ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL Spatial patterns of historical growth changes in Norway spruce across Western European mountains and the key effect of climate warming Authors : Marie Charru1,2,*, Ingrid Seynave2,1, Jean-Christophe Hervé3, Jean-Daniel Bontemps1,2 1 AgroParisTech, UMR 1092 Laboratoire d’Etude des Ressources Forêt-Bois (LERFoB), 14 rue Girardet, 54000 Nancy, France. E-mail: marie.charru@gmail.com; jean- daniel.bontemps@agroparistech.fr 2 INRA, Centre de Nancy-Lorraine, UMR 1092 Laboratoire d’Etude des Ressources Forêt- Bois (LERFoB), 54280 Champenoux, France. E-mail: seynave@nancy.inra.fr 3 Institut National de l’Information Géographique et Forestière, 11 rue de l’Ile de Corse, 54000 Nancy, France. E-mail: jean-christophe.hervé@ign.fr *Corresponding author. Tel.: (+33) 3 83 39 68 80 - Fax.: (+33) 3 83 39 68 78 – E-mail: jeandaniel.bontemps@agroparistech.fr 1 Online resource 1: Details on the NFI data used 1.1. NFI sampling design We used data from the French NFI collected between 1976 and 2008. The NFI sampling method is based on temporary plots distributed over a systematic random grid of 1 km x 1 km, thus ensuring that existing environmental gradients are encompassed. Between 1976 and 2004, the NFI sampling method was applied in each ‘département’ administrative unit (average area of 590,000 ha, hereafter a.u.), and repeated approximately every 12 years (Robert et al., 2010). The main drawback of this method is to induce a space-date imbalance in the sampled environmental conditions. In 2004, the sampling design was changed in order to cover the whole forested area each year, and is now based on a systematic grid of 10 km × 10 km, shifted by 2 km each year, thereby ensuring a 2-km coverage every 5 years (1 km coverage in 10 years). NFI sampling plots are organized into four circular concentric subplots of 25 m-, 15 m-, 9 m- and 6 m-radius. Data collected include environmental data (topography, soil characteristics and floristic survey), stand attributes, and tree attributes inventoried exhaustively over a countable threshold at a diameter at breast height (dbh) of 7.5 cm (6 m-, 9 m- and 15 m-radius, for the small, medium, and large trees, respectively). Variables measured on each countable tree include dbh, bark thickness at breast height, total tree height and 5-year radial increment under bark (ri5) at breast height. Damaged or cut trees are inventoried when the time elapsed since the event is assumed to not exceed five years. 1.2. Plot selection criteria and data homogenization As in Charru et al (2010), we selected pure and even-aged plots of Norway spruce. We based the selection procedure on dendrometric and stand characteristics. Together with the change in the NFI sampling design, some variables and definitions were changed in 2004 which could have affected plot selection criteria. We thus carefully homogenized the variables 2 between the two inventory methods. The main selection criteria are detailed here. For more information, see Charru 20121. 1.2.1. Stand structure criteria Stand pureness was guaranteed by selecting stands where Norway spruce represented more than 70% of plot basal area. Even-agedness was characterized by the NFI ‘stand structure’ variable. The definition of this variable was changed in the new inventory method: whereas it was a qualitative appreciation, it is now based on the relative cover of coppice and standard trees within the plot. Consequently, we complemented the stand structure variable by a criteria on the proportion of coppice trees (< 25% of plot basal area) and the relative standard deviation of tree height (< 30%). We targeted plots with a stand cover over 50% to discard open or regenerating stands. The NFI ‘stand cover’ variable was removed in the new inventory method but we could elaborate a similar variable based on the relative cover of the different forest layers (coppice, standards). 1.2.2. Stand dynamics criteria Furthermore we targeted plots that were historically forested and where no change in species was carried out within the last 40 years based on the ‘stand evolution’ variable in the previous NFI method. In the new inventory method this variable was removed so we based our selection on the variables ‘changes in species’ to ensure that no change in species had been carried out over the last 15 years, and the variable ‘previous soil cover’ to ensure that the plot was already forested 15 years before plot inventory. 1 Charru M (2012) Forest productivity in a changing environment: a multi-scale assessment of recent productivity variations based on the National Forest Inventory (NFI) data and environmental interpretation. PhD Thesis, Agroparistech, Nancy, 413p. 3 Because of the NFI countable threshold on dbh, tree inventory cannot be exhaustive in a fraction of young stand plots. To avoid plots where total stand BAI may be underestimated, we discarded plots of a quadratic mean diameter (Dg) below 10 cm. We also excluded plots of a density of regeneration (trees not inventoried) above 500 trees/ha (previous inventory method) or where the proportion of countable trees was below 10% (new inventory method). The inventory of tree stumps (cut trees) is very important for the reconstitution of plot BAI, as cut within the 5 years preceding the inventory have contributed to plot increment. In 2008 the stumps are no more inventoried. Consequently, in order to avoid any underestimation of BAI in plots with unaccounted cut trees, we discarded all plots where thinning had occurred within the 5 years preceding