Chapter 4 Study Guide

Section 1 Matter Study Guide
A. ________________—anything that takes up space and has mass; matter is composed of tiny
particles. Particles with more energy move faster and farther apart than particles with less
1. Three usual __________________________ are solid, liquid, and gas.
2. ________________, a fourth state, occurs only at very high temperatures and
is not common on Earth.
B. ________________—have definite shape and volume because particles are packed closely
together and merely vibrate in place.
1. Solids in which particles are arranged in a repeating, three-dimensional pattern are
called__________________ or crystalline solids.
2. ___________________ solids have a random arrangement of particles and no true
melting points.
C. Matter with a definite volume but no definite shape is a ________________; a liquid’s
particles move more freely than those of a solid.
1. ___________________ is a liquid’s resistance to flow and increases when
particles are more strongly attracted to each other. The higher the viscosity the slower it
 Ex: Syrup has a high viscosity and water has a low viscosity.
2. _________________________—uneven forces acting on the particles of a
liquid’s surface.
 -Surface tension is caused by particles of a liquid pulling along the
 -The surface tension in a bucket of water is caused by attractive forces
(attraction) between water molecules.
 -As a sample of matter is cooled, its cohesive forces (sticking together) of
particles increases
D. _____________—matter that does not have a definite shape or volume; gas particles spread
out evenly as far apart as possible.
 Gases can be expanded or compressed to fit in any container.
Gases and liquids are both considered fluids.
Section 2 Changes of State Study Guide
A. Particles are in constant motion; amount of movement depends on
their ________________________.
 -Energy is the ability to do work or cause change.
Kinetic energy is the energy of motion.
1. ________________________—total energy of all the particles in a sample of
 A warmer substance has more thermal energy than a cooler one.
2. The average kinetic energy of particles in a substance is its
3. ______________—movement of thermal energy from a substance with a higher
temperature to one with a lower temperature
 Heat moves in or out of a substance during a change of state
B. _______________________—amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of
1 g of a substance 1° C
 A substance with a high specific heat takes more heat to raise its
temperature one degree Celsius.
C. Matter can ________________ states as energy is absorbed or released.
1. A change from the solid to the liquid state is called _________________.
 When a material is melting, the temperature remains the same
2. A change from the liquid to the solid state is called __________________.
 The melting point of a substance is the same as its freezing point.
D. Changes between ________________________ states
1. 1. A change from liquid to gas is called ______________________. The rate of
evaporation of a liquid decreases as the temperature decreases.
a. _________________ is vaporization that occurs below the liquid’s
surface at its boiling point.
b. _____________________ is vaporization that occurs at the surface of a liquid;
molecules must be at or near the surface and at the right speed to evaporate.
2. ______________________—a change from gas to liquid
E. Changes from a solid directly to a gas state is called sublimation —during
_____________________ the surface particles of a solid gain enough energy to become a gas.
Section 3 Behavior of Fluids Study Guide
A. Pressure is the force exerted on an area. __________________ equals the force exerted on a
surface divided by the total area over which the force is exerted, or P = F / A.
The newton is a unit of force.
1. If force ___________________ over an area, the pressure increases; if force
over an area___________________, the pressure decreases.
2. ______________________________—air presses down on Earth with force.
 Atmospheric pressure is 101.3kilopascals.
 For a straw to work, the atmospheric pressure pushes down on the liquid's
3. Pressure can be __________________ as the pressure pushing down equals
the pressure pushing up.
4. As __________________ increases, air pressure decreases.
B. Gas pressure in a closed container _________________ with volume and temperature
1. Decreasing volume ___________________ pressure; increasing volume
___________________ pressure.
 Increasing temperature increases pressure; decreasing temperature decreases
pressure. Tires on a bicycle heat up as they are ridden causing the pressure to
increase inside the tire.
 If a container of gas gets larger while the temperature remains the same, the
pressure decreases.
2. Increasing temperature ___________________ pressure; decreasing
temperature___________________ pressure.
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C. _______________________—an upward force on an object immersed in a fluid. The force of
the liquid pushing up an object is caused by buoyant force. An object is able to float on water if
it less dense than the water.
1. _______________________________—buoyant force on an object is equal to the
weight of the fluid displaced by the object.
2. ________________ is mass divided by volume.
a. An object will _______________ in a fluid that is denser than the object.
Because lead has a lower density than liquid mercury, it will float in
b. An object with the same density as the fluid will stay at the ______________
level in the fluid.
c. An object will ______________ in a fluid that is less dense than the object.
D. ____________________________—when a force is applied to a confined fluid, an increase
in pressure is transmitted equally to all parts of the fluid. Pascal's Principle can be applied to any
matter that can flow.
1. ___________________________—allow people to lift heavy objects with relatively
little force.
2. When squeezed, liquids will be pushed out of a ____________________, a closed
container with a hole in it.