SK.MrsK Books Syllabus: 6 Traits of Writing: An eLearning Module Syllabus : 6 Traits of Writing: An eLearning Module Instructor: K Shealy Email: (use the mailbox located on this website in the top right corner) Office Hours: By appointment (thru email) Term: 8 months : 12 sessions : Distance Learning per Educator’s schedule : Sept.-May Credits: To be determined by area ESD service and University acceptance Course Description This course introduces Educators to a blended approach of teaching the 6 Traits of Writing with instructional technology presentation options. Theories of the 6 Traits, proven writing techniques, and literacy connections are integrated with modern theories of eLearning practices, instructional design delivery and development, and classroom implementation. Included in the course is development and delivery of distributed learning lessons using relevant technologies of an Educator website, Blog site, and student Wiki site. Course Goals 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Define 6 Traits of writing, Read-To literacy connections, and delivery systems for eLearning. Discuss the history and evolution of the 6 Traits of Writing, Read-To literacy connections, and eLearning classroom presentation formats. Compare and contrast the 6 Traits of Writing model with other writing strategies (Writing Aloud, Shared Writing, Interactive Writing, Guided Writing) as instructional design methods for classroom presentation. Compare and contrast the blended approach for instructional design as it relates to technology options and it’s place in writing instruction. Discuss and debate the current status of distributed learning in 21 st century educational settings. Analyze characteristices of a well-designed blended approach to writing instruction and student motivation. Examine and implement a variety of instructional writing strategies, literacy connections, and technology formats in the design, development, and delivery of module assignments. Demonstrate how to design and deliver effective eLearning writing instruction in assigned technology formats. Demonstrate 6 Traits of Writing lesson design and presentation within a classroom setting. Textbooks & Articles Spandel, V. (2001). Books, Lessons, Ideas for Teaching the Six Traits. MA: Great Source Education Group ISBN# 0-669-48174-2 Mooney, M. (1990). Reading To, With, and By Children. NY: Richard C Owen Publishers, Inc. ISBN# 0-913461-18-0 Suggested Titles: Culham, R. (2004). Using Picture Books to Teach Writing With the Traits. NY:The Writing Traits Co. ISBN# 0-439-55687-2 Wilhelm, J. (1997). You Gotta Be the Book. NY:Teachers College Columbia University ISBN# 0-8077-3566-3 Frank, M. (1995). If You’re Trying To Teach Kids How to Write. TN:Incentive Publications, Inc. ISBN# 0-86530-317-7 These books are available through online bookstores such as Amazon or Barnes and Noble. 1 SK.MrsK Books Syllabus: 6 Traits of Writing: An eLearning Module In addition to your textbook reading, you will be required to read a number of articles each session. These articles will be linked within the individual course modules as either web pages, PDF files, and or linked at one of the modules technology sites (listed below). You are also encouraged to share and post additional investigative topic links at your Educator website, Blog site, and /or student Wiki site. Horizonwimba Live Chat: You will need headphones with a mic for your computer to particiapte in the Horizon Live Chat sessions. Shop around. Prices vary. Depending on the age of your computer, you might not have a mic port. If not, you will need to get a headset with USB connection to use the microphone. If your computer is newer, you might have voice and sound right in the system. You can check your system by logging into the Horizonwimba sight. Once you have your headphones, you will need to bring up the Horizonwimba test site. Follow the directions below: Computer Ready? Set up your computer by going to the Horizonwimba sight:: Patriciapnt login: Click to open Enter Name: Enter your name, you will not need a password just click to open Run Wizard: You will be prompted to run the setup Wizard the first time (this will come up every time you log-in but once setup is accomplished you will not need to do it again and you just click forward after that). Follow the instructions, it’s quick and easy. Chat Ready: Once the setup wizard is finished you computer will be ready for the discussions. For multiple locations (home, work, laptop) you will need to setup the wizard at all locations. Communications You are encouraged to communicate with your instructor and other educators throughout the course. The instructor will be available via telephone, e-mail, the modules discussion board, and the modules chat room. Student Responsibilities Time Commitment: This course will require a minimum of 4 – 8 hours per week (dependent on each student’s background and module pacing) reading the textbooks, the modules notes, and completing the assignements. Attendance Policy: When taking courses that are 98% online, it is easy for learners to forget their commitment to the course and to procrastinate. It is very important for you to remain vigilant in your studies every