8th Grade Language Arts

WCH Middle School
6th Grade Language Arts
Washington Middle School
In 6th grade Language Arts, students will be
exposed to the Common Core State Standards
(CCSS) that are used as the beginning building
blocks for the English Language Arts curriculum
throughout middle school. Students will analyze
fiction and nonfiction texts to deepen their
understanding of the standards and how they can
be related to each student’s personal lives.
Comprehensive Quarterly Units
Our units will each cover the CCSS using larger
questions essential for the development of
individuals through adolescence into adulthood
and will utilize literature, non-fiction and media
to mirror the experiences of real life.
1. Survival
a. Realistic Fiction
b. Expository Paper
2. Global Awareness
a. Science Fiction/Non-Fiction
b. Argumentative Essay
6th Grade Language Arts (Room 120)
Mrs. Jessica Askew
Mrs. Emily Thomas
Each day, students will need:
 3-ring binder with lined paper and 8 tab
 Writer’s Notebook
 Independent reading book
 Highlighter
 Pencils and eraser
Classroom Expectations
3. Mystery
a. Mystery/Historical Fiction
b. Narrative Story
4. Past, Present, Future
a. Historical Fiction/Poetry
b. End of Year Project
WCH Middle School
Students will arrive to class on time and
prepared to learn with the materials listed above.
Students will learn to take responsibility for their
own learning and turn in all assignments by the
pre-determined deadlines.
Students will treat everyone in the classroom
with respect. Respect for self, others, and school
Students will perform class work both as
individuals and as part of assigned groups.
Students will present original work and research
to the class.
6th Grade Comprehensive Performance Tasks
1. Informational Writing Piece: Students will be
researching and writing a Sequence nonfiction piece. Their task is to cite textual
evidence while writing a sequence answering
the question: How can you survive in the
wild? Students will be able to identify credible
print and multimedia sources from noncredible sources in their textual evidence.
Standards: R.I.6.1, R.I.6.6, R.I.6.10, W.6.2,
W.6.4-10, L.6.1-3
2. Narrative Writing Piece: Students will be
reading, listening, and watching a variety of
narrative pieces. They will be given an
introduction of a story and will complete the
story by continuing the author’s tone and
point of view, character traits and
development, setting, and mood. Student will
also have to include an appropriate theme for
their story. Standards: R.L.6.2, R.L.6.3,
R.L.6.6, R.L.6.10, W.6.3 W6.4-6, W.6.10,
3. Argumentative Writing Presentation: Students
will be researching and writing an
argumentative piece. Students will be
researching and presenting (including
multimedia) their claim to the class after their
paper is complete. Standards: R.I.6.1, R.I.6.6,
R.I.6.10, W.6.4, W.6.4-10, L.6.1-3, SL.6.2-6
4. Pronouns Multimedia Project: Students will be
given an overview of pronouns as a whole
class. Then, classes will be split into groups to
research a specific type of pronoun (subjective,
possessive, objective, intensive). Each group
will work to create a multimedia presentation
of their choice (Prezi, Webquest, Webpage,
YouTube, etc.) with instructions on how to
recognize and correctly use their type of
pronoun. Students will teach the class using
their multimedia presentation. They will be
expected to include a sufficient number of
examples and practice, as well as a formative
assessment at the end of their unit. Standards:
R.I. 6.1, R.I.6.7, W.6.2, W6.4-6.10, S.L. 6.1,
S.L. 6.2, S.L. 6.5, L.6.1
WCH Middle School
6th Grade Common Core State Standards
Reading Literature, 6.1-10
 Cite textual evidence, recognize themes and central
ideas of a text, write a thorough summary putting
aside personal opinions and judgments, identify parts
of a plot, determine the meaning of words and
phrases using context clues, understand and use
figurative language, identify an authors’ point of
view, compare and contrast a text with a multimedia
version, and compare and contrast texts in different
Reading Informational Text, 6.1-10
 The CCSS for Informational Text mirror those for
Writing, 6.1-10
 Write an argumentative paper to support a claim
using appropriate reasons and evidence, Write an
informative/expository text to inform and explain
using the appropriate nonfiction text structure, Write
a narrative to tell a story following the plot diagram
and developing dynamic characters and universal
theme, develop and strengthen writing techniques
using correct spelling and grammar, use technology
in writing, and conduct research projects to answer
specific prompts using more than one credible
Speaking & Listening, 6.1-6
 Prepare for and participate in discussions with peers,
evaluate and utilize information from different media
sources, evaluate a speakers’ argument and claims
looking for claims that are efficiently supported by
strong reasons and evidence, present information and
research appropriate to task and audience.
Language, 6.1-6
 Demonstrate command of the conventions of
standard English grammar, demonstrate proper
capitalization/punctuation/spelling in writing,
clarify the meaning of words by using context clues,
identify figurative/literal language and the use of
poetic devices.