THIRD ANNUAL POSTGRADUATE CONFERENCE IN HUMANITIES AND EDUCATION Hosted by Mater Dei Institute of Education & St Patrick’s College, Drumcondra 12 April 2013 at the Mater Dei Institute of Education CONFERENCE SCHEDULE: MATER DEI INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION C1 09.00-11-00 Session/Seisiún I Panel/Painéal A English Literature and the Arts C1 Chair: Dr Michael Hinds (Head of English, Mater Dei Institute) Conor Connolly (MDI) ‘A Scientific Approach to the Arts’ Cormac Lambe (SPD) ‘James Craven’s Literary Response to the Northern Ireland Conflict” Ailbhe Honohan (MDI) ‘Identifying Comedy of Correction and Forgiveness in Paradise Lost’ Mary Honan (MDI) Panel/Painéal B ‘Let Me Go: My Mother and the SS: A Thematic Analysis’ Structural Questions: Charities, Pastoral Practices and Pilgrimage C2 Chair: Dr Bernadette Flanagan (Director of Research, All Hallows College) Martin Cahill (AHC) ‘The Construction of a Core-adaptive Hybrid Contingency Model of Governance for Charities in Ireland’ Gertrude Gill (AHC) ‘How Benedictine Hospitality Can Contribute to the Development of a More Inclusive Model of Pastoral Practice in Post-modern Ireland’ Anna-Marie O’Doherty (AHC) ‘Integrating my Learning to Develop Pilgrimage to Holy Wells Associated with St Brecán Through Action Research’ Patrick McCormack (SPD) ‘Building on Solid Foundations? - A Consideration of What Constitutes Appropriate Qualifications for Teachers of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Their Impact on Teacher Sense of Confidence and Effectiveness in the Classroom’ 11.00 WELCOME FROM DR ANDREW MCGRADY & OFFICIAL OPENING/OSCAILT OIFIGIÚIL Dr Lisa Looney, Dean of Graduate Studies, DCU 11.10-11.30 Break/Sos C1 College Canteen 1 11.30-13.00 Session/Seisiún II Panel/ Painéal A Issues in Education, Religious Education and Ethics C1 Chair: Dr Gareth Byrne (Head of the Irish Centre for Religious Education, Mater Dei Institute) Michael Foley (MDI) ‘Integral Human Development as the Overarching Aim of Catholic Education’ John Tilson, (MDI) ‘The Ethics of Influence’ Áine Moran (MDI) ‘The Role of Chaplaincy in Irish Schools Today’ Jim Butler (AHC) ‘Conviction or Convention? An Insight Into the Rationale of Catholic Parents in Presenting Their Children for Baptism and the Other Sacraments of Christian Initiation in Early 21st Century Ireland’ Panel/Painéal B Health and Spiritual Wellbeing Boardroom Chair: Professor Steven Knowlton (DCU) Siobhán McDermott (School of Nursing and Human Sciences, DCU) ‘Emerging Adults’ Experience of Living with Childhood Chronic Kenneth W. Hannaway (AHC) ‘Investigating the Contribution of Spiritual Contemplative Practices in Illness’ suicide-prevention Strategies: National and International Perspectives’ Mary Stefanazzi (MDI) ‘An Examination of the Relationship between Soul and Psyche in Human Flourishing’ Catherine Gibson (AHC) ‘Reconciling Religion and Psychotherapy: A Phenomenological 2 Account of Clergy who Left Ministry to join Healing Professions’ Panel/Painéal C Access/Engagement/Enrichment: Aspects of Education C2 Chair: Dr Michael O’Leary, Director of Postgraduate Studies in Education, St Patrick’s College, Drumcondra Tish Balfe (SPD) ‘Listen With Your Eyes and You Will Hear Me Communicate: Exploring the Impact on the Social Communication Behaviours of Five Children with ASD and their Classroom Staff (Teachers and SNAs) Following the Staff’s Participation in a Communication Promoting Professional Learning Community’ Aisling Twohill (SPD) ‘The role of the Zone of Proximal Development in the Design of a Clinical Interview’ Elizabeth Breslin (School of