Design and Analysis of Mechanical Systems The University of Toledo MIME 3300 Instructor: Prof. Efstratios Nikolaidis Email: Office Hours: MTh 9:30 – 11:30 AM Office Location: 4006D NI Office Phone: 419-530-8216 Term: Spring 2016 Class Location: Nitschke Auditorium 1000 Class Day/Time: MW 2:00-3:15 PM Lab Location: N/A Lab Day/Time: N/A Credit Hours: 3 COURSE/CATALOG DESCRIPTION Design and kinematic analysis of mechanisms, gear trains, planetary gear trains, cam-andfollower devices with applications to mechanical systems STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES At the conclusion of this course, you should be able to (number in bracket indicates ABET outcome): a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) Understand the basic concepts of mechanical systems including mechanisms. [a] Determine the degrees of freedom of a linkage using Kutzbach equation and check if a mechanism satisfies Grashof’s condition. [a] Perform position analysis of simple mechanisms, including a four-bar linkage and a slidercrank mechanism using graphical methods or algebraic methods. Understand the pros and cons of each method. [a] Perform velocity analysis of simple mechanisms, including a four-bar linkage and a slidercrank mechanism using graphical methods or algebraic methods. Understand the pros and cons of each method. [a] Perform acceleration analysis of simple mechanisms, including a four-bar linkage and a slider-crank mechanism using graphical methods or algebraic methods. Understand the pros and cons of each method. [a] Understand the difference between open and crossed mechanisms. [a] Design linkages given the desired input motion using both graphical and algebraic methods [a, c] Understand the concept of instant center of velocity and perform velocity analysis using instant centers. Know the pros and cons of this approach. [a] Understand the concept of Coriolis acceleration and be able to perform acceleration analysis using Coriolis acceleration. [a] 1 Syllabus Development Resources: Template/December 9, 2014 Office of the Provost/University Teaching Center/ Office of Assessment, Accreditation and Program Review j) k) l) m) n) o) p) q) r) s) Know how to compute the acceleration of a wheel rolling on flat or curved paths. [a] Understand what cam-follower sets do and when they should be used. [a] Be able to design the profile of a cam to achieve a desired follower motion and write a computer program to perform this task. [a] Understand the basic concepts, terminology and function of gears. Understand the fundamental law of gearing and why a gear with involute tooth profile form satisfies this law. [a] Be able to find the points of initial and final contact of mating teeth in a gear set. Compute the paths of approach and recess. [a] Learn about gear standards. [a] Be able to design the profile of a gear tooth. [c] Understand when to use planetary gears and be able to perform velocity analysis of these gears. [a] Solve problems using complex numbers and trigonometry [a] Complete a design project [c] TEACHING STRATEGIES Class Lectures: Each class will start with a 5-10 minute review of the previous class. Then we cover new material and close with an overview. I typically ask a lot of questions during class to make sure you understand the material and wait until somebody answers. I encourage you to try to answer the questions. Web page: This web page contains assignments, old exams, summaries of the chapters and administrative information. PREREQUISITES AND COREQUISITES MIME-2300, Engineering Dynamics, Prerequisites by topic: Kinematics of particles and rigid bodies, Newton's laws, energy methods. Vectors, differential and integral calculus and complex numbers. REQUIRED TEXTS AND ANCILLARY MATERIALS Required Text: J. J. Uicker, J. E. Shigley, and G. P. Pennok, Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, 3rd Edition, Oxford University Press, 2003 TECHNOLOGY REQUIREMENTS Access to Internet Access and knowledge of MS Excel Knowledge of MathCad or Matlab. 2 Syllabus Development Resources: Template/December 9, 2014 Office of the Provost/University Teaching Center/ Office of Assessment, Accreditation and Program Review UNIVERSITY POLICIES The University is an equal opportunity educational institution. Please read The University’s Policy Statement on Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disability Americans with Disability Act Compliance.) Academic Accommodations The University of Toledo is committed to providing equal access to education for all students. If you have a documented disability or you believe you have a disability and would like information regarding academic accommodations/adjustments in this course please contact the Student Disability Services Office.) ACADEMIC POLICIES There will 2 midterm and a final exams. There will about eleven