See attached form - Mary Queen Catholic Church

Faith Formation and Youth Ministry
Re: 2015-2016 Faith Formation Registration
Dear Parent or Guardian,
By your example of faith at home, and through your participation in the life of the Church, your child is being “enriched by a share in God’s own life.”1 Although
you might not think of yourself as a catechist, the Church upholds your role as irreplaceable in the formation of Christian values in your child. It is wonderful to
assist parents who nurture, strengthen and protect this divine life in their children.
Religious education is more than just memorizing prayers and facts about the faith. For most of us, we are introduced to the person of Jesus Christ by someone who
first loved Him. Through the process of learning prayers and Christian doctrine, we are provided opportunities to realize how much Jesus loves us, and truly fall in
love with Him. Religious education is not about getting to the next level or simply receiving the next sacrament. It is about a journey that leads us to Heaven.
Continuing in faith we are able to live with Jesus now, and prepare to be with him forever in heaven.
We want to encourage you to register as soon as possible. The importance of early registration can’t be overemphasized. It allows time for recruiting and
training of qualified volunteers, classroom placement, ordering textbooks, supplemental materials, and office & classroom supplies. It becomes very stressful for all
concerned when registrations are received late.
Please note the following instructions for registering:
Per student
Parishioner fee
Non-Parishioner fee
Early Registration
April 12-May 30
Regular Registration Late Registration
May 30-August 15
after August 15
*Family maximum 3 x per student rate
NOTE: No one will be turned away due to an inability to pay. Scholarship forms are available in the CCE Office, and on the church website. If requesting a
scholarship, make an appointment with a faith formation staff member named below, and bring in all completed forms. The parish phone number is 281-482-1391.
We are confident that the formation provided at Mary Queen is among the best offered in the archdiocese. We hope you feel the same way. It is a pleasure to assist
parents that value the importance of faith formation, and make it a priority in the lives of their children. Please pray for us, and be assured of our prayers for you.
Your servants in Christ,
Manny Bourque, Sr. High Formation, ext. 317
Renee Bourque, Jr. High Formation & Confirmation, ext. 329
Cindy Newman, Elementary Formation, ext. 333
Amy Schauss, Rite of Christian Initiation, ext. 334
National Director of Catechesis, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
* Need-based, partial or full scholarships forms are available through the CCE Office. Forms must be approved by a staff member and submitted with the registration.
Mary Queen Catholic Church utilizes Faith Direct, an electronic giving company to collect and process our regular offertory and various second collections.
Effective immediately, parents have the option of setting up their Faith Formation tuition payment through Faith Direct.
If you currently have a Faith Direct account, you can log into your existing Faith Direct account online via . Or, you can call their customer
service toll free at 1-866-507-8757.
If you are not enrolled in Faith Direct and would like to use a credit card, please follow instructions below:
Go to – click “Individuals”
Make a one-time-payment – enter TX242 in the box and click “Pay Now”
Choose payment type from pull-down menu.
**Note: Payments must be processed before August 15th deadline to avoid late fees**
Click “Continue”
Enter payment information
In “Option Information Note” box: type in the names and grades for each child.
