ICT - Montgomery High School

ICT and Business Department
ICT is taught to all students from Year 7 to Year 11. Students have 3 lessons per
fortnight in Year 7, 2 lessons in Year 8 commence their KS4 course of study in Year 9
which is currently OCR National in ICT for Years 10 and 11 and Cambridge Nationals
in ICT for Year 9.
GCSE Computing is a Key Stage 4 option in addition to the compulsory ICT course.
Teaching Staff
Mr S Wilson – Director of e-Learning/Curriculum Leader ICT & Business –
Mr P Morris – Second in Department – ICT – p.morris@montgomeryschool.co.uk
Mrs D Griffiths – Teacher of ICT and Business – d.griffiths@montgomeryschool.co.uk
Mr L Harwood – Teacher of ICT – l.harwood@montgomeryschool.co.uk
Mr R Hegarty – Teacher of ICT and Photography –
Ms L Greenwood – Teacher of ICT – l.greenwood@montgomeryschool.co.uk
Current Scheme Overview
Year 7
Baseline Testing
and school email
After some initial baseline assessment
students will be given a comprehensive
introduction to the school e-mail system
and the ‘office’ facilities to enable
completing of work at home – useful in
all subjects
Students will be allowed to create a
number of presentations, using
powerpoint or Prezzi introducing user
Students will complete several tasks to
increase their understanding of
spreadsheet software
Students will consider safe
communication including the use of
social media, mobile phones and will
use the information gained to provide
information in two formats (comic and
video) on cyberbullying for different
Students will use the Scratch
programme to build up their
programming skills by re-creating a
number of popular games. This will
culminate with students designing and
creating their own game
HWK / Assessment
Students will be given
tasks to e-mail to
teachers and use their
‘sky drives’. In
addition I am Learning
tasks will be assigned.
Homework project
Completion of Learning
Log – a record of what
has been completed
throughout the course
of study and an
evaluation of the work
completed in lesson
Completion of Learning
Log – a record of what
has been completed
throughout the course
of study and an
evaluation of the work
completed in lesson
Completion of Learning
Log – a record of what
has been completed
throughout the course
of study and an
evaluation of the work
completed in lesson
Year 8
Students will assume the role of the manager of band taking part in an X-factor type
competition. Throughout the year they will have to complete a number of real life
tasks – including designing logos and the look of their band, creating business
documents including a letter, business card and newsletter. They will also have to
create and use a database to manage their fan club, create a newsletter and CD cover
and make a radio advert to promote their no.1 album.
Assessment – in year 8 students will complete a learning log throughout each task to
include key term definitions, homework and starter tasks – designs and evaluations of
work completed. A homework project will be set in January that will enable students
to demonstrate the effective use of a range of software and techniques.
Learning Logs
In years 7 and 8, students make extensive use of Learning Logs which will have the
level ladder for the unit of work being studied along with a number of keywords. The
learning logs should be stored in students ‘Sky Drive’ cloud folders enabling them to
be updated both at home and in lessons. The culmination of the learning log will be
an evaluation of the work completed throughout the unit with the level of detail
having a direct influence on the levels warded for each unit
Year 9
Cambridge Nationals - Throughout Years 9 – 11 students will complete 4 units of
work, these will be assessed through the completion of coursework with one unit
being assessed via an online exam.
We are also piloting a course called ‘Apps for Good’ with a small cohort of year 9’s. In
this course students will create Apps for mobile devices using MIT App Inventor for
Android devices
Homework – throughout the course students will be assigned homework to embed the
knowledge and understanding from lessons. Other homework will include the
completion of outstanding coursework.
Years 10 & 11
OCR Nationals - The course is assessed 100% through the completion of coursework.
There is one compulsory unit and a number of optional units – these units include the
creation of a number of graphics products, a website, video editing, an audio unit and
a multimedia unit
Homework – throughout the course students will be assigned homework to embed the
knowledge and understanding from lessons. Other homework will include the
completion of outstanding coursework.
BTEC Business
In years 10 and 11 students can opt to study a BTEC in Businsess. In this course will
study a number of units of work that will cover a range of aspects of business. The
course is currently assessed 100% by the completion of coursework although the
course framework is changing with effect from September 2013 so that one unit will
be assessed via an online exam.
Extra-Curricular Opportunities
A computer club runs in M16 after school. Students are currently building robots
which they will programme to perform a number of routines.
ICT and/or Business teachers are available every night of the week after school to
enable students to complete classwork/coursework/homework.
Provision for Gifted and Talented Students
ICT allows all students to choose from a range of software from the simple to the
increasingly complex using a range of tools and techniques. In addition, the use of
learning logs will enable all students to fully demonstrate their understanding by the
detail included in their evaluations and the correct use of all key terms.
Gifted and talented students are encouraged to present their work in the most
appropriate and challenging way so long as they can justify their choice of software
over other methods available.
 ICT VLE – all schemes of work and resources for all years*
 Business VLE – all coursework assignments, handouts and presentations to
enable students to complete all coursework*
 www.live.co.uk – school e-mail system (from Year 7 Sept 2011)
 www.iamlearning.co.uk – online homework / practise tasks set by all subjects in
 @montyict – Monty ICT Department twitter account
http://info.scratch.mit.edu/Scratch_1.4_Download - download Scratch for free
– a great programme for starting to learn compter programming
 http://appinventor.mit.edu/ - a website that can be used to create mobile apps
 http://appinventor.mit.edu/explore/content/tutorials.html - a number of
tutorials to help with App Inventor
 https://www.dreamspark.com/Student/Software-Catalog.aspx - an extensive
range of free software available from Microsoft – you made need a code from
 http://windows.microsoft.com/en-GB/windows-live/essentials-home - yet more
free stuff from Microsoft including movie maker
*Students will be advised how to use these resources