P6 interview

Starting the Interview for Exercise Project while on Kidney Dialysis.
RS: Namaste(Hello)!
RS: Could you please tell me when did you first hear about this cycling programme?
P: While I was at the dialysis centre a physiotherapist asked me if I wanted to join this cycling programme, so I
agreed to join it.
RS: When you were asked at first about this programme, what did you think about it?
Participant: Nothing. I am also a researcher and if this can help others I am happy about it.
RS: How did you feel at first when you started?
Participant: Normal! It was all normal!
RS: That is very good! What do you think you will achieve by taking part in this(project)?
Participant: Personally I am cycling this for my health because I have been walking for the last 20 years. It is better
to cycle for the health.
RS: Do you think you have been successful in cycling?
Participant: Yes, I am cycling in 2oth gear and cycle for 45 minutes.
RS: Can you describe a cycling session in your own words please?
Participant: When I am on a dialysis table, after an hour they bring the cycle and I cycle as a normal. I cycle for about
45 minutes. First in low gears and then in heavy gears and after about 5 minutes in low gears then relax!
RS: Ok and could you tell me how many times a week do you do cycling?
Participant: Three days a week.
(Participant trying to speak English but struggles)
RS: You may speak Gujarati, it is OK.
Participant: I need to attend for dialysis for 3 times a week so I cycle 3 times a week.
RS: How long do you cycle?
Participant: 45 minutes.
RS: 45 minutes, OK. Do you think that is enough time? Or would you like to increase it or decrease it?
Participant: I did it for 30 minutes at first and now I do 45 minutes.
RS: So you are improving.
Participant: I have been cycling in20th gears for the last 2 weeks and if I am comfortable I want to increase it to 1
RS: That’s good!
Participant: Although I have been told 30 minutes is sufficient for cycling. So I have not pushed myself further
otherwise I could go up to 1 hour.
RS: You can discuss with [the physio] .
RS: How do you feel when you are cycling?
Participant: Normal!
RS: Normal! That is good!
Participant: Absolute normal.
RS: Would you recommend cycling to anyone?
Participant: Yes! The gentleman called [name] is normally in next bed to me and I advised that lying like in bed this
long is bad for us but as he had a surgery he said he will start after a month.
Participant: I suffered from cramps when I started on dialysis, because my veins and muscles were weak.
RS: Yes the muscles would be weak.
Participant: Yes, after I started the cycling I no longer suffer from the cramps. Totally gone!
Participant: I feel I have strength in my legs to walk.
RS: Very good! Muscles are stronger!
Participant: I do not feel tired in the morning! I feel far better after the cycling.
RS: Very good. And…
Participant: I suffered from high BP; I am on tablets for the last 20 years. It used to be high, over 150 but I think it is
almost normal since I began cycling!
RS: Very good. Apart from that what do you think other benefits’ cycling has?
Participant: I think my appetite has increased. I feel more hungry!
RS: 1 more roti can be eaten!
Participant: Yes, and because of the exercise I can sleep better. I can sleep 5-6 hours at a time.
RS: Good. Have you felt different emotionally?
Participant: I think emotionally, we feel relaxed. I felt little confused at times but since the cycling I feel little better.
RS: That’s very good. Do you think had any disadvantage because of the cycling or did you have any challenges?
Participant: No, nothing.
RS: Good. You are ideal student!
RS: Since you started the cycling; have you made any changes? Any changes in your diet or increase in exercise
Participant: No, I am eating what I normally ate. My weight is on increase so I control what I eat. I almost stay
I feel hungry a lot since I began the cycling but I control my intake of food. 2 roti means 2 roti only no more!
RS: What motivates you to continue the cycling?
Participant: My health! I know it is good for my health. When I go to dialysis centre, I eagerly await in my bed when
I can start cycling!
RS: Oh, that’s good. How long you have been cycling?
Participant: I started approximately 3.5 to 4 months ago.
RS: Since you started the cycling you have felt different emotionally.
Participant: Yes, definitely.
RS: You have not felt different as if to stop cycling or any negative feelings?
Participant: No, not at all.
