Block Outcomes - Hamilton Trust

Topic: Invaders And Settlers: Anglo-Saxons
Block F: Kings And Laws
Learn about important Anglo-Saxon Kings, especially King Ethelbert, King Offa and King Alfred. Gain a
deeper understanding of the timeline of events of the later kings. Learn about the system of law and
order and the class system. Bring historical learning to life with online games and research, role-play,
design activities and cooking.
Block F: Kings and Laws
[6 sessions]
By the end of this block
you will have achieved the
following outcomes:
Session 1: History and
Anglo-Saxon Society
Children will describe the
different social groups in
Anglo-Saxon society, use
role-play to empathise with
these groups, and compare
the Anglo-Saxon way of life
with today.
Session 2: History and
Sutton Hoo
Children will explain the
importance of the Sutton
Hoo excavations and learn
what the finds tell us about
the people of the time.
Session 3: History, English
and Art
Who Was Offa?
Children will learn about
King Offa of Mercia, his
dyke and his coinage. They
will retell the story of the
founding of Hereford
Main outcome: History
Other outcomes: English, Art and D&T
Understand how people’s lives have shaped Britain.
Understand historical concepts such as continuity and change, and cause and
 Gain historical perspective by understanding the connections between local and
national history, between cultural, military and social history, and between short- and
long-term timescales.
 Understand how Britain has been influenced by the wider world.
 Participate in role play and improvisations.
 In non-narrative material, use simple organisational devices.
 Retrieve and record information from non-fiction.
 Improve their mastery of art and design techniques, including drawing.
 Select from and use a range of equipment to perform practical tasks.
 Select from and use a wide range of materials, including ingredients.
 Prepare and cook a variety of dishes using a range of cooking techniques.
 Know where and how a variety of ingredients are grown.
Children will:
 Empathise with the different classes in Anglo-Saxon society.
 Compare Anglo-Saxon society with today’s way of life.
 Improvise in role as a particular member of Anglo-Saxon society.
 Write about the daily life of a member of a particular Anglo-Saxon class.
Children will:
 Appreciate the importance of the archaeological finds at Sutton Hoo.
 Discuss what the items buried in the grave tell us about the person.
 Create a captioned diagram and description of a Sutton Hoo burial artefact.
 Write a newspaper article about the Sutton Hoo site and visitor centre.
Children will:
 Find out about King Offa of Mercia, a powerful Anglo-Saxon King.
 Appreciate that the major earthwork that he built can still be seen today.
 Write a comic-strip story about King Ethelbert and Hereford Cathedral.
 Draw a comic strip about Hereford Cathedral with no anachronisms.
 Design a coin similar to those used during King Offa’s reign.
© Original resource copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users.
The links to the websites and the contents of the web pages associated with such links specified on this list (hereafter collectively referred to as the ‘Links’)
have been checked by Hamilton Trust (being the operating name of the registered charity, William Rowan Hamilton Trust) and to the best of Hamilton
Trust’s knowledge, are correct and accurate at the time of publication. Notwithstanding the foregoing or any other terms and conditions on the Hamilton
Trust website, you acknowledge that Hamilton Trust has no control over such Links and indeed, the owners of such Links may have removed such Links,
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Hamilton Trust excludes all responsibility and liability for any loss or damage arising from the use of any Links.
Topic: Invaders And Settlers: Anglo-Saxons
Session 4: History and
Crime And Punishment
Children will describe the
Anglo-Saxon justice system
and use role-play to
develop and show empathy
for the system of justice.
Session 5: History and D&T
King Alfred the Great
Children will learn why
Alfred was ‘Great’, describe
what the Danegeld was,
and make cakes or bread
(without burning them!)
Session 6: History and
Later Anglo-Saxon Kings
Children will describe the
last few Anglo-Saxon Kings
of England and learn about
the Domesday Book.
Block F: Kings And Laws
Children will:
 Understand the Anglo-Saxon system of recompense, called ‘wergild’.
 Describe the types of punishment that were given to criminals
 Know that trial by jury was introduced to Britain during Anglo-Saxon times.
 Use role play to understand the Anglo-Saxon system of law and order.
Children will:
 Understand that the Vikings and Anglo-Saxons repeatedly fought each other to rule over
various parts of Britain during the 9th and 10th centuries.
 Understand how Danegeld was raised and why it was paid.
 Find out about the life of King Alfred the Great.
 Make cakes or bread (without burning them!).
Children will:
 Find out about Ethelred the Unready, Canute and Edward the Confessor.
 Understand why the survey for the Domesday Book was ordered.
 Research information about and in the Domesday Book.
© Original resource copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users.
The links to the websites and the contents of the web pages associated with such links specified on this list (hereafter collectively referred to as the ‘Links’)
have been checked by Hamilton Trust (being the operating name of the registered charity, William Rowan Hamilton Trust) and to the best of Hamilton
Trust’s knowledge, are correct and accurate at the time of publication. Notwithstanding the foregoing or any other terms and conditions on the Hamilton
Trust website, you acknowledge that Hamilton Trust has no control over such Links and indeed, the owners of such Links may have removed such Links,
changed such Links and/or contents associated with such Links. Therefore, it is your sole responsibility to verify any of the Links which you wish you use.
Hamilton Trust excludes all responsibility and liability for any loss or damage arising from the use of any Links.
Topic: Invaders And Settlers: Anglo-Saxons
Block F: Kings And Laws
Session 1
Provided: Scenarios For Improvisation.
You will need: Anglo-Saxon costumes (optional); A digital camera.
Session 2
You will need:
Session 3
Provided: Map of Offa’s Dyke; Offa’s coins; Coin design template; Comic strip templates.
You will need:
Session 4
Provided: Wergeld; Crime cards; Oath helpers cards & yes/no Cards; Ordeal cards; Money cards; AngloSaxon moot game rules.
You will need: Thin card; A laminator.
Session 5
Provided: Dane-Geld Poem; Danegeld Runestones; Alfred the Great’s ‘Londinia’ Coin; King Alfred’s
You will need: Weighing scales; Saucepan; Large bowl; Wooden spoon; Baking tray; Wire cooling rack;
250g oats; 125g unsalted butter (plus extra for greasing); 50g chopped dried apples; 4 large tbsps runny
honey; 1 level tsp ground cinnamon.
Session 6
Provided: The Last Anglo-Saxon Kings sheet; Page from the Domesday Book; The survey for the
Domesday Book.
You will need: Weighing scales; Saucepan; Large bowl; Wooden spoon; Baking tray; Wire cooling rack;
250g oats; 125g unsalted butter (plus extra for greasing); 50g chopped dried apples; 4 large tbsps runny
honey; 1 level tsp ground cinnamon.
© Original resource copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users.
The links to the websites and the contents of the web pages associated with such links specified on this list (hereafter collectively referred to as the ‘Links’)
have been checked by Hamilton Trust (being the operating name of the registered charity, William Rowan Hamilton Trust) and to the best of Hamilton
Trust’s knowledge, are correct and accurate at the time of publication. Notwithstanding the foregoing or any other terms and conditions on the Hamilton
Trust website, you acknowledge that Hamilton Trust has no control over such Links and indeed, the owners of such Links may have removed such Links,
changed such Links and/or contents associated with such Links. Therefore, it is your sole responsibility to verify any of the Links which you wish you use.
Hamilton Trust excludes all responsibility and liability for any loss or damage arising from the use of any Links.