Carolina, not for a stay, but to give their support to
the families who will be spending this year’s Christmas in the hospital. They are estimating that
90 families will be there this holiday season. You can learn more about Caleb's story and the
inspiration for this year's CCS Christmas Collection at
A box will be placed at the Greeter’s Station November 29th and December 6th to collect any
items you would like to share. They are requesting:
bottles of water
any sort of drink: Starbucks drinks in glass bottles, juice, Gatorade (preferably not soda)
any sort of snacks
gum or mints
hand sanitizer
hand lotion
chap stick
travel size tooth brush and tooth paste
any gift cards to places like Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts, Subway
note pad and paper
magnetic photo frames that families could stick to the baby’s crib
little stuffed animals
homemade fleece blankets or small pillows for the parents
Christmas Bazaar - December 6th, 3:45 to 5:00 p.m., Parker Hall – It’s time to do a little Christmas
shopping and show off some of our talent! On our last day of class before Christmas break,
students can sell their homemade items in Parker Hall. Homemade crafts and food items are
welcome. There is no charge for a table and all proceeds go to the student vendor. When
Omnibus is over (not before then!) any student can set up their items on a table to sell their
creations. Bring your crafts to sell and your cash to buy! There is no RSVP. If you have questions,
please contact Beth at
Shop Amazon- If you can’t find the perfect item at the craft bazaar, shop Amazon! Why does CCS keep
reminding us about Amazon? If you shop Amazon through the CCS website, CCS receives a small
percentage of the purchase. So we are able to raise money without asking you to do anything
other than use our CCS website Amazon link. All proceeds go to support our school. Because of
this fundraising effort, in the past year, we have been able to provide financial aid to several
families, some in emergency situations, and bought much needed projectors and other
equipment for our teachers.
Latin Announcements
Spring Latin Exam Signup: National Latin Exam (3/14/13); National Mythology Exam (2/28/13,
inclement weather day 3/7/12); Medusa Mythology Exam (3/21/13); The On-Line National
Roman Civilization Exam (one day between 2/18/13-2/22/13--TBD); NJCL Creative Writing
Contest; The CAV Latin Essay; The CAV Classical Essay in English. Forms Due to Susan Schearer
by Dec. 6th at 1:30PM. More information is available on the CCS Website.
CCS Winnings at 2012 Virgina JCL Convention - CCS students came home from the 2012 Virginia
JCL convention with thirteen Best-in-show awards (out of 33), and if we count CCS influence on
Handley HS student Tashi Treadway, we can claim 17: over half!!!! And that's out of 92 schools
present! CCS students also placed first among achievers at each grade level: grades 5-8 Jocelyn
Robertson; grade 9 Wyatt Joyner; grade 11 Sophia Clifton; grade 12 Carolyn Manion. Tashi
placed first in grade 10.
Amy Bashioum: 2nd Reading Comprehension Prose IV; 6th Latin Mottoes IV; 7th Latin
Vocabulary IV and Latin Derivatives IV.
Tim Bennett: 1st Cartoon, Greeting Card, Pottery; 3rd Non-stitched Textiles (CCS T-shirt); 4th
Roman History III; 8th Roman Life III; 5th among all delegates in grades 5-8.
Emma Clifton: 1st Greeting Card; 2nd Photographic Group; 3rd English Oratory; 4th
Derivatives III, Photography, and Advanced Latin Oratory; 6th Mythology III,
Vocabulary III, and Computer-enhanced Photo; 7th Pentathlon III; 8th Reading
Comprehesion Prose III, Non-stitched Textiles; 3rd among all delegates in grade 9.
Sophia Clifton: 1st Dramatic Interpretation Girls’ Advanced Prose, English Oratory,
Photographic Group; Greeting Card; 2nd Computer-enhanced Photo; 3rd Pentathlon III,
Photography, and Illustrated Quote; 7th Mythology III, Vocabulary III; 8th Reading
Comprehension Prose III; 9th Derivatives; first among all achievers in grade 11.
Gigi Grillo: 2nd Couples Costume, middle school level (with Emma Shanabrook); 3rd Jewelry.
Wyatt Joyner: 1st Dramatic Interpretation of Advanced Boys’ Prose, Advanced Latin Oratory,
Sculpture (Best-in-show), Mottoes III, Pottery; 2nd Mosaic, Vocabulary III; 3rd Latin
Grammar, Illustrated Quote; 6th Cartoon, Derivatives III, Small Model; 9th Reading
Comprehension Advanced Prose; 10th Greeting Card; 1st among 9th grade achievers.
Maeve Juday: 3rd Dramatic Interpretation of Advanced Girls’ Prose, Cartoons; 4th Mottoes V+;
6th Roman Life V+; 7th Pentathlon V+ and Story Telling; 8th Latin Grammar V+,
Ornaments; 9th Derivatives V+, Latin Vocabulary V+; 4th among 10th grade achievers.
Sinead Juday: 1st Couples Costume, middle-school division (with Clara Shanabrook); 3rd
Dramatic Interpretation of Latin Advanced Girls Prose.
Ryan Klopp: 1st Mottoes I-Adv; 2nd Modern Myth, Roman Life I-A, Mythology I-A; 3rd Roman
History I-A; 5th Pentathlon I-A; 7th Derivatives I-A; 10th among achievers in grades 5-8.
Alex Leeds: 1st Boys Costume, upper level; 3rd Mythology I; 5th Roman History I
Camille Leeds: 1st Couples Costume, upper level, (Best-in-show with Tashi Treadway), Pottery;
Camille tied with Carolyn Manion for the Susan Schearer Plaque for the most points won
in Creative Arts. 2nd Roman Life V+, Roman History V+, Mythology V+; Dramatic
Interpretation of Advanced Latin Prose, Modern Myth; 3rd Advanced Latin Oratory,
Story Telling; 4th Mottoes V+, Ornaments, Small Model; 5th Pentathlon V+, English
Oratory; 6th Jewelry; 7th Derivatives; 8th Cartoon; 10th Computer-enhanced Photo,
Illustrated Quote. She placed 2nd among 12th grade achievers.
