Timetabling Policy Summary and Overview 1. 2. 3. 4. Introduction Purpose and scope Guiding principles Definitions Policy 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. The teaching year The teaching week Teaching events Teaching space Teaching staff Students Prioritisation of teaching events Notification of constraints Non-teaching events Student electives Timetable publication Room booking Addendum - Roles and Responsibilities 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. Timetabling Team Heads of Department Vice Deans Academic Departmental Timetabling Coordinators Faculty Timetabling Coordinators Academic staff Students Nomenclature For convenience, ‘Department’, ‘Head of Department’, etc is used throughout the document but this should include ‘School’,’ Head of School’ etc, where appropriate. May 2012 Timetabling Policy Page 1 Summary and Overview 1 Introduction 1.1 The Timetabling Team, (hereafter referred to as TT) is responsible for the production of the annual teaching timetable. In producing the teaching timetable, the TT undertakes to recognise and act on the needs and requirements of a range of stakeholders, principally students but also teaching staff and departments. The TT aims to produce an equitable and workable timetable that is designed to meet defined constraints, including optional pathways within courses, staff and student availability and the availability of suitably equipped teaching rooms and facilities. 1.2 The terms of this Timetabling Policy will be applied fully, consistently and fairly across the University. 2 Purpose and Scope 2.1 This document sets out the University’s policy in respect of : 3 the preparation and production of the University’s teaching timetable the provision of facilities to support teaching the booking of central pool teaching space for non-teaching events. Guiding Principles 3.1 The timetable will be designed based on: The primacy of the student learning experience The pedagogic imperatives as identified by the teaching staff The need to rationalise and make efficient use of space and resources The need for equality of access to teaching facilities The need to provide timely and accurate timetabling and room booking information to students and staff. 3.2 The timetable will be ‘demand-led’, constructed on the basis of accurate and up-to-date data, in the knowledge of students’ class choices where possible (for continuing students) and based on predictions of class choices (for new students). Each year the timetable will be constructed from scratch from updated data regarding teaching events as described in section 7.3 below. While some similarity from year to year is desirable, neither time slots, nor the rooms allocated for teaching activities are automatically rolled forward from one year to the next. A range of factors will be taken into account when developing the timetable: 4 Accurate data on all teaching activities Accurate data on all teaching rooms Central pool (CP) and departmental teaching facilities Student choice – pathways Student availability – standard teaching week Staff availability – standard teaching week Clustering / distribution of activities across the teaching week Geographic ‘zoning’ of activities where possible Prioritisation of teaching and other ‘bookable’ activities. Definitions 4.1 TT – Timetabling Team within Estates Services. Timetabling Policy Page 2 4.2 CPT - Central Pool Teaching and Learning space which is centrally managed and timetabled and used for teaching and non- teaching events. 4.3 Course (Programme) – a group of teaching activities delivered regularly during normal semester periods only and comprising compulsory classes, or compulsory and optional classes. 4.4 Departmental Timetabling Coordinator (DTC) – a nominated person within each academic department responsible for the management of the timetabling process at departmental level as described in section 19 of this policy. 4.5 Faculty Timetabling Coordinator (FTC) – a nominated person responsible for management of timetable at Faculty level as described in section 20 of this policy, including the liaison between academic staff, the Departmental Timetabling Coordinators and the TT who will manage timelines within the departments, seek possible resolutions to difficulties and negotiate solutions on a Faculty wide basis. 4.6 Syllabus Plus (S+) / Enterprise – the name of the timetabling software. Policy 5 The Teaching Year 5.1 The University operates a 52 week year, with weeks numbered consecutively from 1 to 52. 1 August (or the nearest Monday) is defined as the start of week 1 and teaching will be scheduled during the following weeks: Semester 1 – weeks 9-20 inclusive Semester 2 – weeks 26-35 and 38-39 inclusive 5.2 The week structure is published online in advance of the academic year by the TT at http://www.strath.ac.uk/media/ps/estatesmanagement/roombooking/UniversityTimetablin gWeekPattern20112012.pdf 5.3 For clarity, and lack of confusion, all published timetables and all timetable communications will use the week numbering as defined above. 