Educational Studies, DCU) Benjamin Mallon (SPD) ‘Attitudes to Higher Education of Second-level Students After Participation in a University Academic Enrichment Programme’ ‘Gauging the Responsibility for Conflict and Peace: Cross-border Education Projects on the Island of Ireland’ 13.00‐13.55 Lunch/Lón College Canteen 14.00‐14.40 KEYNOTE ADDRESS / EOCHAIRCHAINT Dr Patrick Geoghegan C1 ‘Research in the Humanities: Challenge and Opportunity, an Historian’s View’ Dr Geoghegan is Associate Professor of History and Dean of Undergraduate Studies at Trinity College, Dublin Chair: (Professor James Kelly, Saint Patrick’s College, Drumcondra) 3 14.45-16.45 Session/Seisiún III 14.45-15.30 Panel/ Painéal A Léann an Gaeilge & an Gaeloideachas C1 Chair: Dr Rióna Ní Fhrighil, Roinn na Gaeilge, Coláiste Phádraig, Droim Conrach Katie Ní Loingsigh (Fiontar, DCU) Conchúr Ó Brolcháin (SPD) ‘Tiomsú agus Rangú Cnuasach Nathanna as Saothar an Athar Peadar Ua Laoghaire i mBunachar Sonraí’ ‘Staidéar ar an Luath-thumoideachas Iomlán agus an tOideachas tríd an Teanga Dhúchais sa Ghaeltacht’ 14.45-16.00 Panel/Painéal B Language, Learning and Enterprise Education C2 Chair: Dr Fionnuala Waldron (Head of Department and Dean of Education, St Patrick’s College, Drumcondra) Laoise Ní Thuairisg (SPD) ‘Conducting Research in Post-Primary Schools: Negotiating Access and Cooperation’ Reglindis De Ridder (SALIS, DCU) ‘Arme Rijke Taal’ [Poor Rich Language]: Minority Language Planning Anthony (Bobby) Pringle (Fiontar, DCU) ‘The Case for Enterprise Education: Tapping into the Potential of Ciarán Ó Mathúna ‘An examination of the transformative learning experiences, in the self-evaluation of participants in the Adult Learning BA (All Hallows College, Dublin) on completion of their first year of studies’ 15.30-16.10 through Subtitles? A Case Study of Flemish Public Broadcasting Student Creativity’ DR EUCHARIA MEEHAN (DIRECTOR, IRISH RESEARCH COUNCIL & HEAD OF RESEARCH, HEA) C1 CHAIR: Dr Ciarán Mac Murchaidh (Dean of Research & Humanities, Saint Patrick’s College, Drumcondra) 16.10-16.30 Break/Sos Canteen 4 16.35-18.30 Session/Seisiún IV Panel/Painéal A Twentieth-Century Irish Culture and Society C1 Chair: Dr Leeann Lane (Head of Irish Studies and Head of Humanities, Mater Dei Institute) Mark Reynolds (MDI) Gary Carville (MDI) ‘The GAA and the 1980 Hunger Strike’ ‘How was the Reception of Vatican II Affected by the Ecclesial, Social and Cultural Outlooks of the Irish Per-conciliar Church?’ Barra Ó Seaghdha (SALIS, DCU) ‘Changes and Continuities: 1906 to the 1960s’ Yvonne Igoe (School of Applied Languages and Intercultural Studies / School of Communications, DCU) ‘A “backward look” with One Eye on the Future? The Construction Panel/Painéal B Migration and the Questions of Integration and Representation of the Gaeltacht on RTÉ Television’ C2 Chair: Dr Ger Scanlon, School of Education Studies (DCU) Des Delaney (School of Law and Government, DCU) ‘Perceptions of Recognition - The Experience of Sunni Muslims in Laura Dooley (School of Applied Languages and Intercultural Studies, DCU) ‘“I don’t think it needs to be discussed, it’s not a big deal, like is it a Dublin’ problem?”: Investigating Transition Year Students’ Attitudes Towards Immigrants and Intercultural Education in Dublin Schools’ Rebecca Darcy (SPD) ‘The Migrant and the City: Fictional Representations of Public, Private, and Imagined Migrant Experience in London’ Krizan Vekic (MDI) ‘To Highlight the Changes which Occurred in Schools which Went from having Mono-ethnic Student Populations to Multi-ethnic Student Populations’ 18.30 Closing Reception Boardroom 5