inventory based on the ‘thinning type’ variable, for the 2008 fraction only. 4 Online resource 2: Stand BAI calculation on NFI plots The total stand BAI was computed in three steps. In the first step individual tree basal area increment under bark (bai) was calculated for living trees, according to the following formula: bai dbh 2BT 2 dbh 2BT 2 ri 5 2 4 where bai is in m2/5-yr, dbh is tree diameter at breast height, BT is bark thickness and ri5 is individual radial increment over the last 5 years at breast height. In the second step we reconstituted the individual radial increment for ‘lost’ trees (dead, cut or damaged within five years preceding inventory), from that reconstituted for living trees. It was calculated as the plot mean quadratic increment (which allows an unbiased reconstitution of a basal area increment), proportionally weighted by: (i) a relative social status index defined as the ratio between individual dbh and plot mean quadratic diameter (Dhôte, 1999); and (ii) the temporal fraction of the 5-year period preceding inventory during which lost trees were estimated to have grown (IFN, 1994). Further details are given in the appendix of Charru et al. (2010). In the third step the stand level BAI was calculated as the sum of the individual bai, further weighted by their relative area weight in order to obtain a per ha value. In order to account for tree recruitment during the 5-year period (trees that crossed the countable threshold of 7.5 cm at breast height), we only considered the share of the increment corresponding to a dbh over 7.5 cm. BAI dbh i 2 max dbh i 2 ri 5 i 2BTi ,7.5 2BTi 4 i where i refer to each individual tree. Therefore, the stand BAI computed correspond to a gross increment in basal area (m2/ha/5-yr) above the countable threshold of 7.5 cm at breast height, over a 5-year period. 5 6 Thermal indicators Water indicators Nutritional indicators S:T C:N S:T ratio C:N ratio N deposition (NO3, NH4, Ntot) pH mm mm SWB SWD mm mm SWC CWB pH Soil water deficit Monthly water balance Soil water holding capacity Soil water budget °C Tx Croisé et al., 2005 Piedallu, comm. pers. Piedallu, comm. pers. Gégout, 2008 Lebourgeois and Piedallu, 2005 Lebourgeois and Piedallu, 2005 Piedallu et al., 2011 Bénichou and Lebreton, 1987 ; Turc, 1961 Bénichou and Lebreton, 1987 Bénichou and Lebreton, 1987 Piedallu and Gegout, 2007 MJ.m-2 °C References Unit Tn Rad Monthly radiation Monthly minimal temperature Monthly maximal temperature Abrev. Variable 1 km 1 km 1 km 1 km 1 km 1 km 500 m 1 km 1 km 1 km 1 km Spatial Résolution Average site properties (SIG data) C:Nh S:Th 15 yrs average (1989 - 2004) 15 yrs average (1989 - 2004) 5 yrs average (1993 - 2004) pHh SWDh SWBh SWCh CWBh Tx h Tnh Radh Abrev. 15 yrs average (1989 - 2004) 30 yrs average (1961 - 1990) 30 yrs average (1961 - 1990) 15 yrs average 30 yrs average (1961 - 1990) Temporal resolution 30 yrs average (1971 - 2000) 30 yrs average (1961 - 1990) 30 yrs average (1961 - 1990) mm mm mm mm °C °C MJ.m-2 Unit NFI soil data + Bio-indication (Gegout et al 2003) NFI soil data + Bio-indication (Gegout et al 2003) NFI soil data + Bio-indication (Gegout et al 2003) Lebourgeois and Piedallu, 2005 Lebourgeois and Piedallu, 2005 NFI soil data + Piedallu et al., 2011 Météo-France historical data Météo-France historical data Météo-France historical data Piedallu and Gegout, 2007 References Historical environmental data punctual punctual punctual 1 yr 1 yr punctual 1 yr 1 yr 1 yr Temporal resolution 30 yrs average (1971 - 2000) Online resource 3: Summary of the average site properties variables and historical environmental variables Online resource 4: Extraction of historical climatic data We used historical climatic series coming from Météo-France meteorological stations. We attributed to each plot the nearest station for which precipitation and/or temperature data was available for the 5-year period covered by the plot’s BAI increment. Over the three regions under study, we used 111 stations for precipitation data and 91 stations for temperature data. The number of stations considered in each region is given in Table OR4-1, and their location is represented on Figure OR4-1. Distance between Number plot and nearest of stations station for P (m) used min max mean Distance between Number of plot and nearest stations station for T (m) used min max mean Massif Central 214 29747 10419 42 214 29747 11512 40 Alps 522 46305 13864 32 522 29867 13351 23 Jura 806 29996 10505 38 985 34408 12585 28 Table OR4-1: Number of meteorological stations used in each of the three regions under study, and summary statistics on the distance between each NFI plot and the nearest station for precipitation (left) and temperature (right) data. The average distance between each NFI plot and the nearest station varied between 10 and 14 km depending on the region (Tab OR4-1). The minimum distance was 214 m and the maximum distance was 46 km (Tab OR4-1). Once a meteorological station was attributed to each plot, we extracted the average monthly temperature and precipitation over the 5-year period covered by the plot’s BAI increment. In order to avoid bias related to the distance (and differences in climatic conditions) between the plot and the station, we first corrected the climatic series of each station from the difference between the average value of the variable over the period 1961-1990 (Bénichou and Le Breton 1987) at the station location, and this average value at the plot location. 