Madeleine Leeds: 1st Girls Costume Contest, lower level; 2nd Dramatic Interpretation level
one; 3rd Roman History I; 5th Mythology I; 10th charts.
Abigail Lynch: 3rd Pottery, 4th Reading Comprehension I; 6th Vocabulary I; 10th Roman Life I,
Roman History I.
Caroline Lynch: 3rd Pottery.
Carolyn Manion: 1st and Best-in-Show in Pentathlon V+, Reading Comprehension Poetry V+;
Latin Literature V+, Mottoes V+, Vocabulary V+, Mosaic; 1st Dramatic Interpretation
Girls Poetry, Photography; overall achiever in grade 12; Hugh Himwich Award for best
overall in academic competitions, tied with Camille Leeds for Susan Schearer Award for
best overall in creative arts; Annie Aldridge Award for best overall achiever among all
1700 students at the convention. 2nd Latin Grammar, Advanced Latin Oratory, Story
Telling, Computer-enhanced Photo; 3rd Sculpture; 4th Couples Costume upper level,
Cartoon, Illustrated Quote; 6th English Oratory; 7th Photographic Group.
E.J. McKay: 4th Roman History I; 7th Vocabulary I.
Matt Merline: 3rd Cartoons; 8th Reading Comprehension of Latin.
Danny Rhodes: 2nd Vocabulary I, Latin Grammar I, Derivatives I; 4th Reading Comprehension
I, Pentathlon I; 6th Latin Oratory.
Landon Rhodes: 2nd Vocabulary I-Adv, Derivatives I-A; 3rd Latin Grammar I-A, Mottoes I-A,
Pentathlon I-A, Latin Oratory I; 5th Reading Comprehension I-A; 6th Roman Life I-A; 6th
among achievers grades 5-8.
Jocelyn Robertson: 1st Dramatic Interpretation I, Small Model, Computer-enhanced Photo,
Photographic Group; 2nd Latin Oratory, Photography; 3rd Mythology I; 4th Pottery,
Jewelry, Reading Comprehension I, Vocabulary I, Latin Grammar I; 5th Derivatives
I. Jocie placed first overall among all students in grades 5-8.
Clara Shanabrook: 1st Couples Costume, lower division (with Sinead Juday); 2nd Illustrated
Quote; 3rd Ornament; 4th Small Model; 7th among achievers in grade 5-8. (Mrs.
Schearer believes this list is incomplete.)
Emma Shanabrook: 2nd Couples Costume, lower division (with Gigi Grillo), Dolls; 3rd
Computer-enhanced Photo; 4th Ornaments.
Gavin White: 2nd Maps; 6th Geography I-Adv; 7th Mottoes I-A.
Simon Whittle: 3rd Advanced Latin Oratory; 6th Reading Comprehension of Advanced Prose
III; 8th Latin Literature III, Mythology III, Pentathlon III.
Miscellaneous Announcements
Ski Program Registration – During this exciting 5-week Ski Program, your children learn to ski from
trained ski instructors at Bryce Resort in Basye, VA on either five Mondays or Wednesdays in
January/February. All ages may participate in skiing; only students age 6-18 may enroll in the
group lessons. See the registration form and FAQ Document on the CCS Website for more
information. Place your registration form, equipment rental forms and 50% payment in the Ski
Program Folder on the Greeter’s Desk by Dec. 6th to participate. Blank Rental forms are
available at the Greeter’s Desk.
Uploading Yearbook Photos – To upload photos of CCs activities to be considered for inclusion in the
yearbook, please do the following: Go to the CCS webpage. Click on the Yearbook link. You will
be transferred to the CCS Yearbook page on the Entourage website. You do NOT need to log in
as yearbook staff in order to upload photos. Instead, click on the ‘Upload Photos’ button on the
right hand side of the page. You will then be asked for a password. Enter: CCSYearbook (the
CCS and Y must be in caps the rest in lowercase). Please try to select your best photos. If you
have trouble contact Pat Whittle at
Yearbook Student Meeting – We would like as many students as possible to be involved in designing
pages/themes, etc. for this year’s yearbook. We realize that having to travel to Leesburg is not
easy for most students. If you or your student, are interested in participating in creating the
yearbook, please email Mrs. Whittle at We will try to meet at a time and
location accessible to all. Please send your email within the week.
CCS Decennial T-Shirt Orders – T-shirt orders can still be placed this Thursday. Don’t miss this
opportunity to buy your student a Christmas gift! Stop by the Monitor’s Station to see Tim
Bennett’s award-winning design and to place your order. Place a check for $10 per t-shirt,
payable to Valerie O’Keeffe, in the envelope at the Monitor’s Station, and be sure to indicate
the appropriate size on the order form (youth and adult sizes are available). FOR EVERY
PLINY THE ELDER’S NATURAL HISTORY! (Thank you, Kim and John Schatz, for this generous
donation!) T-shirts must be paid for when you place your order.
Graduation For Class of 2013: Is your child graduating from CCS this year? If so, please come to a
brief graduation meeting on Thursday, November 29, at 12:15. Room number - TBD. Graduation
is scheduled for May 25, 2013. The graduation ceremony is the responsibility of the parents to
plan so it is important that you attend this meeting. Important information will be distributed. If
you are unable to attend this meeting, but your child will be graduating from CCS, please email
Taryn Bell ( so you can be included in the planning.
Annō Decimō Adhūc Crescēns
(Still Growing in Our 10th Year)