October 2014, Nr. 5 - NIOO-KNAW

October 2014, Nr. 5
Personal fellowship (3 years) granted for Dr. Kazuki Fujiwara (visiting scientist, Jos)
STW-proposal ‘Bacterial synthetic communities in aquaculture’, submitted (Irene de Bruijn, Jos)
Vegetation – Soil Interactions: from Rhizosphere to Ecosystem, October 30, Lumen Building of
Wageningen University,
Metagenomics and Comparative Genomics; November 10-12, Brazil
First Global Soil Biodiversity meeting, Dijon, December 2-5,
AGU (American Geophysical Union) meeting, December 15-19, San Francisco.
IOBC-meeting The Living Soil, Wageningen, April 28-30, 2015,
workshop, Liège, 17-20 June 2015, http://www.events.gembloux.ulg.ac.be/pgpr2015/
Rhizosphere 4 meeting, Maastricht, 21-24 June 2015, http://www.rhizo4.org/
BAGECO meeting, Milan, Italy, 14-18 juni 2015 (http://www.bageco2015.org/)
L.W. Mendes, S.M. Tsai, M. de Hollander, J.A. van Veen, E.E. Kuramae: Tropical soilborne
microbiome: linking diversity to function. Microbial Ecology (accepted)
O. Tyc, M. van den Berg, S. Gerards, J.A. van Veen, J.M. Raaijmakers, W. De Boer, P. Garbeva:
Impact of interspecific interactions on antimicrobial activity among soil bacteria (accepted)
C. Song, M. van der Voort, J. Van de Mortel, K.A. Hassan, L.D.H. Elbourne, I.T. Paulsen, J.E.
Loper and J.M. Raaijmakers (2014) The Rsm regulon of plant growth-promoting Pseudomonas
fluorescens SS101: role of small RNAs in regulation of lipopeptide biosynthesis. Microbial
Biotechnology (in press)
X. Cheng, M. van der Voort, and J.M. Raaijmakers (2014) Gac-mediated changes in
pyrroloquinoline quinone biosynthesis enhance the antimicrobial activity of Pseudomonas
fluorescens SBW25. Environmental Microbiology Reports (in press)
The ART Miccra D9 homogenisatorA with tools for dispersing and homogenizing all kind of samples,
e.g. roots, fungi and soil, has arrived. It can be used in 1.5 ml vials and higher volumes up to 500
ml. The equipment will be placed on the Microbiology lab (1.0.46). For information and explanation
contact Victor Carrion.
October 2014, Nr. 5
MLII Lab reminders
 Always write in the logbook that you work on the MLII lab also if you don’t work with GMO’s.
 Always write name, date, permit number on your boxes/plates in freezers and fridges.
 Please always prepare an excel file from your clones that you store in fridges or -80°C freezers
and send it to me (Agaat). If you don’t store the clones autoclave them and don’t leave them in
the fridge.
 Every week the waste should be autoclaved. Everybody who works on the MLII should do this.
Mollab reminders
 If you work with picogreen, use flat bottom plates. Put your DNA dilutions in the plate on the
bench. And put the picogreen solution to the plate in the fume hood!
 Please use the special pipets that are on carousel number 50-12 for loading your gel. (with the
yellow tips)
 Use only filter tips for RNA work or putting your DNA in the PCR mix.
Acacio Navarrete received the Capes Thesis Award Edition 2014 prize! His PhD thesis was
selected among 215 theses by the Sub-Comission Agrarias I, the best PhD thesis! This award
will give distinction to the promotor S. M. Tsai, co-promotors Hans van Veen and Eiko Kuramae
and to University of Sao Paulo (CENA/USP) Postgraduate Program. The official ceremony will
be in December 10, in Brasilia, Brazil.
You are most welcome to try Belgium and Dutch Bok beer at the Autumn Borrel at the Bar, 2nd
floor on November 6, starting 4.15 P.M. onward.
The NIOO has an ALARM telephone especially for emergencies in the building. Please dial
Marlies van den Berg left NIOO per October 1, 2014 and is now working with Dyadic in
Max Rudnick will defend his thesis on the 13th of February (2015). Indeed a Friday!