Unit Plan for Gr.6 Geometry v2

Activating Prior
Work On It
Tell students that the
class is starting a new
unit on Geometry. In
order to better meet
their needs you are
going to have a
quick quiz. Calm
their fears that this is
not a test but rather
information for you to
see where they are in
their understanding.
What are Geometric
What are the
geometric properties
of a triangle?
Have students
answer various
questions on angles,
and 2-D & 3-D
Teacher looks at the
diagnostic and
decides where to
begin with the
How do you know
an angle is
How are a square
and rectangle
How are a prism
and a pyramid
Students work in
pairs to list the
properties of
different two
Have the students
share the properties
about the 2-D
polygons. Create an
anchor chart for
students to refer to
throughout the unit.
How are the
polygons similar?
How are they
different? What
are parallel lines?
How many
vertices does
each shape
What are regular
and irregular
Yesterday we discussed
the geometric
properties of 2-D
polygons. Today we
are discussing the
Geometric Properties of
3D figures. What are
the properties of a
Students work in
pairs to list the
properties of
different 3-D figures.
Square based
pyramid, triangular
pyramid, rec. prism,
cone, cylinder, etc.
Have the students
What is the
difference between
a pyramid and a
prism? (faces,
edges, vertices,
parallel lines)
Sub Task # 1
Create the anchor
Chart for 2D shapes
(Subtask 1 & 2 are
not necessary if the
students have a
understanding of
the geometric
Sub Task # 2
Create the anchor
chart for 3D figures
Classify and
construct polygons
and angles
share the properties
about the 3-D figures.
Create an anchor chart
for students to refer to
throughout the unit
Sub Task # 3
Classify and
construct polygons
and angles
Math Makes Sense
page 86 of
Teacher’s Guide for
Draw 2-D polygons
on the board. Ask:
How are they alike
and different? What
is a regular figure?
What is an irregular
Which figures are
regular? How do you
Sub Task # 4
Polygon Capture
Classify and
construct polygons
and angles
Polygon Capture:
Sub Task # 5
Measure Angles
Classify and
construct polygons
and angles
Review of angle
Model the use of the
protractor for the
Sub Task # 6
Remind students how a
figure can be
decomposed into smaller
Draw a square: Draw a
diagonal: Ask which two
figures make up this
Repeat with a kite,
trapezoid, and pentagon.
Classify and construct
polygons and angles.
Make the connection
that a triangle has an
interior of 180,
quadrilateral 360.
Go over the rules of
the game with the
Students are to
classify the figures
by angles, parallel
How might you
identify the
properties of a
polygon? Which
figures are regular
and irregular? How
did you classify?
Students play the
game. Object of
the games: sort and
classify polygons
based on their
Which figure has the
most properties from
the list? Which figure
had the least
properties from the
list? Which properties
describe the most
Why are
trapezoids also
Why are
trapezoids not
(has only one side
of parallel lines)
Discuss the object of
the game. What were
some the some of the
2-D polygons you
could choose for a
specific card?
What are the
properties of a
square? Other
polygons you could
ask about include:
rectangle, rhombus,
trapezoid, and
Construct angles,
acute, obtuse, right,
and straight. Construct
a parallelogram and a
rhombus, measure the
angles and sides. What
connections are made?
Have students construct
various triangles and
quadrilaterals. Measure
and name the angles
and add the interior of
the polygon. Construct
a parallelogram with
angle measure of 115
degrees and sides of
7cm and 6cm
Choose several students
to talk about the
rhombus and
parallelogram and the
connections they made
to sides and angles.
How do you know
what kind of angle
this is?
What is the exact
degree of this angle?
How is a square a
Choose several
students to share how
they made the
triangles and
How did you make the
quadrilaterals and
triangles? What was
the sum of the angles?
What did you
notice about the
triangles? What did
you notice about
the quadrilaterals?
What shapes make
up quadrilaterals?
What rule can we
Sub Task # 7
Geometer’s Sketch
Lesson Plan in the
book on page 96 &
97 of Math Makes
Construct polygons
using a variety of
tools, given side
and angle
Task # 8
Geometer’s Sketch
Construct polygons
using a variety of
tools, given side
and angle
Task # 9
Isosceles and right
Construct polygons
using a variety of
tools, given side
and angle
Students will use
Geometer’s Sketch
Pad to draw 2-D
polygon and
measure the sides
and angles
Students will use
Geometer’s Sketch
Pad to draw 2-D
rectangle, rhombus,
square) and measure
the sides and angles
Students will follow
the instructions laid
out in Math Makes
Sense pg. 96 & 97.
Have the students
measure the
perimeter and area
of the polygons. They
can observe the
effect on area and
perimeter by
changing the size of
the polygon.
Students will follow
the instructions laid
out in Math Makes
Sense pg. 96 & 97.
Today they will make
a (parallelogram,
Select several students
to share their polygons
with the class. Discuss
the relationship
between the interior of
the figures and the
generalization they
Does this
generalization still hold
true? Why?
Select students to
share their polygons
with the class. Discuss
the connections they
made between the
polygons (angles
rectangle, rhombus,
interior, sides).
square) and
measure the sides
and angles
Students will use
Students will follow
Have students share
Geometer’s Sketch Pad the instructions laid
their discovery of what
to draw 2-D polygons.
out in Math Makes
right and isosceles
Draw three triangles on Sense pg. 96 & 97.
trapezoids are. How
the board (equilateral,
Today they will make
do you know it is a
isosceles, right). Ask the an isosceles and right
right trapezoid? How
students to name and
trapezoid. Students
defend the name of
will have time explore do you know it is an
isosceles trapezoid?
each triangle. Today
but will hand in one
they are going to
right and an isosceles What are the angles
and measurements in
explore quadrilaterals
trapezoid with a side
each trapezoid?
to find one that can be measure of 5cm.
drawn as right and
They will measure all
the sides and angles.