MARY QUEEN CHURCH Faith Formation Student(s) Registration Form 2015-2016
Best Contact E-Mail for CCE cancellation or emergency notices: _____________________________________________
HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD LAST NAME:________________________________________________Best Contact Phone #_______________________________________
MAILING ADDRESS:________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
CITY:___________________________________________ZIP:______________________ SCHOOL DISTRICT:____________________________________________
FATHER/GUARDIAN’S LAST NAME___________________________________FIRST NAME_________________________RELIGION_________________________
OCCUPATION:______________________________________________________WORK# __________________________CELL#_______________________________
MOTHER’S/GUARDIAN’S LAST NAME:_______________________________FIRST NAME___________________________RELIGION________________________
OCCUPATION:__________________________________________________ WORK #__________________________CELL #__________________________________
_____Valid Church Marriage _____Married Outside of Catholic Church _____Separated _____Divorced _____Widowed _____Remarried _____Single
_____Registered Parishioner
____Non Parishioner
Were your student(s) enrolled in CCE during the 2014/2015 school year?______________(Name of Parish)____________________________________________________
1. List each student to be enrolled in C.C.E. below
2. Indicate under Baptismal column (B) write “NC” if child was baptized in another faith other than Catholic*
3. Please sacraments celebrated: B = Baptism* E = Eucharist* C = Confirmation*
Child Has Received*
Last Name
First Name
M Initial
Birth Date
Fall ‘15
Student’s Cell #
1st Euch*
Please select a session for each registered student:
3/4 Yr Olds by 9/1
___Sunday 9:30 am
___Sunday 11:30 am
___ Sunday 9:30 am
___Tuesday 4:00 pm
___Wednesday 4:00 pm
___ Wednesday 5:30 pm
___Wednesday 5:30 pm
___ Sunday 11:30 am
_____Home Based Catechesis
if not baptized
Office Use: Cash/check#
Elementary (1-5)
___Tuesday 4:00 pm
___Tuesday 7:00 pm
___Wednesday 4:00 pm
______Reconciliation/Eucharist Preparation
2nd grade or above-attach bapt. certificate
year - attach copy of baptismal certificate
Amount Paid
Middle School (6th)
____Tues. 7 pm
____Sunday 10:45 am
(need based only)
EDGE (7 & 8th)
___Wednesday 6:45-8:30 pm
_______RCIC for Children
attach copy of birth certificate
Date Paid
LIFE TEEN (9-12th)
___Sunday 6:45-8:35 pm
___Tuesday 7:15-8:35 pm
______Confirmation Preparation
10th grade and above with good attendance previous
Does your child have any learning difficulties that we should be aware of?
___NO ___YES
If yes, please give student(s) name and explain below:
Is there any additional information which would be helpful to the student’s catechist, i.e. physical handicaps, family crisis-divorce, separation, death, serious illness?
See attached form – this form must be submitted with registration form in order for your child to be registered in CCE.
Please list the name(s) & phone number of who may pick up your child from class if different from parents number on front of form:
(1)__________________________________________________________ (2)___________________________________________________________
(3)__________________________________________________________ (4)___________________________________________________________
Many volunteers are needed to make this program a success. Please share you time and talent and work with an age group that you would enjoy.
choice now so that we may alert you to training sessions!
Check your
PreK through 6th grade Volunteers Needed:
Catechist _______ (grade & session)_____________ Reconciliation/First Eucharist Team _________________ Eucharist Reception (May 2016)________
Classroom Aide______ (grade & session)___________ Nursery during CCE_____ Children’s Liturgy of Word_____ Office help during CCE session ____
Substitute Catechist_____grade(s) & sessions___________ Substitute Aide __________grade(s) & session____________ Office Help during week _____
Special Needs Buddy____ Monitors – Tuesday Arrival_____ Dismissal-Tuesday _______ Monitors – Wednesday Arrival ____ Dismissal-Wednesday
EDGE (7th & 8th) & LIFE TEEN (9th-12th) Volunteers Needed:
EDGE Core Team_______ EDGE Attendance Keeper _____ EDGE Kitchen Helpers______ EDGE Office Help during week _______
LIFE TEEN Core Team____LIFE TEEN Attendance Keeper____LIFE TEEN Kitchen Helper_____LIFE TEEN Office Help during week___
Confirmation Core Team _______ Confirmation Reception (possibly April, 2016)__________
TUITION AND FEES – Tuition payment must accompany Religious Education Registration & Parent/Guardian Consent
Form for classroom assignment. Attach baptismal cert. for Recon./Euch./Confirmation & birth cert. for RCIC.
Per student rate*
Parishioner fee
Non-Parishioner fee
by May 30
May 31-August 15
after August 15
$100.00 per student-max $300 per family
*Family maxium 3x per student rate.
The pastoral policies of this parish recognize that each student has the right to Catholic formation and guarantees each student enrollment in the CCE program
regardless of financial limitation. No student is denied participation due to funding. Scholarship Forms are available upon request but must be submitted in
writing through the CCE Office.