week. Weekly postings will be monitored. Learning from each other is crucial in your instructional design, implementation, and completion of assigned learnings. It is in the cooperative feedback that you will find most of your solutions and creative insights. Since this course has a lengthy duration period, remember to schedule your lesson designs, postings, and classroom assignments on your personal classroom calendar, it will serve as a reminder for staying current with this module. There will be three on-site lab dates. In spite of where you are in the modules sessions plan on attending these sessions on time and for the duration of the lab. Additionally, there will be a number of interactive requirements in this course – some requiring you to be meeting co-educators and the instructor online at specific times. Check the modules What’s New link regularly to ensure your participation in these synchronous activities. In case of an emergency, contact the instructor as soon as possible to make arrangements for any missed assignment dates. Writing Module Formats: 1. All Educator papers must follow the APA style. You can review the APA format for listing research findings at the University Writing Centers APA Guide: The recommended APA professional manual might be a great purchase if you desire to publish professional articles or are considering graduate coursework: APA Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. 2. All module targets are following the Wisconsin Teaching Standards, as well as the National Educational Teaching Standards for Teachers which can be found at the Wired Instructor website: Grading Policy Your grade will be calculated based on completing work, full participation in module activities, and your classroom/student writing portfolio. Mastery is assessed within every assigned activity and with participation in the modules interactive sessions. Completed postings to the modules website, the Educators website/Blog/student Wiki 2 SK.MrsK Books Syllabus: 6 Traits of Writing: An eLearning Module will serve as one aspect of mastery. Your completed 6 Trait video will be assessed with the provided rubric by the instructor, yourself, and 2 co-educators (during the final face-2-face presentation). Module surveys and evaluations will be awarded points for completion, as well as module chat sessions and module discussion board participations. A breakdown of activities and point values is in the table below: Session 1 2 Module Description On-site Educator Lab 6 Trait Writing Theory & Techniques 6 Trait: Idea Writing Evaluator: (Favorite Place) 6 Trait: Organization On-site Educator Lab 6 Trait: Idea & Organization Free Choice 3 4 5 6 Trait Quick Write & Read-To 6 Trait: Voice 6 6 Trait Read-To Resources & Practices 6 Trait: Word Choice 7 Writing Aloud Instructional Method: (Name History) 6 Trait: Sentence Fluency 8 Shared Writing Instructional Method 6 Trait: Conventions 9 Interactive Writing Method: (Interactive Blogging) 6 Trait + 1: Presentation 10 Guided Writing Method 6 Trait + 1: Presentation 11 Independent Writing Monitor 6 Trait: All Traits (5 Lessons) 12 Putting It Altogether Video 6 Trait: Free Choice Lesson 13 Final On-site Video Presentation Assigned Projects 15 10 5 15 5 Discussion Board Postings Classroom Writing Posted 6 Trait Survey 10 15 5 Discussion Board Postings Educator Blog/Wiki URL Posted Classroom Writing Posted Instructional Design Survey Horizonwimba Participation Discussion Board Postings Classroom Writing Posted Educator Tech Postings (website, blog, and student wiki) Quick Write Evaluation Discussion Board Postings Classroom Writing Posted Educator Tech Postings (website, blog, and student wiki) Discussion Board Postings Classroom Writing Posted Educator Tech Postings (website, blog, and student wiki) Horizonwimba Participation Discussion Board Postings Classroom Writing Posted Educator Tech Postings (website, blog, and student wiki) Horizonwimba Participation Discussion Board Postings Classroom Writing Posted Educator Tech Postings (website, blog, and student wiki) Horizonwimba Participation Discussion Board Postings Classroom Writing Posted Educator Tech Postings (website, blog, and student wiki) Horizonwimba Participation Discussion Board Postings Classroom Writing Posted Educator Tech Postings (website, blog, and student wiki) Horizonwimba Participation Discussion Board Postings Video Posted Classroom Writing Posted Educator Tech Postings (website, blog, and student wiki) Module Evaluation Horizonwimba Participation Video Presentation Peer-Presentation Evaluations 10 10 10 5 5 10 10 10 Total Point Values: Grading Scale: 3 Maximum Points Discussion Board Postings Educator Website URL Posting Module Pre-Survey Discussion Board Postings Classroom Writing Reflection 5 10 10 10 10 15 10 5 10 10 10 5 10 10 10 5 10 10 10 5 10 50 10 5 10 25 10 10 5 5 20 10 500 SK.MrsK Books For Letter Grade Syllabus: 6 Traits of Writing: An eLearning Module Pass/No Pass 480-500 pts = A 460-479 pts = A440-459 pts = B+ 410-439 pts = B 395-409 pts = B375-394 pts = C+ 395-500 pts = Pass Below 395 pts = No Pass 355-374 pts = C 345-353 pts = CBelow 345 = Fail Learning is what most adults will do for a living in the 21st century - Perelman 4