7 The extracted historical climatic variables are thus representative of the average climate over the 5-year period covered by each BAI increment. Figure OR4-1: Localization of the meteorological stations used (black dots) for precipitation (left) and temperature data (right) in the three regions under study. The NFI selected plots are represented with grey dots. 8 Online resource 5: Procedure of components and variables selection in the PLS regression approach. The selection of the most predictive components was based on a leave-one-out crossvalidation procedure (Geladi and Kowalski, 1986). The predictive power Q2 (Tenenhaus, 1998) was defined as: Q2 h 1 - PRESSh RSSh-1 where PRESSh is the prediction error sum of square of the model with h components, and RSSh-1 is the residual sum of square of the same model with h-1 components (see Tenenhaus, 1998 for further details). Q2 was therefore computed for an increasing number of components, and we selected the number of components allowing reaching 80% of the maximum predictive power. The identification of important predictors in the prediction of Y can be based on their contribution to the global explicative power. However, in order to also detect predictors which effect was stable in the prediction, we additionally performed generalized jackknife tests for each predictor over the selected set of components, based on the cross-validation approach (Martens and Martens, 2000). Due to lack of knowledge on the distribution of the variance estimates (Mevik and Wehrens, 2007), p-values resulting from these tests cannot be used as absolute values. The predictors were ranked according to their p-values, and their cumulative explicative power was calculated based on their global contributions to Y. We calculated the explicative power reached by the variables whose p-value was under the heuristic threshold of 5%, and selected the variables allowing reaching 50% of this explicative power as the most influent. 9 Online resource 6: Details on GWR models fitting In practice, the GWR model is fitted as many times as there are observations in the data, taking each observation and an appropriate spatial neighborhood as a fitting subset (Fotheringham et al., 2002). The neighborhood was here characterized by an adaptive radius, based on a k-nearest neighbor (k-NN) approach (Fotheringham et al., 2002), which was thus larger where the observations are locally sparse and smaller where observations are denser. Within the neighborhood, each data point was weighted according to its proximity to the local observation of reference using a bi-square function (Fotheringham et al., 2002), defined as: 2 d 2 ij w ij 1 if j is one of the k nearest neigbours of i R ij w ij 0 otherwise where Rij is the distance between the regression point i and its kth nearest neighbor. The optimal proportion of nearest neighbors to consider was selected based on the crossvalidation procedure (Fotheringham et al., 2002). 10 Online resource 7: Adequacy of the dendrometric models. The approach developed in this paper is based on models relating stand BAI to its main determinants (Charru et al., 2010). In a first step, we modeled stand BAI as a function of stocking level (RDI) and stand developmental stage (H0). As all the subsequent steps depend on the correct formulation of these effects, we present here statistics on the main dendrometric variables considered as well as tests concerning the correct representation of these effects in Eq 2. We tested the correlation between H0 and RDI to ensure that they could be incorporated simultaneously in the dendrometric model. No strong correlation was found between these two variables (Tab OR7-1). Region Massif Central Pearson correlation between RDI and H0 0.33 P-value 1.5.10-3 Jura 0.38 4.8.10-8 Alps 0.30 1.6.10-7 Tab OR7-1 : Pearson correlation between H0 and RDI in the three regions under study. Figure OR7-1 presents the evolution of logBAI, RDI and H0 over the inventory cycles. In each case we observe an increase of logBAI over time, but no similar evolution of RDI and H0 except a very moderate positive trends in RDI and H0 in the Alps. The amplitude of variation of these variables for each inventory cycle is always larger than the average temporal evolution of each variable, which prevents that the effects of the dendrometric variables be confounded with temporal effects. To ensure that the effects of stand stocking and developmental stage were correctly taken into account in the fitted models (Tab 2), we plotted the residuals of these models against RDI and H0 (Fig. OR 7-2). The plots reveal no residual effect of these variables. Furthermore, No 11 particular trend was detected in the residuals when plotted against fitted values (Fig. OR 7-2). These tests show that the fitted models not only have a fair explicative power (Tab. 2) but that the effects of the dendrometric variables are correctly taken into account. Consequently residual dendrometric effects are unlikely to be transferred to the effects of environmental variables or calendar date in the following steps. Figure OR 7-1: Evolution of logBAI (m2/ha/5-yrs), stand stocking level (RDI) and stand developmental stage (H0, m) over the NFI cycles. The X-axis corresponds to the inventory cycle number since the beginning of NFI. Cycles 2, 3 and 4 correspond to the old method of 12 inventory. NM corresponds to the new method of inventory, and encompasses the 4 fractions 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008. Figure OR 7-2: Residuals of the dendrometric models of logBAI (Eq. 2, Tab 2) against fitted value, RDI and H0 (m) for the 3 regions under study. 13