6 The Teaching Week 6.1 The standard teaching week extends from Monday to Friday. Standard teaching hours are from 09:00 to 17:00 except for Wednesday (see below) and students are expected to attend scheduled activities within this period. Teaching activity outside the standard hours is permitted provided: Students and staff have been consulted Head of Department has approved Faculty Timetabling Coordinator has approved. 6.2 On Wednesdays teaching events for undergraduates will normally be scheduled to take place from 09:00 to 13:00 in order to facilitate participation in sporting activity. Teaching events may however be scheduled to take place after 13:00 where no alternative timetable slot is available elsewhere during the week. 6.3 Teaching starts at 5 minutes past the hour and ends at 5 minutes to the hour, to allow students and staff to move on to their next teaching event. 7 Teaching Events 7.1 Teaching events are associated with an approved class. Classes are designed and delivered by departments (in this context Department is a generic term intended to include centres with students and other academic units which deliver teaching). Each department will determine the format of the class it delivers, including: The start date of the class Timetabling Policy Page 3 The number of weeks for which it will run The number of teaching events per week The format and duration of each teaching event The teaching staff who will deliver the event. 7.2 The Student Records System will provide the definitive record of classes that are being delivered during the teaching year. Departments must provide SEES with information about classes for these purposes. 7.3 Syllabus Plus shall hold the definitive record of the number and format of teaching events associated with a class, the weeks during which the teaching events will occur, and the teaching staff who will deliver events. DTCs shall provide the TT with information about teaching events for these purposes. 8 Teaching Space 8.1 All bookings in teaching space, regardless of whether they are in centrally-managed or departmentally-managed rooms, must be made via S+ in order to provide comprehensive information about space utilisation and to support the publication of full and accurate timetabling information to staff and students. 8.2 An ongoing process of increasing the number of Central Pool teaching resources and reducing the Departmental generic teaching capacity will be pursued in order to facilitate a more efficient use of the current estate. Where Departmental facilities are retained, Departments are required to justify this, either on the grounds of specialist facilities (for example teaching laboratories) and/or on the grounds of a high level of effective utilisation. 8.3 Where ‘ownership’ of the space is retained by departments, departments will be able to utilise those rooms as required for teaching activities. However if departments do not require to fully utilise that space there will be an expectation that the space will be made available during its free slots if required for central timetabling. 8.4 All ad hoc use of departmentally managed space should be booked via the Web Room Booking system. Vacant slots in departmentally-managed rooms should be bookable for non-teaching events by other departments. These should be booked via the Web Room Booking system. 8.5 The number of participants in any teaching event must not exceed the capacity of the room allocated. 9 Teaching Staff 9.1 The Head of Department, or nominee, shall determine the allocation of teaching staff to teaching events. Departments must strive to provide this information within the data collection deadlines. Doing so will minimise the impact that any potential staffing clashes will have on changes to the published timetable. Where Departments do not or cannot provide staff names within the data collection deadlines, the HoD or nominee will be responsible for allocating the teaching staff to the scheduled teaching event and for communicating this information to students. Amendments to the final timetables to accommodate problems arising from the non-allocation of staff can only be made in exceptional circumstances. 9.2 Staffing constraints will be handled in accordance with the following policy: 9.3 Staff on teaching-only contracts can be scheduled to teach at any time during the teaching week, subject to contractual arrangements (see 9.3.3 below); 9.3.1 Staff on teaching and research contracts may be scheduled to teach at any time during the teaching week, subject to contractual arrangements (see 9.3.3 below). Timetabling Policy Page 4 9.3.2 Part-time and external staff shall be scheduled to teach at times specified by the Department, in accordance with the contractual arrangements relevant to each individual. 9.3.3 Constraints on staff availability for teaching must be authorised by the Head of Department. The Head of Department is required to take into account the potential impact of these constraints on the viability of the teaching timetable. 