Journal Question:
How did GSP
make it easier to
draw the
(Change size and
shape, easier to
What do the interior
angles add to?
What shapes make
up the trapezoid?
Does this fit the rule
that we discovered
about the interior of
polygons? Does
the rule work with
hexagons and
Task # 10
Mid-Point Check in
Discuss the
generalization/ rule
that the students
discussed in the
Congress the day
before about the
interior of polygons.
Ask them to think
about other
that they have
throughout the unit.
Compare a rhombus,
square, rectangle
and parallelogram.
Tell how a square can
be considered a
rhombus and
Construct a right
trapezoid, tell the side
and angles.
Discuss how a
pyramid and prism
are alike and
Collect and mark.
Give the students
descriptive feedback
and look for any
misconceptions that
they might have.
What properties
do a square and
rhombus and
Procedural: draw
a parallelogram
and trapezoid
using a protractor.
Measure sides
and angles
Task # 11 Guide to
Effective Instruction
Sketch 3-D figures
and construct 3-D
figures from
3 cubes, grid paper
Tell students that they
are going to learn
about drawing different
perspectives of 3-D
figures. Use the lesson
from Guides to Effect
Instr. pg. 193 - 195
Sketch Climbing
Structures. Work
with a partner to
combine cubes
and then sketch the
perspectives (top,
back, front, sides).
What are the similarities
in the views? What are
the differences? Which
was easiest to draw?
Why? Which would be
most helpful to help build
the structure?
Where are isometric
drawings used?
How do the shape
and number of
faces of
drawings relate to
isometric drawings?
Sub Task # 12
Guide to Effective
Instruction pg. 206207
Tell students they will
work on GSP today to
draw their structures.
Remind them of the
different perspectives
(top, back, front, sides).
Students begin by using
6 different coloured
interlocking cubes to
build the structure
provided on pg. 206
from the Guide to
Effective Instruction.
Students follow the
instructions on pg.
206 & 207 to create
the views in GSP.
Those students that
finish early can
create other
structures with the
cubes and sketch
the different
perspectives. Print
the views if possible.
How did GSP make it
easier to draw the
What was the
easiest view to
draw? Why?
What was the
hardest view to
draw? Why?
Why do we use
these views?
Sketch 3-D figures
and construct 3-D
figures from drawings
using a variety of
6 interlocking cubes
Tell the students you
have built a 3-D figure
from 6 cubes. You are
going to describe the
structure to the class.
They are going to try
and build the structure
congruent to yours
based on the
instructions. They may
not ask questions.
Define congruent with
the students.
Give students 6
interlocking cubes.
Have them build the
structure you
describe. Have them
share their structure
with a partner. Have
them sketch the
different views.
Have students share their
Discuss what language
was useful in helping
them to create the
What was challenging
about this task?
What is the hardest
view to draw?
What do you notice
about the left side
view and the right
side view?
What do you notice
about the top
Sub Task #14
Guides to Effective
Build 3-D models
using connecting
cubes, isometric
sketches of
different views
Review what the word
congruent means from
the day before. Discuss
some of the language
choices that were used
from the day before that
were helpful to build the
This activity comes from
Marian Small’s book,
Good Questions, Great
Ways to Differentiate
Math, on page 89.
Students will build a shape
with interlocking cubes.
They can choose to build
the 3-D figure shown or
they can build the
structure from the
orthographic views given.
Give the students 10
cubes to make the
structure. They can
build a structure using
between 6-10 cubes.
The creator describes
the structure from the
top, front and sides
using mathematical
language. The
imitator may not ask
questions. Students
then compare their
structures. They then
switch roles.
Have students share their
Discuss what language
was useful in helping
them to create the
What was
challenging about
this task?
Sub Task # 15
Optional Task
Put students into groups
of 4 and give students
40 interlocking cubes.
Challenge them to
build as many different
four cube structures as
Please see lesson on
page 198-199 in the
Guides to Effective
Have students share their
structures. Have the
students pull apart the
structure to show how
they manipulated the
pieces to fit together.
What structures were
hard to create?
How did you
manipulate the
structures to fit?
What made you
Sub Task #13
Guide to Effective
Instruction pg. 197
Sketch 3-D figures
and construct 3-D
figures from
6 interlocking cubes
Build 3-D models using
connecting cubes,
isometric sketches of
different views
Marian Small pg. 89
Grade 6: Geometry and Spatial Sense (Geometric Properties, Geometric Relationships)
Overall Expectations:
- Classify and construct polygons and angles
- Sketch three-dimensional figures, and construct three-dimensional figures from drawings
Specific Expectations:
- Sort and classify quadrilaterals by geometric properties related to symmetry, angles and sides, through
investigation using a variety of tools (e.g., geoboards, dynamic software) and strategies (charts, Venn
Measure and construct angles up to 180 degrees using a protractor and classify them as acute, right,
obtuse and straight
Construct polygons using a variety of tools, given angle and side measurements
Build three-dimensional models using connecting cubes, given isometric sketches or different views of the
structure (top, front, side)
Sketch, using a variety of tools (isometric dot paper, dynamic geometry software), isometric perspectives
and different views of three-dimensional figures built with interlocking cubes
Math Language
prism, pyramid
polygons, figures
Orthographic sketches or views (top, front, side)
triangles: isosceles, scalene
vertical line segment
angles: acute, right, straight, obtuse
Isometric dot paper
horizontal line segment
trapezoids: right, isosceles
Isometric perspective