Calcium & & Bone Bone Homoeostasis Homoeostasis Calcium Unde Unde from the the mec mec from John AA Eisman Eisman John Director,Osteoporosis Osteoporosis and andBone BoneBiology Biology Program, Program, Director, GarvanInstitute Instituteof ofMedical Medical Research; Research; Garvan Endocrinologist, St Vincent's Hospital; Endocrinologist, St Vincent's Hospital; Professor (Conjoint) (Conjoint), University of New South Wales Wales Professor (Conjoint), (Conjoint) University of New South Consultingand andResearch ResearchSupport Supportfrom from Consulting Amgen,deCode, deCode,Eli EliLilly, Lilly,GE-LUNAR, GE-LUNAR, Amgen, MerckSharp Sharpand andDohme, Dohme,Novartis, Novartis, Merck sanofi-Aventis, S ii sanofi-Aventis, fifiAA titi Servier SServier 99 percent of the calcium in our bodies is in our bones. Bones allow you to move. Locomotion depends on an intact skeleton. Protection Protection Garvan GarvanI nstitute I nstituteofofMedical MedicalResearch Research Calcium Calcium && Bone Bone Homoeostasis Homoeostasis Calcium Calcium Calcium Serum Serum –– 2.2 2.2--2.6 2.6 mmol/l mmol/l –– 40% protein 40% proteinbound bound (esp (esp Albumin) Albumin) –– 15% complexed to anions 15% complexed to anions ++ –– 45% 45%ionised ionised == free/bioactive free/bioactive == ECF ECF Ca Ca++ •• Extracellular EExtracellular llll ll flfluid E tt fl id fluid id – 1.3 - 1.5 mM – 1.3 - 1.5 mM • Intracellular • Intracellular – microMolar – microMolar Half is bound to albumin. Calcium Calcium –– Serum Serum –– Calcium C C ll ii Calcium and crit Inside cells is a very constant and crit – Ionised levels of calcium. 1000 times – Ionised »» neur less than extracellular neu » mus component. » mus » exoc » exo » clott » clott » intra » intra Garvan I nstitute of Medical Research Calcium Garvan I nstitute of Medical Research – Serum levels remarkably constant (over many years) – Calcium in bone mineral = major body store and critical component for bone strength. 99.something percent. Critical component of skeletal strength. – Ionised calcium critical biological roles in: » neural function » muscular contraction » exocrine gland function – eg. gut excretions. » clotting » intra-cellular second messenger – micromolar levels can be intracellular messaging. Garvan I nstitute of Medical Research Garvan I nstitute of Medical Research Calcium Homoeostasis Diet – dairy, some vegetables and in other Calcium countries, some foods are calcium content supplements. Sources: Mainly y dairy, y, vegetables g & fortified foods of Mineral supplements We will have low calcium intake. Can only some absorb 30% from diet. Absorption: foods 30% or less in adulthood (~ 60% in neonate) Green leafy vegetables have relatively high part passive Calcium Vitamin D Calcium, calcium levels. Have oxylate in them – part driven by active form of vitamin D hard to absorb from gut. and Osteoporosis Requires adequate magnesium levels id for f GPs GP 2nd ed d AG Guide Excretion: Tofu can have calcium with Published it, but it by doesn’t naturally. O t Osteoporosis i Australia A t li I t ti l secretions Intestinal ti Obligatory urinary loss Skin surface ~300md/day Garvan I nstitute of Medical Research We lose a certain amount of calcium everyday. Minium excretion is 300 mg. Phosphate Homoeostasis Sources: Most foods - protein, cereals, grains Absorption: Well absorbed E Excretion: ti High renal filtration Tubular reabsorption Regulated by PTH & FGF 23 Active tubular secretion Phosphate Homoeostasis Garvan I nstitute of Medical Research Sources: Most foods - protein, cereals, grains - in all protein foods. Absorption: Well absorbed, unlike calcium Excretion: High renal filtration – we have to get rid of it, because we have more than we need. Tubular reabsorption – modest resorption - Active tubular secretion Regulated by PTH & FGF 23 Major component of skeletal mineral with calcium hydroxyapatite In extreme cases where the body can’t retain phosphate you can get mineralization of the skeleton. Occurs in leakage from kidney. Phos Serum le Major co wit Protein f Energy m DNA (all Garvan I nstitute of Medical Research Protein function, activation/inactivation Energy metabolism (e.g. ATP) DNA (all nucleotides) Vitamin D Fat soluble vitamin – a misnomer because we can make it our self, we just can’t make enough of it. Effect on sunlight on cholesterol derivatives. Stored in adipose tissue and muscle. Main source from sunlight (D3) - needs to have enough skin exposed and rays strong enough. Most of us should have sub-optimal levels. Some foods D2 and D3 – if the food is animal source it is D3 (derived from cholesterol) and D2 from plant ergosterol. 