Graduate School of Psychology EVALUATION FORM RESEARCH MASTER’S INTERNSHIP Supervisor Form Title master’s internship: ………………………………….. Student name: ………………………………….. Student number: ………………………………….. Name supervisor: ………………………………….. Name second assessor: ………………………………….. PROPOSED OVERALL JUDGMENT SUPERVISOR: (based on the overall evaluation of the process AND the end product; see next pages of this evaluation form). PROPOSED OVERALL JUDGMENT SECOND ASSESSOR : (based on the overall evaluation of the end product; see evaluation form second assessor). FINAL GRADE: (after consultation between the supervisor and second assessor, and based on the proposed overall judgments stated above. Weighting first and second assessor 2:1) Explanation (optional): Location Date Graduate School of Psychology UvA Signature supervisor 1 Signature second assessor Version: November 2012 PROCESS, execution of total research project Please take into account the following aspects when evaluating the points stated below: independence, accuracy, initiative, critical thinking, delivering new ideas, and knowledge about the topic itself as well as knowledge on methodological and statistical issues. Use a rating scale of 1-10 for the following evaluation. Evaluation Explanation 1. Literature study 2. Formulating and elaborating a research question 3. Setting up the research (in terms of design choice, stimulus material production, questionnaires development, etc.) 4. Conducting the research (organization, gathering data) 5. Data-analyses and interpretation (e.g., choice of statistical techniques, analyzing data, interpretation of and reflection on the results) 6. Professional attitude (e.g., keep to appointments and assignments, dealing with feedback) 7. Work pace 8. Presentation: not applicable OVERALL JUDGMENT PROCESS: Graduate School of Psychology UvA 2 Version: November 2012 PRODUCT, research report / manuscript Please take into account the following aspects when evaluating the points stated below: Scientific standards, used resources, use of argumentation, structure / design, use of language, following APA guidelines. Evaluation Explanation 1. Abstract 2. Introduction, theory, and scientific basis / substantiation of hypotheses 3. Methods 4. Results 5. Discussion 6. Form: overall coherence; readability; format (table of content, references, appendices, illustrations) OVERALL JUDGMENT PRODUCT: Graduate School of Psychology UvA 3 Version: November 2012 Graduate School of Psychology EVALUATION FORM RESEARCH MASTER’S INTERNSHIP Second assessor form Title master’s internship: ………………………………….. Student name: ………………………………….. Student number: ………………………………….. Name supervisor: ………………………………….. Name second assessor: ………………………………….. PROPOSED OVERALL JUDGMENT SECOND ASSESSOR: (based on the total evaluation of the end product; see next pages. Please note: for a research internship not all aspects may be applicable) Explanation (optional): Graduate School of Psychology UvA 4 Version: November 2012 PRODUCT, research report / manuscript Please take into account the following aspects when evaluating the points stated below: Scientific standards, used resources, use of argumentation, structure / design, use of language, following APA guidelines. Evaluation Explanation 1. Abstract 2. Introduction, theory, and scientific basis / substantiation of hypotheses 3. Methods 4. Results 5. Discussion 6. Form: overall coherence; readability; format (table of content, references, appendices, illustrations) OVERALL JUDGMENT PRODUCT: Graduate School of Psychology UvA 5 Version: November 2012 INDICATIONS FOR GRADING THE RESEARCH MASTER’S INTERNSHIP Grading the Internship We grade using a 10 point scale. However, we only use the range of 6-10 to judge a internship when the internship is satisfactory. If the internship is deemed unsatisfactory the denotation of FAIL (i.e., ‘onvoldoende’) suffices. A system of weighted averages will lead to grades with decimals which are rounded to half or full grades (e.g., 7.5 or 8) except for 5.5, this automatically becomes a 6. As a starting point and normative standard we use the grade 7. A good process and / or a good product can lead to a higher grade; a bad process or product to a lower grade. Indications for grading Denotation ‘FAIL’: In principle, Research Master’s Internship are supervised until the product meets the minimal requirements for a ‘pass’. However, in the event that the master internship student has failed repeatedly in the process seting up / conducting and reporting the research, and if no progression is observable such that additional work will likely lead to a 6, then the Research Master’s Internship is graded as a FAIL. Grade 6: The Research Master’s Internship meets all minimum requirements. The Research Master’s Internship shows little evidence of personal or original input and is not very complex in setup or design. During the development of the Research Master’s Internship the ideas and personal input of the supervisor are similar in amount as that of the student. The student has not convincingly demonstrated a large degree of independency. Grade 7: The Research Master’s Internship meets all minimum requirements. On top of that, there is evidence of personal input during the development of the research design and the reporting of the results. The input of (original) ideas on the part of the student exceeds the supervisor’s and/or there is evidence of some level of complexity. The supervisor did have to comment and correct the students conceptual approach. Grade 8: The Research Master’s Internship meets all minimum requirements. On top of that, there is clear evidence of personal input of the student and a large amount of independence, as well as a high level of complexity of the subject. The personal input in terms of ideas and development of the Research Master’s Internship supersedes that of the supervisor. The amount of corrections and comments during the process and the writing of the manuscripts have been average to small. The manuscript can be nominated for a price within the university. Grade 9: Graduate School of Psychology UvA 6 Version: November 2012 The Research Master’s Internship meets all minimum requirements. On top of that, there is clear evidence of large degree of personal input of the student and a highly independent work ethic, as well as a high level of complexity of the subject. The personal input in terms of ideas and development of the Research Master’s Internship come for the most part from the side of the student. The amount of corrections and comments during the process and the writing of the manuscripts have been minimal. The manuscript can be nominated for a university or national price. Grade 10: As a 9. On top of that the Research Master’s Internship is of exceptional quality and of interest and relevance to the development of the specific scientific area of inquiry. The Research Master’s Internship can compete with peer reviewed publications as evidenced by a publication in a high impact journal. Nothing substantial can be improved on in the Research Master’s Internship. Graduate School of Psychology UvA 7 Version: November 2012