Swallowfield Stanley Challenge

Weathercock Close, Woburn Sands, Milton Keynes, MK17 8SL
20th May 2015
To Parents/Carers,
We would love your family to help us to help Swallowfield Stanley travel a few more miles
during half term. We would love to see which house can help Swallowfield Stanley to travel
the most miles during the half term week.
Even if you are only travelling locally, please note the postcode, name of the place or town
you are visiting and log the amount of miles Swallowfield Stanley will have travelled with
you. To prove he has travelled that far, please take a photograph of Swallowfield Stanley
along with your child at the place you have visited, that can be the evidence to prove his
travels. The miles can easily be clocked by placing your home postcode along with the name
or postcode of your destination into Google Maps. Please do not forget to double the amount
of miles so that it includes the miles of your home journey!
Swallowfield Stanley can be found on the school website, under the ‘Pupils’ Corner’ section.
It is hoped that this activity will support your children’s understanding of place at a local,
national or perhaps even at a global scale! Photos can either be printed and returned to school
or emailed to the school email address which is swallowfield@cbc.beds.sch.uk. The
competition entries will be closed on Friday 5th June 2015 and 20 house points will be
awarded to the winning house.
Yours sincerely,
Miss Papworth
Humanities Co-ordinator
Name: ______________________ Class: ______
Head Teacher: Mrs K Brewer NPQH
Tel/Fax: 01908 582101
Email: swallowfield@cbc.beds.sch.uk
Available in other formats. Please ask at the Office
House: _____________________
Home Postcode
Destination (name/town/postcode)
Total miles travelled=
Total Miles
(including home