Fractures Fracture Broken bone Closed fracture Broken bone with

Broken bone
Closed fracture
Broken bone with no opening through the skin
Colle’s Fracture
Break at the lower end of the radius above wrists. Causes the displacement of
Broken or splintered into piece
Bone is pressed together; it compresses on itself. Could be in the spine from
trauma also called a vertebral crush fracture
Depressed fracture
Fracture of the skull where apiece of bone is depressed inward
Fracture of the bone near point of articulation with dislocation of the joint
Green stick
One side of the bone is broken and the other side is bent. Occurs most often in
children because the cartilage is still flexible. Incomplete fracture.
Impacted fracture
A bone is broken but one edge is wedged into the interior of another bone
Fracture that extends along the whole length of a bone
Oblique Fracture
A slanted fracture on a bone (Diagonal)
Open fracture
Known also as a compound fracture where the bone is broken and perforates the
Fracture in a weakened bone
Potts Fracture
Fracture of lower part of the fibula with serious damage to the tibial articulation
Usually a chipping off of the medial malleolus
Simple fracture
Close fracture
Spiral fracture
One where the bone has been twisted apart
Stress fracture
Caused by unusual or repeated stress on a bone
Separation of tendon from insertions point taking with it a piece of the bone
Horizontal maxillary fracture
Fracture caused by a trauma
Fat embolus
Fat cells released into blood can develop from bone fractures
Crepitation or crepitus
Grating sound heard when ends of broken bone rub together
Bulging deposit around a broken bone area as it heals. Will turn to bone
Total displacement of a bone from its joints
Partial displacement of a bone from its joint
Pulling force exhibited on limb in distal direction to return bone/joint to normal
1. Bone tumors
a. Primary-
originates in the actual bone
b. Secondary
Originates somewhere else and metastasizes to the bone
2. Sarcoma
Originates from bone, fat, muscle, cartilage, bone marrow and cells of
lymphatic system
a. Fibrosarcoma
Develops in cartilage and generally effects the pelvis, upper legs, and shoulder.
Acquired between the age of 50-60
b. Osteosarcoma
Develops in the bone.
Found in knees, upper arms, and upper legs
Acquired between 20-25
c. Ewing Sarcoma
Develops from primitive new cells in bone marrow. It effects the shaft of the
long bones.
Young boys 10-20
Swelling and tenderness with tendency to fractures
Signs and symptoms
3. Avascular necrosis
Cellular death of bone due to interrupted blood supply to the bone leading to
deterioration of joint articular surfaces
4. Bone Cyst
Mostly benign
Found in metaphysis portion (growth plate region) of long bone
12-30% in the spine
5. Kyphosis
Exaggerated curvature of the spinal column in the thoracic region
6. Paget's disease
A condition of older adults in which there is a rapid and disorganized increase in
7. Pectus excavatum
Abnormal development of rib cage
Sunken or funnel chest Cause not known
8. Marfan syndrome
Connective tissue disorder which exhibits with long limbs, spiderlike fingers,
chest abnormalities, spinal curvature, highly arched palates and crowded teeth
9. Pectoral carinatum
Sternum is raised and the chest is pushed out (pigeon chest), barrel chest
10. Radial Dysplasia
Deformity of the hand on the radial bone side or thumb side of hand
Could have small thumb, no thumb, radial wrist bone deformity
Occurs in any new born but is slightly higher in boys than girls
11. Scoliosis
Side-to-side curvature of the spinal column
May be congenital, causes by chronic poor posture during childhood while the
vertebrae are still developing
12. Lordosis
Swayback Inward curvature of a portion of the lower spine (Lumbar region)
Could be caused by increase in weight of abdominal contents, obesity, and
excessive weight gain in pregnancy, osteoporosis
13. Talipes
Clubfoot – congenital deformity develops in womb during first trimester, in 1 of
every 1,000
Cause abnormal position in utero
3-4% risk if one parent has it
Up to 15% if both parents have it
14. Arthritis
A disease that leads to inflammation of the joints, resulting in stiff, painful
15. Herniated disc
A condition in which the outer layer of the fibrous cartilage between vertebrae
ruptures, resulting in stiffness, severe pain, and interference with nerve
16. Osteoporosis
A condition in which bone matrix is lost and not replaced, resulting in weakened
bones and possible curvature of the spine
17. Bursitis
An inflammation of the sac of synovial fluid that is found between some
tendons and bones
18. Cleft palate
A congenital condition in which the bones that separate the oral and nasal
cavities do not fuse
19. Ricketts
A deficiency of vitamin D that can often lead to poor or abnormal bone growth
in children
20. Osteochondroma
A neoplasm of the bone that usually exhibits itself as a spur on a long bone and
that generally remains benign
20. Chondrosarcoma
A neoplasm of the hyaline cartilage that is usually malignant
21. Osteomalacia
A bone disease characterized by poor mineralization of the bone
22. Osteomyelitis
An inflamed condition of a bone caused by infection with a pathogen
23. Mastoiditis
An inflammation of the air spaces in the mastoid region of the temporal bone
Hyaline cartilage
The most-common type of cartilage; translucent bluish-white cartilage found on
the bones, in most joints, and in the nasal passages
24. Ankylosing spondylitis
Long term disease that causes inflammation of the joints between the spinal
bones and the joints between the spine and pelvis
25. Gout
Metabolic disorder caused by accumulation of uric acid crystals in the blood.
These crystals can get deposited in the joints and tissue causing pain and
26. Infectious Arthritis
Septic arthritis due to inflammation of joint due to bacterial infection other than
27. Osteoarthritis
Degenerative joint disease (DJD) cartilage destruction and new bone formed on
edge of joints (spurs)
28. Rheumatoid Arthritis
Systemic disease characterized by inflammation of joints and related structures.
This is believed to be an autoimmune disease
Most often in women between 25 to 35 but can effect all age groups
29. Rheumatism
Conditions caused by the inflammation or deterioration of connective tissue
30. Arthralgia
Pain in the joint
Stiffness of a joint
Hallux valgus
Abnormal enlarged joint of the great toe (bunion)
31. Lumbago
Low back pain if the lumbar region
32. Spina bifida
Congenital defect the spine where the spinal canal fails to close around the
spinal cord cause by lack of folic acids during the first months of pregnancy
33. Myeloma
Malignant tumor of the bone marrow
Benign growth
Bone pain due to disease of the bone.
Inflammation of the bone
Inflammation of the periosteum
Diagnostic Procedures
Surgical puncture of the joint space to remove synovial fluid for analysis
Visualization of a joint with a scope
Bone density testing
Measurement of the bone mass
Bone marrow biopsy
Inserting a needle into the hipbone or sternum and removing bone marrow cells
Chiropractor (DC)
Manipulative treatment of disorders of the spine due to misalignment
Orthopedic surgeon
Diagnoses and treats bone, joint, and muscle disorders and diseases.
Specializes in the making and fitting of orthotic devices.
Osteopathic physician (DO)
Specializes in the treatment through manipulation of bone disorders
Podiatrist (DP or DPM)
Specializes in diagnosing and treating disorders of the foot
Physician that specializes in the Dx or Rx of rheumatic disease
Osteopathic physician (DO)
Specializes in the treatment through manipulation of bone disorders
Podiatrist (DP or DPM)
Specializes in diagnosing and treating disorders of the foot
Physician that specializes in the Dx or Rx of rheumatic disease