Classifying Metamorphic Rocks Flashcards Background: Metamorphic rocks are classified based on how they form, their composition, and their textures. There are two major types of metamorphic rocks: foliated and nonfoliated. FOLIATED These rocks occur when mineral grains line up in parallel layers. METAMORPHIC Rocks that have changed because of changes in temperature and pressure or presence of hot fluids FOLIATED Slate and gneiss are examples of this type of metamorphic rock. NONFOLIATED Mineral grains are grown and rearrange, but do not form layers. NONFOLIATED METAMORPHIC Layering of minerals does not occur in this type of metamorphic rock. Depending on the heat and pressure, this type of rock can form from several types of rocks. METAMORPHIC Can form from igneous, sedimentary, or metamorphic rocks. NONFOLIATED Marble is this type of metamorphic rock. NONFOLIATED When sandstone is heated under lots of pressure, it forms quartzite. Quartzite is a ______ rock. METAMORPHIC Can form when minerals dissolve and recrystallize (reform) when near hot fluids. METAMORPHIC These rocks can form in the presence hot fluid without melting. METAMORPHIC METAMORPHIC METAMORPHIC These rocks are classified by texture and composition (What it is made of) Rocks that change because of changes in temperature and pressure Granite changes to Gneiss when pressure is applied NONFOLIATED A metamorphic rock that does NOT have mineral grains that line up. The minerals grow andMarble spread out MARBLE Slate FOLIATED Gneiss FOLIATED Quartzite NONFOLIATED YES/NO YES/NO The pressure needed to change a metamorphic rock comes from all of the rock layers above pressing down on it The temperature needed to change a rock comes from the higher temperatures found as you go deeper inside the crust