Principles of Evolution

Name: ______________________________________ Date: 3/22/12 Pd: ___
Summary Notes & Study Guide for Chapter 10
Keep this Copy of notes in your binder!!
Principles of Evolution
10.1 Early Ideas About Evolution
Georgia Standards: SB5.a; SCSh7.c (refer to pg. 298 in the text)
Based on the standards listed above, write a 2-4 sentences summary that
describes what tasks or concepts you should be able to complete, explain, or
perform at the end of this section
Key Points: What ideas did each scientist propose about
Leclerc de
_______________ is the process of biological change by which
descendants come to differ from their ancestors.
 ________________________ proposed the Theory of Evolution by
__________ ___________.
Because a coyote and a wolf are the same ___________ they can reproduce
and have fertile offspring.
Georges Cuvier observed ___________ located in different strata of the
earth to develop the theory of ___________________ which states that
natural disasters such as ___________ and _________________ caused
species to ________________________________________________.
James Hutton proposed the theory of __________________. How is this
theory different from the one Georges Cuvier proposed?
____________________ states that the geological processes that form
the earth are __________ through time.
10.2 Darwin’s Observations
Georgia Standards: SCSh7.b (refer to pg. 302 in the text)
Based on the standard listed above, write a 1-2 sentences summary that
describes what tasks or concepts you should be able to complete, explain, or
perform at the end of this section.
What is the difference in the physical traits of an individual from those of
other individuals in the group to which it belongs? _________________
Darwin traveled to the ____________ Islands where he observed
differences in species of tortoises and finches. Complete the table below by
describing which variations he observed in each.
What contributed to the variations in the tortoises and the finches?
An _______________ allows a an organism to better survive in its
environment and can lead to genetic change in a population over time.
Darwin observed fossils and experienced an earthquake during his travels.
How did these things influence his thoughts about evolution?
10.3 Theory of Natural Selection
Georgia Standards: SB5.d (refer to pg. 304 in the text)
Based on the standard listed above, write a 1-2 sentences summary that
describes what tasks or concepts you should be able to complete, explain, or
perform at the end of this section.
What is artificial selection?
Name one of example of artificial selection in each of the following
organisms/species (you may have to use the internet or other resources):
1. Bird: ________________________________________________
2. Dog: ________________________________________________
3. Fruit: _______________________________________________
4. Vegetable: ____________________________________________
The ability of traits to be passed down from one generation to the next is
called _______________.
What acts as the selective agent in artificial selection? _______________
What acts as the selective agent in natural selection? ________________
Natural selection of characteristics and traits is most influenced by
whether or not they give the individual ______________ over the other
individuals in the environment.
Pretend you are a dog breeder. List three traits that are heritable that you
would select to make a PERFECT house dog.
1. ____________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________
Within any ______________ of species, there will be noticeable
Write a sentence in your own words that summarize each of the four
principles of natural selection. (refer to pg. 306)
Descent with
What does the term fitness mean?
Read the sections on pg. 308-309 titled “Changing Environments” and
“Adaptations as Compromises”.
Why is the panda’s “thumb” considered an adaptive compromise?
10.4 Evidence of Evolution
Georgia Standards: SB5.c (refer to pg. 310 in the text)
Based on the standard listed above, write a 1-2 sentences summary that
describes what tasks or concepts you should be able to complete, explain, or
perform at the end of this section.
What four types of evidence did Darwin use to support his argument for
1. _________________
2. _________________
3. _________________
4. _________________
Write the answers from #1-4 from above in each of the circles below. Then,
read pages 310-313 and provide a summary in the shaded area that
describes how Darwin used each one to support his theory of evolution.
Vocabulary Tip:
Homo- same, like
Ana- proportionate
Study Tip:
 Homologous structures share a common origin but may not be adapted
for similar functions.
 Analogous structures are adapted for similar functions but do not
have a common origin.
Homologous Structures
 Look at figure 10.11 on page 312
What similar structures are shared between the human hand, bat
wing, and the mole foot?
What different functions are performed by the human hand, the bat
wing, and the mole foot?
Human Hand: __________________________________________
Bat wing: _____________________________________________
Mole foot: ____________________________________________
What body part of a dolphin is homologous to the structures shown in
the figure? ___________________________________________
Analogous Structures
 Look at figure 10.12 on page 313
What similar function is shared between the bat and insect?
What is different about the bat and the insect?