25-hydroxylated in liver (25 hydroxy-vitamin D) Circulates bound to serum D-binding protein Renal conversion to 1,25-dihydroxy Vitamin D 24-hydroxylation Degradation Intracrine role of tissue 1-hydroxylases Rickets – vitamin D deficiency due to lack of sun exposure and success of slip slop slap campaign. Calcium and Phosphate p Homoeostasis Calcitonin Formation PTH Calcium Absorption p Phosphate Resorption Filtration 1,25-OH2D FGF 23 FGF-23 Garvan I nstitute of Medical Research Reabsorption p Garvan I nstitute of Medical Research Gained from diet, absorbed into circulation. Calcium-hydroxy-phosphate is bone formation Bone always undergoing Ca turnover – so there is always removal of calcium, phosphate Form and alkali from the skeleton. In the kidney, both calcium and Resorption phosphate are very highly filtered. It has a very active reabsorption of calcium. 95 or FGFFGF more percent. Only some phosphate is reabsorbed. Garvan I nstitute of Medical Rese Parathyroid glands measure the calcium level in the blood. Low Calcium intake Low dietary calcium. Calcitonin Formation PTH Calcium Absorption p Phosphate Resorption Filtration 1,25-OH2D FGF 23 FGF-23 Reabsorption p If calcium decreases, PTH goes up, telling kidney to resorb more calcium and makes more D20.1.5 hydroxy. This drives calcium resorption in the kidney. PTH also, chronically elevated also enhances the removal of calcium from the skeleton, which is designed to return the calcium level back to normal. Garvan I nstitute of Medical Research The only problem is that when you increase calcium resorption, you increase phosphate absorption When you increase skeletal resorption you increase phosphate removal into the blood PTH then tells the kidney to excrete all phosphate to get back to a normal physiological state. FGF23 – fibroblast growth factor 23, comes from the bone is produced by the osteocytes and regulates both 1.25 production and renal reabsorption of phosphate. Abnormalities of it’s function or metabolism lead to altered pathological states. Vitamin D deficiencyy PTH Calcitonin Calcium Formation Absorption p Phosphate Resorption Filtration 1,25-OH2D FGF 23 FGF-23 Reabsorption p Garvan I nstitute of Medical Research Calcium and Phosphate p Homoeostasis Calcitonin Lack of vitamin D, you don’t have enough active vitamin D causing malabsorption of calcium from the gut and the calcium level tends to drop. PTH will go up, can’t make more 1.25 but can retain calcium. Drives more reabsorption and removal from skeleton. If there is not enough vitamin D, and not enough calcium you want calcium to be taken form the skeleton. Because if you didn’t you would die. It is a trade off. You lose skeletal mass. Baby with rickets. Not proper mineralisation of the bone, splaying of the bone ends. Femur bones are bowed, they are soft due to lack of proper mineralisation. PTH Calcium Formation Absorption p Phosphate Resorption Filtration 1,25-OH 2D Phosphate p excess FGF 23 FGF-23 Reabsorption p PTH Garvan I nstitute of Medical Research Calcitonin Formation Calcium Absorption p Phosphate Resorption Filtration 1,25-OH2D Quiescence Body will resorb less calcium Activation and phosphate from the gut. This pushes the PTH up and Resorption will drive phosphate excretion and thereFormation will be production of FGF 23 to further enhance excretion. Mineralization FGF 23 FGF-23 Reabsorption p Garvan I nstitute of Medical Research Quiescence Bone Remodeling g Lining cells Quiescence Activation Osteoclasts Resorption Osteoblasts Skeleton is always changing and remodelling. Constantly undergoing removal and replacement. Removal by osteoclasts, removing damaged bone. Then osteoblasts come and replace it. Formation Mineralization Mineralising bone Quiescence Bone structural unit In age the osteoblasts can’t keep up and you lose bone mass. A giant cell with a very large skirt that settles on the bone. It makes acid that dissolves the calcium and produces enzymes to degrade the protein. Osteocytes get stuck in the bone – they are the most abundant cells in bone. They put out sclerostin, which stops bone formation. PTH blocks this, allowing more bone to be formed. high PTH levels have a reverse effect, enabling bone resorption. Adapted from Compston 1996 Bone Cell Origins Garvan I nstitute of Medical Research LRP5 – lipoprotein receptor like protein 5. Mutations in this gene are very important in bone, because if you have an activating receptor you have very dense bones, and inactivating mutation results in a marked loss of bone. Regulates bone mass. If you want to have fine control, you have to have these accelerators and breaks in the pathway. This ensures good stability. Hypophosphataemic yp p p Rickets Adults don’t get rickets because the bone is already mineralised. We get osetomalatia instead. Renal oseto-dystrophy relates to impaired ability to excrete phosphate and make vit. 1.25 D. number of different potential changes in the bone. X-link PTH Calcitonin Formation Calcium Absorption p Phosphate Resorption Filtration 1,25-OH2D FGF 23 FGF-23 Reabsorption Garvan I nstitute of Medical Research Ostep p Cortex Trabeculae Cortex Trabec lae Trabeculae Ostepenia p Osteoporosis p Transition Cortex Trabeculae Normal Bone remodeling sites Cortex Trabec lae Trabeculae Perforations Loss of trabecular connections particularly with high bone turnover Garvan I nstitute of Medical Research