Treasurer Report - University of Wisconsin

EMS Treasurer Report
Checking balance is $21,106.30
2014/2015 Budget (see separate workbook)
o $820 favorable
o Once again, the Alumni Association will be allocating $1500 to each chapter this upcoming (2014/15)
year. For the next year they are requesting proposals on how much money each chapter would like to
request [Proposals due March 27th, 2015]
o Supporting Member already at $4,400.00!
o One payment for GEODE post card mailing was made after July 1st, this expense is accounted to the
14/15 budget.
o Foundation allocations have been confirmed and scholarships decided
 Working through Haley’s payment missed communications.
As a reminder, moving forward the yearly accounting, especially as they pertain to taxes, will follow our financial
ledger, not the bank statements as this is the correct and confirmed practice.
Re-design and construction of the new EMS Ledger and Budget files is progressing, but has slowed temporarily
due to personal commitments. Rest assured legacy documents are being supported and maintained during the
UW-Platteville Alumni Association
Constituent Chapter Financial Report
July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2014
University of Wisconsin-Platteville
Engineering, Math & Science
Treasurer's Name:
Donald Eichman
Treasurer's Address:
11421 Yates Cir Champlin, MN55316-2935
Treasurer's Phone Number:
Treasurer's Email:
Name of bank where account is maintained :
Account number:
Alumni Chapter
Mound City Bank, Platteville WI
0885 347 00
Opening balance as of 7/1/2013
Receipts/Income (please list by category)
Dues & Interest (from greater Alumni Assoc)
last year’s report)
$ 1,500.00 ($1564.00 was deposited 6/21/13 and accounted for on
Other income (please specify)
Supporting Member
$ 5200.00
Checking Interest
$ 22.37
Homecoming Intake
$ 661.82
Total Receipts/Income
$ 7,384.19
Expenditures/Expenses (please list by category)
Gift to EMS Students (1 year member)
(Tau Beta Pi)
$ 250.00
$ 2,871.50
$ (no expense in this fiscal year)
Vector Hog Roast
$ 700.00
Other expenses (please specify)
$ 96.19
Awards (Supporting Member)
$ (no expense in this fiscal year)
Misc. – UWP Alumni Assoc.
$ 1,055.84 (includes $200 Monte Carlo donation)
Total Expenditures/Expenses
Ending balance as of June 30, 2014
$ 4,973.53
$ 14,164.23
Use of this form is optional - you may use your own format. However, it is necessary to have the report cover the period from July 1 through June 30. Constituent chapter financial reports are due in the
Alumni Office by August 15. This will enable us to file a timely tax return.
Thank you for your cooperation and prompt response.