RS: How do you feel when they assess you or carry out the physical tests?
Participant: They are good and positive.
RS: They are positive. The assessments motivate you.
Participant: Yes. Definitely!
RS: With this cycling programme who else from the staff helps you? Nurse? Physio?
Participant: There is [the physio] and M and other 2 staff is there.
RS: What do they do with you?
Participant: They come and check on us every few minutes and chat and check blood pressure. If I ask is it OK, they
tell me I am always OK.I do not need much help but they are there just in case and they care.
RS: The staff care for you, how do you feel about them?
Participant: It feels very good.
RS: It does feel good. Is the nurse also involved?
Participant: Yes, they are very good and full of humanity. They are very helpful.
RS: Very good. Does a doctor or consultant ever come to speak to you?
Participant: Yes, I see a doctor every 3 months. I have appointment on 15th of this month. He will review my
medication if I need to change my medication. Mostly my blood results are quite good.
RS: Very good. Would you suggest any changes about the way the staff deal with you?
Participant: No there is no need for it. They are very good. I don’t think so.
RS: We are thinking of introducing the same cycling programme in other units, do you think it would work?
Participant: Yes, it will and it is necessary.
RS: Which staff would be most useful to run that programme, a doctor, a physiotherapist, care assistant or a
Participant: Not necessarily a doctor or a physiotherapist but a trained nurse should be sufficient. Even a welltrained care assistant should be enough.
RS: What do you think other patients think about the cycling programme?
Participant: They want to take part in cycling but they are very weak so they cannot take part. Some of them do
have health issues so they cannot. Otherwise most of the patients take part in the programme.
RS: So all them would like to take part.
RS: What does your family and friends think about the cycling?
Participant:You mean outside Renal Centre? I have 2daughters and a son. I also have a sister and a brother. They
can see I am healthy so they are happy. I am single myself as my wife has passed away. So when they see me busy
with all these activities they are happy that I am OK.
RS: You look after yourself.
RS: What do you think about how long you will continue taking part in this cycling programme?
Participant: As far as this programme is on! It is better for me.
RS: Do you think you will think about stopping it at one point?
Participant: Never! I know this is good for me.
RS: What would motivate you to continue taking part in the future?
Participant: If my health stays good I will carry on till the last!
RS: What do you like the most?
Participant: In what way?
RS: About the programme.
Participant: Cycling!
RS: If someone else is willing to take part in cycling what would you say to them?
Participant: I would support them completely. I would explain about the benefits of the cycling. I would support
them fully.
RS: Do you think every patient would benefit from cycling?
Participant: Yes. There are benefits! There is no doubt about not benefitting!
RS: Is there any changes you would like to suggest?
Participant: No.
RS: The set-up is OK as it is?
Participant: yes. The way it works is that up to 10gears you do not feel much but I go upto 20 gears so cycling gets
heavy and at the point the bed pushes away! I spoke to the physio and they agreed. Now they tie with a rope.
Because when the bed pushes away it gets hard to cycle and I have to put in more effort.
RS: Do you have any advice or suggestions for the staff that runs this programme?
Participant: NO, nothing.
RS: What other kind of exercises you enjoy if you can manage to do?
Participant: Other, I enjoy walking and do a bit of Yoga in the morning. I do a Pranayama and a couple of other Yoga
exercises 1st thing in the morning and then start my day.
RS: Any other matter that I have not asked during this session you can tell me now. I had to cover the
questionnaire before we could talk any other matters.
Participant: Nothing really but I am fully satisfied with the cycling. I feel I have improved my stamina. My muscles
are stronger now. I do not feel tired any more.
RS: That is very good. Otherwise kidney patients feel tired a lot.
RS: You can tell me anything now before I stop.
Participant:There is nothing more. I tell everyone to take part in cycling. When you have little energy and if you
exercise it can improve the stamina. Exercise is good anytime. A lady called [name] next to me was very weak but
once she started cycling slowly she has improved.
RS: Thank you very much for your time and trouble to come here for the interview.
Participant: No problem, anytime if you need for this matter I will come.
RS: Thank you very much and I will stop the recording.