LTC13-P29 APR update - Loughborough University

25 April 2013
Learning and Teaching Committee
Annual Programme Review – Update on Institutional Actions: 2011/12
Programme Quality and Teaching Partnerships, Academic Registry
1. Introduction
The Annual Programme Review (APR) process identifies actions for the institution to address, in
addition to School-specific actions. Learning and Teaching Committee is asked to note the following
update on actions taken in response to institutional issues following the 2011/12.
An update on actions taken in response to institutional issues following the 2012/13 APRs will be
presented to the June 2013 meeting.
2. 2011/12 APR Institutional Actions
Institutional actions
A-level tariffs
There was concern that the method used by the
University to report A-level entry grades to HESA
puts the University at a disadvantage in
comparison to some other institutions.
Electronic, Electrical and Systems Engineering
Marking conventions
It was reported that some Departments
appeared to be marking to an average of 55%.
The School was reviewing marking conventions
and requested the University provides assistance
by producing an overview of marking averages
across the institution. Science
Social Spaces
There was consensus that the Maths and Physics
building would benefit from development of a
shared student social space. Science
Joint degrees
There was concern that that the timetabling
system may constrain student optional module
choices for joint degree students. Science
It was reported that processes should be
This was referred to a subgroup of the
University’s Data Management Group, which has
reviewed reporting to HESA.
To note, marks should be assigned in relation to
clearly defined assessment criteria, not in
relation to an average or ‘norm’.
This will be addressed within a Student Office
project looking at classification boundaries, with
the intention to report back early in 2013/14.
This was referred to Caroline Pepper.
Referred to Mike Earle.
LTC will be asked to approve joint degree
developed to facilitate the routine sharing of
module information for modules taken by the
Schools’ students but delivered by other Schools.
This was important to allow the student home
Schools have a holistic view of the student
experience and due to the potential impact of
modules from outside the School on the home
School NSS scores. Electronic, Electrical and
Systems Engineering and Science
framework and Code of Practice in June 2013.
IP claims
There was concern at the volume of claims and
that they are often submitted for small
coursework elements. It was felt that these ‘low
tariff’ IP claims result in a high administrative
workload but have no or little noticeable effect
on degree outcomes. Loughborough Design
The Student Office are leading a project to look
at the IP process, with the intention to report
back early in 2013/14.
It was recommended that the University should
review whether the practice of adding marks in
response to IP claims was beneficial to students
(especially for finalists who may / may not wish
to defer graduation in order to resit an exam).
One suggestion was to allow student to state
their preferred permissible course of action on
their IP claim. Electronic, Electrical and Systems
Contentious reasonable adjustments
The School raised concerns about the rise and
acceptance of ‘stress’ as a just cause for the
replacement of exams with coursework.
Loughborough Design School
Manuel Alonso will be addressing this in a review
of the assessment policy for students with a
disability (discussed at the April LTC).
Group coursework policy
The School recommended that the University
revised its guidance on group coursework,
especially where peer review was used.
Loughborough Design School
This is to be addressed as part of the review of
assessment policy and guidance in the AQPH.
This review will begin once the QAA have
published their revised Quality Code on
Assessment (due for publication in October
Anonymous marking
In light of external examiner comments, the
University was encouraged to consider best
practice in regard to anonymity of students in
assessment. Aeronautical, Automotive, Chemical
and Materials Engineering
As above.
The School reported concerns about delays in
This was discussed with Student Office, and
the processing of student registration transfers
at the beginning of semester 1 in 2011/12,
particularly for BEng to MEng transfers. The
School sought assurances that the delays would
not happen in future years. Aeronautical,
Automotive, Chemical and Materials Engineering
assurances were received that this should not
occur again.
IT performance / developments
It was reported that a slow boot-up time for
machines was having a negative impact on the
time available for teaching. Aeronautical,
Automotive, Chemical and Materials Engineering
Referred to Director of IT Services
The School recommended University IT
developments to enable the provision of an
electronic personalised timetable for all students
(preferably downloadable to mobile devices),
that would include provision for Schools to
specify deadlines for coursework submission and
return. Civil and Building Engineering
Personalised timetables are now available for
students (and staff). A phone app is in
IT access issues had been raised at SSC, in
particular about out of hours access.
Aeronautical, Automotive, Chemical and
Materials Engineering
Referred to Director of IT Services
Timetabling / pool rooms
Central timetabling had presented some
rooming problems that were reflecting badly on
the School. The timetabling team had been
supportive, but the School was concerned about
the effect on the student experience. Sport,
Exercise and Health Science
Referred to Caroline Pepper and Mike Earle.
Timetabling issues due to a need to travel across
campus because of limited room size and
availability at that west end of the campus.
Aeronautical, Automotive, Chemical and
Materials Engineering
SSC concerns about the poor condition of some
pool teaching rooms. Business and Economics
Merit Awards for Masters programmes
The School feel there is considerable student and The Merit Award was introduced from 2012/13
academic support for the introduction of a Merit
award at Masters level. Business and Economics
Central support for placements
The School would welcome greater central
There will be a report from the Placement Group
advice and support in providing placements and to LTC in June, which will address this issue.
supporting students on placements. Sport,
Exercise and Health Sciences
Periodic Programme Review
LTC should be asked to postpone the timing of
the School PPR until after a major accreditation
visit in 2014. Electronic, Electrical and Systems
The PPR was postponed until 2014.