Sleepy Hollow Play: Character Descriptions | Sterling Playmakers

The Sterling Playmakers
“The Legend of Sleepy Hollow”
Character Descriptions
Diedrich Knickerbocker – (50+) A mysterious stranger in town who knows more than he lets
on to the townspeople, his intentions are unclear. He offers some narration in the play.
Ichabod Crane – (Early 20s) The superstitious, rigid, egotistical schoolmaster who has his eye
on Katrina (and her estate). He relies on his education, distinguished vocabulary, and status to
win over the ladies in the town. A tall, lanky body type is preferred.
Brom Bones – (Late teens - early 20s) The boisterous young troublemaker intent on keeping
Katrina for himself and away from Ichabod, he has a few ideas on how to deal with the meddling
schoolmaster. A burly, brawny body type is preferred.
Baltus van Tassel – (40+) The wealthy and jovial father of Katrina, he has a large estate and is
highly regarded by the townspeople.
Hendryk Brouwer – (50+) Townsman convinced he has encountered the Headless Horseman.
Hans van Ripper – (50+) Townsman who partakes in the trading of war stories at the tavern.
Isaac van Dinklagen – (30-40) A townsman who proudly claims to have captured Major Andre
during the Revolution.
Peter van Dinklagen – (Late teens-early 20s) Friend of Brom and Yost, he has his eye set on
Jonas Broncks – (40+) Respected townsman who considers himself knowledgeable about the
facts of the town history.
Adrien van der Donck – (8-10) Student who encounters the ghosts
Jacob van den Berg – (20-40) Townsman who revels in the telling of battle stories.
Frederick van den Berg – (8-18) Student and prankster, he encounters the ghosts.
Klaus van den Berg – (8-12) Student and prankster who encounters the ghosts.
Dirck Loockermans – (30-40) Townsman who swaps stories with the men in the tavern.
Willem Loockermans – (8-18) Student blamed for causing classroom disruption.
Yost van Houten – (Late teens-20s) Brom’s friend and partner in mischief.
Cornplanter – (18+) Ghost who is searching for his tribe members who died after the war.
Major Andre – (18+) Ghost of a British spy who was captured and hanged in town.
Katrina van Tassel – (Late teens - 20s) Smarter than she lets on, she attempts to make Brom
jealous enough to vie for her hand in marriage against the misled Ichabod.
Marta van Tassel – (40+) Katrina’s mother, she is a hospitable woman, fond of lavish cooking.
Lotte van Dinklagen – (25-40) A kindly woman who enjoys gossip.
Anneliese Broncks – (40+) A distant relation of the Woman in White, she believes in the ghosts
and takes their presence seriously.
Johanna Broncks – (Late teens-20s) Friends with Hilda and Katrina, she thinks the ghost stories
are amusing but untrue.
Widow van Eyck – (60+) A pious woman who takes herself and the town ghost stories
Hilda van Eyck – (Late teen- 20s) A gossipy girl who is romantically interested in Peter. She is
friends with Katrina.
Yvonne van der Donck – (30-40) A kind, well-spoken townswoman.
Rika van der Donck – (10-15) A confident, eager to please “teacher’s pet”, she is protective of
her siblings. She encounters the ghosts.
Gretl van der Donck – (8-12) Easily spooked, superstitious student who encounters the ghosts.
Wilhelmina van den Berg – (20-40) In charge of the sewing circle, she is interested in
Ichabod’s learned, worldly ways.
Griet Loockermans – (30-40) A dramatic woman who relishes telling ghost tales.
Elsje Loockermans – (8-12) Schoolgirl who is spooked by an inexplicable event in the
Woman in White – (18+) The ghost of a woman who is still searching for her returning fiancé.