homework assignments. You must submit homework assignments in class on the due date. No late homework will be accepted. Your grade will be based on the following: Homework (20%), Midterm exams (25% each), Final (30%) Missed homework or exams: If you are unable to submit a homework or take the final exam because of a genuine emergency (such as illness, jury duty and funeral) then you should contact me by E-mail or in person and provide written documentation as soon as possible. Submit your assignment as soon as possible. In case you have to miss the final exam I will decide if I will give you a make-up exam or adjust the weight of the final exam or other homework assignments. If you fail to provide proper written documentation of the emergency you will get a zero for the assignments, or exams you missed. Note that going on vacation is not considered an emergency. COURSE EXPECTATIONS Students are expected to attend classes, watch lectures and submit assignments on time. No late assignments are accepted. GRADING Your grade will be based on the following: Homework (20%), Midterm exams (25% each), Final (30%) Missed homework or exams: If you are unable to submit a homework or take the final exam because of a genuine emergency (such as illness, jury duty and funeral) then you should contact me by E-mail or in person and provide written documentation as soon as possible. Submit your assignment as soon as possible. In case you have to miss the final exam I will decide if I will give you a make-up exam or adjust the weight of the final exam or other homework assignments. If you fail to provide proper written documentation of the emergency you will get a zero for the assignments, or exams you missed. Note that going on vacation is not considered an emergency. The grade will be determined based on the following scale: Overall score Letter grade 90-100 A or A80-89.99 B or B+ or B70-79.99 C or C+ or C3 Syllabus Development Resources: Template/December 9, 2014 Office of the Provost/University Teaching Center/ Office of Assessment, Accreditation and Program Review 60-69.99 D or D+ or D- COMMUNICATION GUIDELINES Email the instructor your questions or meet during office hours COURSE TOPICS AND SCHEDULE Material: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Introduction: goals, terminology Kinematics fundamentals Position analysis Velocity analysis Acceleration analysis Design of linkages Cams Gears The professor will post the solutions of a homework or design project on the course web page after the submission deadline. Assignments submitted after the solutions have been posted will receive a zero grade. In order to pass the class, students must submit all assignments and quizzes before the deadline posted. Computer usage: Some homework problems can be solved efficiently using computer. You can use any software program you like including Excel, MathCad or Matlab. Academic dishonesty: Students may discuss and exchange ideas about homework assignments and projects but they are expected to submit their own work. No collaboration is permitted in exams. Trying to get credit for someone else’s work or deprive another student from getting credit for his/her own work will be considered academic dishonesty. If a student observes such an incident, the student must report it to the professor. The incident will be investigated. Penalties include, but are not limited to, getting an F for an assignment or an exam, getting an F for the class or dismissal from the College of Engineering or the university. Cellular phone policy in class: Use of cellular phones during class distracts students. Therefore, cell phones must be switched-off during class. Class attendance: You are expected to attend all class sessions. If you have a genuine emergency that prevents you from attending a class, you should contact me by Email preferably before the class. You will still be responsible for getting the information you missed. 4 Syllabus Development Resources: Template/December 9, 2014 Office of the Provost/University Teaching Center/ Office of Assessment, Accreditation and Program Review Class sessions: Each class will start with a 5-10 minute review of the previous class. Then we cover new material and close with an overview of what we covered. I typically ask a lot of questions during class to make sure you understand the material and wait until somebody answers. I encourage you to try to answer the questions. Please do not hesitate to ask questions. Email and Web page: Homework assignments, design problems, solutions, review sessions, and exam prospectuses will be posted on the course web page or/and will be emailed electronically. Last update: 1/9/2016 5 Syllabus Development Resources: Template/December 9, 2014 Office of the Provost/University Teaching Center/ Office of Assessment, Accreditation and Program Review