Properties of Quadrilaterals Use this grid: While learning the properties of quadrilaterals As a review after learning properties of quadrilaterals I will usually fill this in as we are studying the properties. (Obviously you can teach the properties any way you feel, this is just a summary sheet.) That way the students have a study sheet as they learn all the properties. I have students put a big X in the box if the property is true. Because of the fact that I like to use this as we are learning about all quadrilaterals, the properties are in a specific order. The The The The first 5 properties pertain to the parallelogram. next 2 properties pertain to the rectangle next 3 properties pertain to the rhombus last property is to only be used with the trapezoids After making all the properties of the parallelogram, I have students draw a thick line all the way across the sheet after the 5th property. We write “parallelogram” in the margin to denote anything above that line with those 5 properties is a parallelogram. (See attached student sheet for reference.) I continue this process with the rectangle and the rhombus. I have the students make thick lines and denote in the margin which apply to the rectangle and the rhombus. (See attached student sheet for reference.) When we get to the trapezoids and kite, they quickly see that these properties are not so organized. (We have good discussion as to how when one property falls apart it has an impact on the figure.) For these, I have the students write things like “SOME” or “ONE PAIR” to illustrate the property. I have sent this review sheet in word format so that you can change as you see fit. Hope this helps your students as it has mine learning all these properties. Lucinda Griswold PROPERTIES OF QUADRILATERALS PROPERTIES Opposite Sides Congruent Opposite Sides Parallel (or one pair) Diagonals Bisect Each Other Consecutive Angles are Supplementary Opposite Angles are Congruent Diagonals are Congruent All Angles are Right Angles All Sides are Congruent Diagonals Bisect the Angles Diagonals Intersect at Right Angles Base Angles are Congruent PARALLELOGRAM RECTANGLE RHOMBUS SQUARE TRAPEZOID ISOSCELES TRAPEZOID KITE