Clostridia Treatment Program – Handout

Clostridia Treatment Program – Handout
Clostridia bacteria are spore forming. This means they exist in multiple
states of pathogenicity (illness causing). The spores are the
reproductive cells of clostridia bacteria and their thick cell walls
make them difficult to eradicate with antibiotics and natural
remedies. However, clostridia can also exist in a form that is
responsive to intervention. Therefore, there are multiple ways of
treating clostridia with antibiotics:
Dosing Program for Vancocin or Flagyl:
_____ Vancocin ______ capsule _________X daily for _________ days
_____ Flagyl _____ capsule _____ Suspension _____X daily for ____ days
Alternative Dosing Program for Vancocin or Flagyl:
______ Vancocin _______ capsule _______X daily for ________ days,
then every 3rd day for an additional _______ weeks give another day
of Vancomycin at the same daily dose as above.
______ Flagyl _______ capsule _______Suspension________X daily for
________ days, then every 3rd day for an additional _______ weeks
give another day of Flagyl at the same daily dose as above.
Botanical Remedy Dosing Program:
This program mimics the cyclical dosing of the antibiotics, while using
Biocidin and/or other natural remedies instead.
_____ Biocidin ______ capsules _______ drops (liquid) ______ X daily for
_____days, then every 3rd day for an additional _____weeks give
another day of Biocidin at the same daily dose as above.
Additional Options for Either Antibiotic or Botanical Remedy Program:
Probiotics: These should be taken near bedtime at least 90 minutes
away from last dose of an antibiotic or botanical remedy.
_____ Culturelle ______ capsule(s)
_____ Ther-Biotic Complete _____ capsule(s)
_____ ProBiotic Support Formula _____ capsule(s)
_____ ProBio Premium _____ packet
_____ Probiotic Support Formula ______ capsule(s)
_____ VSL#3 _____ capsule(s)
_____ Probiotic Infant Formula ______ teaspoon
_____ Sacchromyces boulardii ______ capsules
Additional Botanical and Antifungal Remedies:
_____ Nystatin _____ tablet ______ oral suspension ______ days
_____ Diflucan _____ tablet ______ oral suspension ______ days
_____ Black Walnut
_____ Garlic
_____ Grapefruit Seed Extract
_____ Goldenseal
_____ Uva Ursi
_____ Yeast Control Packet
_____ Other Antimicrobial Botanicals ______________________________