9.3.4 The limits on consecutive taught hours for teaching staff are set as follows: Lectures Classes/Laboratories :No more than three consecutive hours :No more than four consecutive hours 10 Students 10.1 Full-time students are expected to be available at any time during the teaching week. Students taking a standard course in part-time mode are expected to select classes in accordance with their own availability. Teaching for students studying part-time in modular mode, e.g. on a ‘day-release’ basis, will be scheduled in accordance with constraints specified by the relevant department. 10.2 The TT undertakes to schedule combinations of compulsory classes on courses so that they do not clash. The timetabling of optional combinations of classes is informed by the selections students have made via the class selection process. However, where optional class choices are not received in time to inform the production of the teaching timetable, which is particularly true for first year undergraduates students, the TT undertakes to minimise the clashing of optional combinations of classes wherever possible, but cannot guarantee to do so (see section 7.2). Where a student enrols for two classes with a timetable clash between lectures, they are required to change one of the conflicting classes. 10.3 In accordance with the University’s policy on equality and diversity, the University will make every effort to accommodate students with individual requirements relating to disabilities. Students requiring individual arrangements must inform Disability Service as soon as possible in order that they can be taken into account when scheduling teaching. Disability Service will liaise with the TT regarding reasonable adjustments and will advise students on other alternative arrangements where adjustments could not be considered reasonable. 11 Prioritisation of Teaching Events 11.1 The following are guidelines for the prioritisation of activities: Precedence will be given to teaching activities associated with Classes which are offered to students across multiple programmes, departments or Faculties. (These activities may also be scheduled earlier, because of the greater number of student availability constraints). Larger classes will have precedence over smaller classes. Learning events which are regular, full-semester bookings will have precedence over sporadic or single-week bookings. Activities which have a longer duration will take precedence over events of a shorter duration. In the case of specialist resources, precedence will be given to learning activities which explicitly require access to the specialist equipment and/or accommodation. Learning activities, including class tests and students placements, timetabled during the annual timetabling process will take precedence over all other bookings. Exams, exam boards and graduations will be scheduled after teaching events, but within the same booking window as the teaching timetable. Bookings for Timetabling Policy Page 5 Departmental Open Days and UCAS may be requested as part of the timetable construction process, however due to the demand on teaching space there is no guarantee that the rooms required will be available. Events such as departmental receptions, internal conferences and symposia and research seminars will be scheduled after the scheduling of teaching events, examinations, exam boards and graduations. 12 Prioritisation and Notification of Constraints 12.1 The timetabling process recognises two levels of constraint; ‘hard’ constraints, and ‘soft’ constraints. These constraints must be notified to the TT by DTCs. Hard constraints are inflexible restrictions, while soft constraints express preference and can be applied flexibly. Hard constraints will include the following: 1. Suitabilities (Equipment) - Where teaching activities have set equipment requirements 2. Sequencing - When tutorials must always follow Lectures for Classes taught on a Programme 3. Breaks - A lunch break time of one hour between the hours of 12 – 2.00 will be set. 4. No more than 4 hours of consecutive classes/teaching for students 12.2 Soft constraints will include the following: 1. Avoiding large unscheduled gaps between teaching events on the same day, e.g. a teaching event on a Monday at 9 to 10 with no further event scheduled until Monday 4 to 5. 2. Avoiding an undesirable distribution of lectures for students and staff e.g. all teaching on the same two days or conversely spread sparsely across all five days. 3. Locations - Where a central pool teaching room in a building or zone is requested. 4. Zoning of the campus to manage travel constraints 12.3 Constraints will be set at institutional level. 12.4 Constraints will be geared mainly towards the needs of students, not staff. 13 Non-teaching events 13.1 Centrally-managed teaching space may be used for a wide range of internal nonteaching events. With the exception of bookings for centrally-managed examinations and graduation ceremonies, bookings for teaching events (see section 7 above) will take precedence over bookings for non-teaching events. Conflicts of interest may arise where centrally-managed rooms are required simultaneously for internal bookings and commercial bookings. Such conflicts will be referred to the Chief Operating Officer, whose decision will be final. The Chief Operating Officer may delegate his/her authority in this respect. 