Middle/High School Handbook Proposed Discipline Policy Changes

Middle/High School Handbook
Proposed Discipline Policy Changes
1. Page 9, Suspension, Addition of the following statement,
“Students may makeup assignments and/or tests assigned during
the time in which the student was suspended. The principal will
establish a time period for these tasks to be completed”.
2. Page 12, Student Dress Code (continued from pg. 11)
#9. All shirts/blouses must have sleeves and collars. No capped
sleeves of any kind are allowed.
#9. All shirts/blouses must have sleeves and collars. No capped
sleeves of any kind are allowed.
#14. Vests of any kind are not allowed.
#14. Vest of any kind are not allowed. (remove all verbiage)
#15. Socks are to be solid color only. Socks or hose are required
with all footwear. No logos are allowed.
#15. Socks are to be solid color only. Socks or hose are required
with all footwear. No logos are allowed.
#17. All jumpers must have the appropriate logo.
All jumers must have the appropriate logo. – remove all
#21. Only prescription glasses may be worn inside buildings.
#21. Only prescription glasses may be worn inside buildings.
(remove all verbiage)
3. Page 17, Removal of Section V, Policy for Ranking of Middle
School Eighth Grade Graduates and Related Advanced Academic
Program Policy for the 1995-96 school year and thereafter.
The section is recommended for removal since the 7th/8th grade
students are now in a 7-12 configuration with no graduation
exercises being conducted.
4. Addendum, Page 25
#3. Threatening a student
First Offense ………. Corporal Punishment, In-School suspension,
After school detention or suspension.
First Offense ………. Corporal Punishment, In-School suspension,
After-school suspension or suspension In-School suspension,
Bullying Contract and Parent Conference required.
#4. Possession/Use of Tobacco Products Including Lighting
First Offense …….. Suspension 1 Day
Second Offense …….. Suspension 2 Days
Third Offense ……… Suspension 3 Days
Fourth Offense ……… Expulsion
First Offense …….. Suspension 1 Day
Second Offense …….. Suspension 2 Days
Third Offense ……… Suspension 3 Days
Fourth Offense ……… Expulsion
ISS 1 Day
ISS 2 Days
ISS 3 Days
Suspension 1 Day
Stealing (page 21)
First Offense …… Corporal Punishment, In-school Punishment,
After School Detention, Suspension or Expulsion
First Offense …… Corporal Punishment, In-school Punishment,
After School Detention, Suspension or Expulsion, In-School
Possession/Shooting Fireworks or Stink Bombs
First Offense ….. Suspension 3 days
Second Offense ….. Suspension 5 days
Third Offense …… Expulsion
First Offense…..Suspension 3 days In-school Suspension 3 days
Second Offense…..Suspension 5 days
ISS 5 days
Third Offense …… Expulsion Suspension 1-3 days
School Bus Disruption
First Offense … 3 days off bus
Second Offense …. 6 days off bus
Third Offense …. 9 days off bus
Fourth ….. removal from bus for remainder of year
Principal has discretion to use After School Detention, Corporal
Punishment, In-School Suspension, or Suspension from bus. The
consequence is based on the type and/or frequency of the
infraction. Principal discretion is not to be used in the cases of
fighting or assault of bus personnel.
#8 Refusing to follow a Direct Order or Command
First Offense …. Correct on Spot
Second offense … Corporal Punishment, In-school Punishment,
After-school Detention, or Suspension
Third Offense … Suspension 1-3 days
First Offense …. Correct on Spot
Second offense … Corporal Punishment, In-school Punishment,
After-school Detention, or Suspension In-School Suspension
Third Offense … In-School suspension or Suspension 1-3 days
#9 – Fighting
Instigator (Verbal and/or Physical)
First Offense …. Suspension 3 days
Second Offense …. Suspension 5 days
Third Offense …. Expulsion
First Offense …. ASD, SBC, ISS or suspension
Second Offense …. ASD, SBC, ISS or suspension
Third Offense …. ASD, SBC, ISS or suspension
Instigator (Verbal and/or Physical)
First Offense ….. In-School Suspension or Suspension Combination – 1 day out of school suspension an 2
days of ISS
Second Offense …. Suspension (amount of time by principal discretion 1-3 days combination suspension)
Third Offense …. Suspension (amount of time by principal discretion 1-3 days combination suspension)
Fourth Offense …. Recommendation for Expulsion
On any fighting offense, principal may have a student arrested.
Participant – A student participating in a fight may receive the same consequences as the instigator.
Principals and their designees shall exercise appropriate judgment and discretion in determining whether a
student is involved in a “fight” as defined below. Administrators may consider in this determination the following
among other factors:
Whether closed fists, objects or weapons were utilized;
Whether the participants were shouting, threatening or cursing
prior to or during the incident;
Whether any participant, bystander or school employee was physically injured or whether clothing or other
property was damaged or destroyed;
Whether the activity ceased immediately upon instructions to stop given by uninvolved students, teachers,
administrators, school resource officers or other school employees;
Whether the incident is related to earlier events or the student has a pattern of fighting with, bullying or
intimidating others;
Any other fact or circumstance relative to an appropriate determination.
A student who uses reasonable force to prevent a forcible offense against that student should not be disciplined
under this provision, provided that the force used must be reasonable and apparently necessary to prevent such
offense and further that the student may not claim the right of self-defense if the student is the aggressor or
brings on or precipitates a difficulty by taunting, fighting words, challenges or any other verbal or physical
activity which contributes to the initiation of the physical incident. Additionally, a student who continues an affray
after being urged to stop may not claim self-defense.
#11 Possession or Use of an Electronic Device
#11 Possession or Use of an Electronic Device
First Offense …. Confiscate. Student has choice of 1-day in- school suspension or retention of phone for five
school days. Parent picks up on sixth day
Second Offense …. Confiscate. Student has choice of 2- in- school suspension or retention of phone for ten
days. Parent picks up on eleventh day.
Third and Subsequent Offenses …. Confiscate. Retain phone for the remainder of the school year. Parent
picks up on last day of school.
“Use of” is defined as the device is turned on and/or student is actively using the device by texting or talking
on the device.
#13. Misuse of Internet (Page 21 and 22)
First violation …. Suspension 1 day
Second violation … Suspension 2 days
Third violation … Suspension 3 days
Fourth Violation … Recommendation for expulsion
First violation …. Suspension 1 day After School Detention
Second violation … Suspension 2 days In-School Suspension
Third violation … Suspension 3 days In-School Suspension and
45 days of prohibited use of computer
Fourth Violation … Recommendation for expulsion Suspension –
Principal discretion depending on severity of offense.
Administrator may bypass all consequences and use In-school suspension or suspension depending on the
severity of the offense.
Any student who accesses and/or tampers with a school’s administrative database will be automatically
recommended for expulsion.
5. Page 26, Saturday Behavior Clinic, paragraph 3
Any student assigned to the Clinic but does not report as
scheduled without a valid acceptable reason shall be
automatically suspended.
Any student assigned to the Clinic but does not report as
scheduled without a valid acceptable reason shall be assigned a
consequence by the administrator’s discretion not to exclude a
possible suspension. A principal may choose not to use Saturday
Behavior Clinic as a consequence to an infraction.