Curriculum Committee Course Change Form Course Prefix / Number: Current: FCS 2701 Proposed: FCS 2713 Date Submitted: 12/10/2013 Course Change: Modification Credit(s): 1.0 Workload Factors: 1.0 GE Status Requested: ☐ Yes No Prerequisite(s): Enter Course/Lab Fee: $ Enter Index Code: Enter Course Title: EI Specialist: Development of Special Needs Children and Families in Early Intervention Effective Semester: Fall 2014 Specify Change course number. Change course rotation. Modification: Grade Type: Reg ☐x Instructor Permission Repeatable for Credit: Required: ☐Yes ☐xNo ☐Yes x☐No GE Area: Choose GE GE Area: Choose GE Grade: Select Fee Justification: Enter Maximum Repeat Credits: Enter Corequisite(s): Enter Instruction Index Code: FED 115 Course Rotation: Explores the importance of family partnerships in programming for the Catalog Description: special needs child. Topics include understanding the how special needs children can affect family and involving father, siblings, and grandparents; families as partners; cultural awareness; increasing sensitivity in working with culturally diverse families; understanding grief and loss and providing support; service coordination definition and qualifications; models; scenario; conflict management; and grief and teaming. Formulation of family outcomes using evidence-based strategies and interventions. SP Hours/Week: 1.0 Instruction Type: LEC - Lecture Hours/Week: Enter Instruction Type: Select Hours/Week: Enter Enter Current: FA Proposed: SP Instruction Type: Select Justification for course/change: The Early Intervention courses need to be taught in a specific sequence. The course numbers, titles, and rotations were not built correctly and therefore are out of sequence. This correction will make it more understandable for the students to follow. Library Resources Adequate: ☐Yes ☐No Tech Resources Adequate: ☐Yes ☐No Enter Institution Enter Enter Enter Enter Comparable Courses Prefix/Number Credit(s) Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Course Title Enter Enter Enter Curriculum Committee Course Change Form Submitted by Department Chair: Dean’s approval date: Curriculum approval: Technical Review Notes: Enter Linda M. Wright Enter Enter Technical 11/19/2013 Review: Dean/Associate Dean: GE approval: Enter Enter