14 Student Electives 14.1 Where degree programmes incorporate provision for student choice of classes, giving rise to multiple pathways, the timetable will provide for a reasonable amount of choice for the most popular pathways but it must be recognised that the larger the number of pathways included the more impossible it is to achieve a clash free timetable. All departments must therefore identify and prioritise the reasonable feasible pathways within their degree programmes. Departments should, when developing and reviewing academic pathways, give full consideration to the timetabling issues and should seek to minimise complexity wherever possible. Timetabling Policy Page 6 14.2 Uncertainty in student numbers for any teaching activity is a major problem for timetabling. Where students are continuing (either for a new session or for Semester 2) the deadlines for student choice should be robustly enforced by departments. 15 Timetable Publication 15.1 The final teaching timetable is the version that is approved for publication by the TT following consultation with Departmental Timetabling Coordinators. Only minor and essential changes, e.g. those arising from a late change to student numbers, will be accepted after its publication (all change requests must be submitted using the relevant pro forma – see Appendix 3) 15.2 A final draft timetable will be available to view online, or in hard copy, for a period of at least two weeks before formal publication. During this period DTCs are responsible for ensuring that the timetable is appropriately reviewed and checked to ensure that all teaching events have been entered correctly and resourced appropriately. This includes ensuring that staff and locations are assigned to teaching events. 15.3 Changes to the teaching timetable after publication in the first week in September should be kept to a minimum. Changes requested by departments will only be made at the request of the DTC. Valid reasons for changes include: unexpected staff changes; a location that is/becomes a health or safety hazard; a class is no longer deemed viable to run; reasonable adjustments to accommodate students/staff with individual needs; class size exceeds the capacity of the room allocated; additional occurrences have to be scheduled to take into account of a growth in student enrolments on the class. 15.4 Departmental Timetabling Coordinators are responsible for notifying all those staff and students affected by a change to the published timetable. 16 Room Bookings 16.1 The use of rooms for teaching events takes precedence over use for non-teaching events. However there are non-teaching events which are essential to the management and operation of the University. Therefore specific non-teaching events will be accommodated as follows: calendar of events activities in the University Diary for the Academic Year will be accommodated within the timetabling process; essential centrally-managed University events and functions, including examinations, graduation, student recruitment events and core Freshers’ events will be allocated appropriate space prior to the scheduling of the timetable. The TT will act on advice from the relevant stakeholder offices within the University; departmental-level activities and programmes in Freshers’ week (week 1) will be allocated appropriate space prior after the scheduling of the timetable and after the core events have been included; 16.2 Upon final publication of the teaching timetable, departments, administrative sections and support services may make room booking requests for any available centrallymanaged space. The process for making a room booking is outlined in Appendix 4. 16.3 Room booking requests for conferences or any event which involves external parties or the charging of any fee must be made via Conferencing and Events. Timetabling Policy Page 7 16.4 The TT will not accept bookings directly from individual students. Student Clubs and Societies which are recognised by USSA may use the room bookings service provided by TT in accordance with published policy and procedures. 16.5 In the event that a room booking is no longer required, the person who has booked the room must inform TT by e-mail as soon as is practicable. The TT will confirm the cancellation and release the space back into the available room pool. Timetabling Policy Page 8 Addendum - Roles and Responsibilities 17 Heads of Department 17.1 The Head of Department (or nominee) is responsible for: i. appointing a Departmental Timetabling Coordinator and delegating authority to him/her, as appropriate, to manage timetabling activity in the department; determining the allocation of teaching staff to teaching events; determining constraints on the availability of staff for teaching, in accordance with the Timetabling Policy and relevant guidance from the TT resolving any conflicts which may arise at departmental level in relation to timetabling. demonstrating the need for a generic departmental teaching room to remain as part of the department space allocation on an annual basis, as part of the department