Systems Analysis & Design – IS 380 School of Business & Economics Program: BBIS (H) Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisites: None Course Description This course introduces students to the fundamental methods of system development. The topics covered in this course are lifecycle system design methodologies, models for systems development. Students will get knowledge about system development process models and standards; elementary techniques for specification; design process and techniques, object-oriented design, quality metrics; configuration management and validation techniques; with emphasis on documentation techniques and implementation techniques. Learning Objectives Sr # 1 Course Learning Objectives Use of problem solving techniques for developing systems Concepts in requirement engineering and developing System Specifications Ability to perform system modelling for each type of methodology. Quality Management Principles 2 3 4 5 To become skilled at various software development models and phases of software development methodologies. Do Software design with orientation towards each types i.e. architectural design, Object-Oriented design, Function- Oriented Design, User Interface Design Working with Unified Modelling Language; Quality Assurance; Processes & Configuration Management 6 Develop skill with RAD tool for developing application in incremental stages and hands on Link with program learning objectives To inculcate business knowledge and analytical skills in graduates to think decisively in order to develop innovative solutions to problems in a business environment To provide a progressive and structured framework to graduates that enables them in developing and applying knowledge set of critical, social responsibility and ethical evaluation To craft graduates’ expertise in order to increase their resourcefulness To develop practical knowledge and contemporary professional capabilities To develop practical knowledge and contemporary professional capabilities To develop practical knowledge and contemporary professional capabilities programming practices. 1 Reference Course Book Recommended: 1. Systems Analysis & Design Methods by Whitten, Bentley, Dittman Sixth Edition McGrawHill (Used as Course Textbook) 2. Systems Analysis A Beginners Guide by Kevin Bowman , Palgrave Other Recommended Text 1. Class Notes / Articles 2. IS Development Methodologies, Techniques and Tools by David Avison, McGraw Hill Classroom Behavior: During class all cell phones and pagers must be turned off or set to “vibrate.” If you are on-call for emergencies, please let me know at the beginning of the class. To encourage adherence to class rules and to foster class participation, “instructor evaluation” points (up to a maximum reduction of 100 points) are given and are a factor in the grade for the course. Participant Responsibilities: The Participant is responsible for all information presented in class (unless told otherwise) and all information in the reading assignments, whether or not covered by the instructor. In case of absence it is the participant’s responsibility to get class notes, handouts, and/or directions from a classmate. Honesty Policy: A Participant found in cheating on any exam/ assignment/ project will receive no credit (i.e. no grade) for that exam/ assignment/ project. Tests & Grading Assignments: 10% Quizzes 10% Final Project: 15% Class Participation 05% Mid Term Exams: 25% End Term Exams: 35% 2 Course Contents Sr 1 2 3 4 Topics to be covered in the course Framework for Systems Analysis and Design, Players & Drivers of Systems development, System Development Process Process of Systems Development, CMM, Classic & Modern Routes and Strategies of Systems Development Project Management perspective, Why IS projects Fail, Project Management Lifecycle, Systems Analysis Approaches, Requirements Discovery & BPR Methods. Scope Definition, Problem Analysis, Requirement Analysis Phases, Ongoing Requirement Management, Decision Analysis Learning objective of this topic Develop understanding about Stages in developing the Information Systems Acquire concepts in CMM levels & need of developing system development strategy Understanding about Systems Lifecycle & Business Process Reengineering (BPR) Ability to perform Initial Analysis of the system Develop expertise in requirement engineering techniques 5 Requirement Discovery Techniques: JRP, Modelling System Requirements with Use Cases 6 Data Modelling and Analysis & Process Modelling Ability to develop data & process models Feasibility Analysis and System Proposal Feasibility of system projects 7 Link with course learning objectives Concepts in requirement engineering and developing System Specifications Problem Solving techniques for developing systems Ability to perform system modelling for each type of methodology. Quality Management Principles Ability to perform system modelling for each type of methodology. Quality Management Principles To become skilled at various software development models and phases of software development methodologies. To become skilled at various software development models and phases of software development methodologies. Do Software design with orientation towards each types i.e. architectural design, ObjectOriented design, FunctionOriented Design, User Interface To become skilled at various software development models and phases of software development methodologies. Teaching method Assessment criteria Lecture Slides, Class Discussion, Case Study Lecture Slides, Case Study Assignment Class Discussion, Lecture Slides Assignment 1 Quiz 1 Assignment 2 Lecture Slides Quiz 2 Class Exercise Lecture Slides Demonstration in Computer Lab Quiz 3 & Assignment 3 Lecture Slides, Class Exercise to build Data Model Assignment 4 Lab work Lecture Slide, Scenario Discussion Project Topics Quiz 4 3 8 9 10 11 12 13 Object Oriented Analysis and Modelling Using UML Ability to perform the OOA & Modelling Do Software design with orientation towards each types i.e. architectural design, ObjectOriented design Systems Design: Model Driven, Rapid Application and FAST Systems Design, Ability to perform the OOA Design with modern development approaches Develop skill with RAD tool for developing application in incremental stages and hands on programming practices. Application Architecture and Modelling, Database Design Ability to evaluate system for application architecture design Output Design & Prototyping, Input Design & Prototyping User Interface Design Develop User friendly interface Develop skill with RAD tool for developing application in incremental stages and hands on programming practices. Develop skill with RAD tool for developing application in incremental stages and hands on programming practices. MID TERM EXAM Lecture Slides Demonstration in Computer Lab Lab work Project Iteration Planning Group work Lecture Slide, Scenario Discussion CASE Tools Assignment 5 Demonstration in Computer Lab Using RAD Tools Lecture Slides Project Iteration I Group work Lecture Slide, Scenario Discussion Project Iteration II Group work Demonstration in Computer Lab Using RAD Tools Quiz 5 OO Design and Modelling Using UML, Systems Construction and Implementation Develop systems in Object Oriented method Systems Operations and Support Develop testing & maintenance tools for systems Develop skill with RAD tool for developing application in incremental stages and hands on programming practices. Lecture Slide, Scenario Discussion Project Presentations, Presentations Presentations Final Project 14 15 Ability to perform prototyping Develop skill with RAD tool for developing application in incremental stages and hands on programming practices. Do Software design with orientation towards each types i.e. architectural design, ObjectOriented design Lecture Slides Presentations 4