Student Guided Notes- The Releative Age of Rocks


The Relative Age of Rocks

The relative age of a rock is its _______________ compared to the ages of other rocks.

 Ex. Mrs. Herrscher is older than her sister and brother.

The absolute age of a rock is the _________________ of years that have passed since the rock formed.

 Ex. Mrs. Herrscher is 33 years old.

It may be impossible to know a rock’s absolute age exactly, so geologists often use both

__________________ and __________________ ages.

How old are rock layers?

According to the ____________of ____________________________, in undisturbed horizontal

sedimentary rock layers, the oldest layer is at the __________________.

Each higher layer is ______________________ than the layers below it.

The _________________________ of original horizontality states that most sedimentary layers of rock are deposited in a _______________________ position.

Clues from Igneous Rock

Lava that hardens on the surface and forms igneous rock is called an


 An extrusion is always _____________________ than the rocks below it.

When magma cools and hardens into a mass of igneous rock beneath the surface, it is called an


 An intrusion is always younger than the rock layers around and beneath it.

Clues from Fossils

A _________________ is a break in the Earth’s crust.

A fault is always younger than the rock it cuts through.

??? Why do you think a fault is always younger than the rock it cuts through?

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________

 An ____________________ fossil is a fossil that is ______________________ distributed and represents an organism that only existed for a ___________________ period of time.

Index fossils are useful because they tell the ___________________________________ ages of the rock layers in which they occur.

Clues with Fossils

How can rock layers change?

 ____________________ in the geologic record and _________________ can change the position in which rock layers appear.

An _______________________________ is a gap in the geologic record. It shows where rock layers have been lost due to __________________________.