occupancy survey. ii. iii. iv. v. 18 Vice/Associate Deans Academic 18.1 The role of the Vice/Associate Deans Academic is to liaise between the Project Steering Group and the departments within their Faculty, ensure that departments within their Faculty are complying with the University Timetabling Policy and manage any conflict which arises either within their Faculty or cross Faculty. All timetabling amendment requests in each Faculty will be processed through the relevant VDA who will prioritise them, give guidance on implementation to the TT, and communicate directly with Timetabling Coordinators in their respective Faculty. Through time it is hoped that some, if not all of these responsibilities can be delegated to the FTCs. 19 Departmental Timetabling Coordinator (DTC) 19.1 There is a designated ‘Departmental Timetabling Coordinator’ (DTC) in each Department . In order to support this role Departments either must ensure they have more than one person within their Department able to fulfil this role, or that they ‘buddy up’ with another Department with the DTC covering if necessary for any periods of absence for the other Department’s DTC. 19.2 The DTCs have authority to liaise with academic staff within their Department or School, and to liaise with the Timetabling Team. This appointment must therefore be fully supported by the Head of Department/School. 19.3 Role Description – Departmental Timetabling Coordinator (DTC) Collects data on all UG and PG teaching activities from academic colleagues Checks that all UG and PG teaching activities are included Has knowledge of delivery of activities Has knowledge of student pathways Has knowledge of constraints at Departmental level Has knowledge of staff availability Has knowledge of Departmental teaching facilities Ensures that all timetabling deadlines are adhered to Works with other DTCs, the Faculty Timetabling Coordinator, and the Timetabling Team to develop the draft timetable Checks draft timetables at relevant points in the timetable construction process, liaises with colleagues and coordinates their responses as appropriate Liaises between academic colleagues and the Timetabling Team concerning timetabling issues in general and negotiates the resolution of issues Filters all Department amendment requests to ensure that only essential requests are sent to the Timetabling Team, and not requests in the ‘nice to have’ category Is the primary point of contact between the department and the Timetabling Team Timetabling Policy Page 9 Is able, empowered and supported to take decisions. 20 Faculty Timetabling Coordinator (FTC) 20.1 The Faculty Timetabling Coordinator will work with the DTCs and with the Timetabling Team to resolve issues at Departmental level. The FTC must be supported and empowered by the Dean to take Faculty-wide decisions. This role should be filled by a senior academic. 20.2 Role Description – Faculty Timetable Coordinator (FTC) Manages and supports the tasks of the DTCs, including by appropriate communications to the Dean, HoDs and individual academic staff Negotiates with HoDs to ensure that the DTCs are granted sufficient time, and have sufficient training, to undertake their duties effectively Where DTCs are unable to resolve amendment requests, ‘adjudicates’ on a Faculty basis Liaises with the DTCs and the Timetabling Team to resolve problems and, if necessary, to finds innovative solutions Advises DTCs on the creation and acceptability of constraints Represents the Faculty on the Timetabling Steering Group Is able, empowered and supported to take Faculty decisions. 21 Academic Staff 21.1 Academic Staff are responsible for: i. responding to requests for information from Departmental Timetabling Coordinators in relation to the production of the teaching timetable; alerting Departmental Timetabling Coordinators to the presence of disabled students on courses (however the Disability Service is responsible for provision of advice on the requirements of individual students.) setting class timetables in accordance with these guidelines notifying Departmental Timetabling Coordinators of any specific requirements relating to teaching events, e.g. AV or IT facilities; ensuring that teaching rooms are left in a clean and tidy condition, including cleaning of whiteboards, and that the room is returned to the standard layout where changes have been made during the teaching session; informing the Departmental Timetabling Coordinator of any difficulties arising from teaching activity, e.g. relating to the size of allocated rooms; reporting any problems with teaching rooms, e.g. relating to equipment, furniture or cleanliness, by e-mail to roombookings@strath.ac.uk. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. 22 Students 22.1 Students are responsible for: selecting optional classes, using the relevant class choice process, in a timely manner; viewing and checking the teaching timetable regularly; notifying Disability Service as early as possible of any individual requirements relating to disabilities, in order that they can be taken into account during the timetabling process. Timetabling Policy Page 10