Application Checklist - Division 19 Student Affairs

APA Division 19 (Society for Military Psychology)
Submit an application packet consisting of the following documents:
☐ Campus Representative Application - Complete the application to the best of your ability. Be
as concise as possible. Type-written responses are preferred.
☐ Curriculum vitae (CV) – CV should be current and no longer than 2-pages.
☐ Campus Representative Roles & Responsibilities form – Each page must be initialed by you
and your faculty sponsor. The last page should be signed and dated, indicating that you have
read and understand the expectations and duties of the Campus Representative position.
Submission Instructions
A. Completed application packets must be submitted via email to
B. Scan all forms as one document and attach to your email as a .pdf file.
C. Subject line of your email should read “Campus Representative Application.”
Selection Process
1. All application packets will be reviewed by the Student Affairs Committee (SAC).
2. Candidates will be judged on the following criteria:
A. Leadership ability/potential
a. Note: The position is meant to develop leadership ability, therefore, lack of
leadership experience is NOT a disqualifier.
b. The SAC will judge each candidate’s understanding of leadership, knowledge
of one’s own ability (both strengths and weaknesses), and awareness of
how/why such ability is relevant for both the position and as a military
B. Goodness of fit
a. Note: The Campus Representative position and Student Chapter Network
have been developed out of an appreciation for the lack of military
psychology-related education, training, and access to resources available for
graduate students. As such, lack of knowledge or experience with the military
or military populations is NOT a disqualifier for this position.
b. Candidates will be judged based on the nature of their particular interest in
the field of military psychology, including career goals, personal/professional
experience, and to what extent serving as Campus Representative will help
candidates reach their professional goals.
C. Social skills/Communication ability
a. Campus Representatives provide vital “boots on the ground” intelligence to
the division and serve as ambassadors of our field both on and off campus.
Building and maintaining beneficial professional relationships and resources
for your peers requires exemplary social skills, professionalism, and
communication ability. First impressions are most often made via initial
emails and phone calls. Candidates will be judged on how well they present
themselves via brief written medium.
b. Psychologists are often taught an abstract, non-directive communication style.
This runs counter to military-style communication, which must be direct and
concise due to the speed of which communication must happen on the
battlefield. As such, military psychologists must learn to communicate with
other military leaders in this fashion. The Campus Representative
application’s format tests candidates on their ability to provide the maximum
amount of information in as direct and concise a manner as possible.
3. The SAC will select up to two (2) Campus Representatives from each university program.
A. In the event that two candidates from the same program are selected, one Campus
Representative will serve a one-year tenure as a direct line of communication with
the division (i.e., the SAC) and official representative of its interests. The other
Campus Representative will be responsible for developing and operating a Div.
19 Student Chapter at the university, and will serve a two-year tenure.
a. Note: Campus Representatives with one-year positions may serve
more than once but must reapply and compete with their peers for the
position. No Campus Representative may serve more than two
continuous years unless no other qualified candidates have been
identified or selected to maintain the position.
B. If only one Campus Rep is selected for a particular university program, that
individual will be strongly encouraged to facilitate the creation of a Div. 19
Student Chapter at his/her school. Doing so, however, will not be a requirement of
the position.
Contact the Student Affairs Committee ( with any questions,
comments, or requests for clarification. Your feedback is important to us, especially as we build
and develop the new Student Chapter Network. Please share with us any ideas or suggestions
you have regarding the application process or position itself.
Thank you for your interest in the position of Campus Representative, and for your desire to
serve as a leader in our division. Good luck!
Very respectfully,
Division 19 Student Affairs Committee