Minutes 3rd March 2015 - St Columbkille`s Church

Minutes St Columbkille’s Parish Council Meeting
Tuesday 3rd March 2015 , St Columbkille’s Hall
Opening Prayer The Lord’s Prayer
Isobel McCormick, Pat McCarron, Ed McGuigan
Irene Galt, Kathy Thompson, Evelyn Kearney, Hugh Kearney,
Bernie Hislop, Chris Thomson, Fr Ghislain, Bob McNamara,
Deacon Bill McMillan, Fr Pat, Marie Tedeschi, Michelle McGuire,
Miriam McKernan, Mairead Brown,
Minutes December 9th 2015
Proposed Mariead Brown, Seconded Michelle McGuire
Building update
Donald Campbell reported on the meeting of 17/2/15. It is planned
to start work in the second week of June 2015. The work will last
26 weeks. Work has been done by the architect to revise planned
works as affordable with current funds. The money saved by the
parish and that donated by Viridor in grant form will cover heating,
flooring, disabled toilets, and alteration to altar steps.
It was suggested that updates on the building project are placed
on the website.
Action Miriam to form report, forward to Ed and Fr Pat, Fr Pat
will moderate and place on website.
The work of pew refurbishment may attract a grant. For that, two
further quotes are necessary and have been sought. A meeting
among Fr Pat, Deacon Bill and the Chancellor of the Diocese of
Motherwell is due in March 2015.
Fr Pat reported that a donation has been made to permit the
purchase of new hymnals. Two hymnals, Laudate, and Hymns Old
and New will be reviewed by the musicians prior to purchase.
Fr G and Deacon Bill have led the website development. Steven
McGinlay, Joe Gunn, Charles Coyle, Michael Campbell and others
met to discuss and populate the website. Screen shots were
All parishioners are invited to submit items for the website to
stcolumbkille@btconnect.co.uk. The clergy will moderate items
and upload to site.
Web address is http://www.stcolumbkille.org.uk.
There is a Facebook page. Details to be place in bulletin (again!)
Action Miriam
Youth Group
Fr G reported on the youth group starting in the parish, with Sarah
Gillespie and Michael McGrath.
Michael will advertise group at Masses. The group will meet
monthly Themes will include relationships, parents and children
and other topics.
Altar servers
Meet every month for training and support with Fr g and Michelle.
Older altar servers help the younger ones
Donald asked about Diocesan pastoral developments following the
deanery meetings help by Bishop Toal. An announcement is
Details of grants acquired by St Joseph’s Blantyre were provided
by Marie. Donald advised that approaches had been made to all
bodies listed and many more in addition.
Marie and Bob will revisit those thought worthy of a revisit. Marie is
very keen to help
Action Marie and Bob
24hour Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
13-14th March 2015 in Our Lady of Good Aid Motherwell as the
pope has requested for Lent. ST COlumbkille’s will have
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, but will be closed 2200 13th
March to 0700 14th March
Bob McN reported on Eucharistic ministry.
The next meeting is 28/3/15 after 10am Mass. New ministers will
be commissioned we hope.
Bob meets regularly with Fr Pat and they identify those in need of
home visits.
Fr O’Connor from Our Lady of Lourdes East Kilbride will give a talk
on ministry to the sick in June 2015.
Concern was expressed about safety on the altar steps. It was
suggested that those who were unconfident or unstable should
access and leave the altar through the sacristy.
Donald Campbell requested the formal discharge of Eucharistic
ministers after communion to visit sick brothers and sisters.
Action: Clergy to pray a sending prayer
Discussion took place about difficulties in readers and Eucharistic
ministers responding to a need. It was agreed Bob will share at
Mass 7/8th March, and Miriam/Madeleine/Helen the following
week, and invite all ministers to join in, and all parishioners to help
out with passkeeping/collections.
The clergy will appeal for ministers in time of need as the people
are not always aware of a lack: it is more difficult to see from the
body of the kirk than from the altar.
Action: Clergy
Action: Bob McN, Miriam McK
Cleaning and maintenance
Fr Patreported. SVDP continue to work in the parish supporting
vulnerable people, including those not eligible for foodbank.
The Christmas breakfast club took place, staffed by SVDP but not
attended by any children. This outreach was not a success, but
was worth trying.
Cleaning and maintenance
The cleaning group is now cleaning and maintenance. Male and
female members are welcome, at times announced in bulletin: one
Thursday every month
Bernie reported the stall is doing well. All Masses are provided for.
Easter card, St Patrick’s cards and First Communion stock are
Music ministry
No reports received
Robert McManus is ill. Donald Campbell and Joe Gunn are
covering and arranging a new phone number/email.
Miriam has contacted Robert. He is willing to receive a donation to
a cancer charity, for example St Columba’s Hospice, and
enrolment in a perpetual Mass Association.
Action: Miriam re Perpetual…
Donald re small party ? 14th March
Legion of Mary
There are two new members and one probationer. Visiting and
follow ups after PPC continue.
Legionaries are praying Stations of the Cross in St Columbille’s.
The Easter Garden will be made this year again.
Passkeepers: Hugh requested reserved seating as we are an
aging group.
Action: Passkeepers to obtain Reserved note from sacristy
for back pew.
Craft Group
International Womens’ Day was hosted in the Hall today including
members of the craft group. They are taking part in the
international world day of prayer in fernhill and cathkin church on
6th March.
Evelyn asked if the property of the Craft Group can be kept clean
and separate from some random materials which have found their
way into the Craft Group cupboard. Donald has seen to this.
A daytime meeting has started, and a day retreat is being led at
Centring prayer
This prayer group is renamed Journeying with Christ. We meet
Tuesday evenings at 1830 for one hour in White Fathers, Milrig
Charismatic prayer group
Meetings continue Wednesday evenings. We are reading the
Gospel of Mark.
50th anniversary Mass was a great and joyful celebration on 8th
March. Michelle McGuire volunteered to be new parish
representative and was warmly encouraged.
Small faith sharing groups
The new books are out, and both groups have started Lenten
Volunteer marketing
No update
Next meeting to be arranged
Closing prayer: Glory Be
Notes by Irene Galt, minutes prepared by Miriam McKernan